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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Oh, so you not actually "arguing the argument" You just arguing me because its me????????? Was that supposed to make you look less bitter?
  2. You had to go back to 2013 to find the last time a black guy committed a mass shooting? Thanks for proving me right. If its MORE THAN SIX white people causing mass shootings..........you lose. You're the one who established 6 at the qualifier. Thanks for playing. White people are more likely to cause mass shootings than anybody else, even BEYOND THEIR PERCENTAGE of the population. Wow. Thanks for admitting that.
  3. Yes you did. What are you talking about there, in those two posts. Seems like you have something to say..........it seems like you think I'm wrong. There has to be reasons and logic behind that........which means you SHOULD have a counterpoint in your ole noggin' somewhere. but hey.........it you're too scared to say what you think, I'm not going to pressure you.
  4. So how many white people mass shooting since the previous time a black person was responsible for a mass shooting. Is it more than six? because if it is, your entire claim just fell apart. it may actually be that white people are responsible for 90% or more of mass shootings between them and blacks. Which means white people are actually going OVER their proportion of the population. You just got caught being racist again...............that's not my fault, that's your shortcoming. You can't get better until you acknowledge some hard truths.
  5. Nope, you don't have any response to why you think the next 4K Xbox will sell better than the XBX. Listed no reasons whatsoever. Like I said.........let me know when you have an actual counterpoint. Until then, you can keep on sitting there sounding bitter.
  6. No, its not. We know who are the people who design Playstation's hardware...........they were informed on this in the slightest. It is easy to determine that it was a back-end deal that saves them money. If they were motivated about the future of their gaming division, how were they magically able to get Microsoft to buy into their "imaging AI tech" at the same time? Sony is a getting a discount on some server space, and in return they got to sell some products from their Imaging division that they probably needed to get rid of anyway, I don't se
  7. No, it isn't. Your speculation about black people isn't anybody's standard of truth. Let me know when you can acknowledge white people being responsible for most US mass shootings. I like keeping count how many times you avoid this because you're racist.
  8. Sounds like you don't have a response. Let me know when you do.
  9. Now your whittling down your argument. I already said that its probably a lateral move for PS Now. And that move is merely Sony getting a cheaper deal for server space. That's why the PS hardware team doesn't have to know about it, because its a change in facilities to provide something that they already have. It'd be like Sony changing from using TSMC to manufacture the PS5 CPU/GPU to using Global Foundries to manufacture the same exact CPU/GPU. If both fabs have the same ability to process the same type of chip, then upper level Sony execs would try to neg
  10. I'd say that the PS5 controller does split up, however, that is not the full VR controller, the PS5 controller would be plugged into a housing that has additional sensors, finger detection sensors, those rings around it to protect your hand, and some straps that hold the controller in your hand without you needing to grip it. And then when you're done with VR, you just take the PS5 controller halves out of that VR add-on and combine the PS5 controller back together. Wouldn't surprise me if the PS5 controller had ergonomic changes so that it could fit better in that VR s
  11. Except not for mass shootings. That's white-people's forte. If you want to be truthful, then you would also need to acknowledge that.
  12. You're literally making another SEMANTICS argument. Oh really..............they were "stunned"? I guess the use of that single adjective proves your entire theory Sony executives bothered to not even speak to their team that created the most successful PS console since the PS2, because they knew better about the future of video games. Yes....that makes perfect sense. LOL
  13. LOL this guy thinks Sony goes around trying to be different than the Xbox? Sony isn't being anything other than themselves, if anything they've re-captured their PS2-era mojo. Sony doesn't have to change their gameplan at all, because it is working about as well as it has ever been. Days Gone selling remarkably well is a sign that they are over-achieving.
  14. Why are you trying to make a semantics argument, when you know exactly what I am talking about. You don't see Mark Cerny speak, at-length, about the features of PS Now do you? Because that has no bearing on the Playstation hardware team's long term projects. PS Now is like Sony selling PS Vue, it has just as much bearing on the Playstation hardware team. Which is to say, next-to-nothing.
  15. I think its $479, or $500 that comes with a pack-in of TLOU2. And I think PS+ service will get tier in such a way in which you might need to pay annually for something else. Maybe PS Online is $40 a year but PS+ Free games are $40-$60 a year sold separately.
  16. No, its not bullshit. It probably only furthers PS Now, but PS Now is not going to be replacing Playstation hardware unless A.) Playstation hardware sales start dropping at an alarming rate, or B.) PS Now subscriptions take off at a shocking rate. I don't need to do anything more than look at your VR predictions to know that you aren't batting well in the prediction of gaming trends.
  17. No, its probably a lateral move that has absolutely nothing to do with their gaming division. By your logic..............the deal also called for Sony providing Microsoft with imaging technology and AI, I guess that means Microsoft is desperate for assistance in game development. This deal has no bearing on the future of Playstation. They probably are renting out Azure server space for as cheap or cheaper than what they were paying at AWS. I love making you try to make you labor to make your bullshit fit, because its so easy to break it apart. LOL
  18. Sure, the 100+ million console winner is definitely trying to stay alive.............by signing a deal that the Playstation team wasn't even aware about. Yeah, definitely shows how desperate they are about the future of their gaming division. That's definitely makes the setup to your comeback make sense. LOL You coulda fooled me with them making their push for gaming.........its not like they've shown any actual exclusives for those pieces of hardware you just talked about. Yeah, I expect it to sell quite badly. The people who want high graphi
  19. he's now trying to play stupid for a second time: I love it when he tries to act like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. LOL, this guy is also trying to pretend that he doesn't understand the point of my post. Microsoft was trying to sell 4K just 18 months ago...........and now they are DESPERATELY PLANNING on staying alive in the hardware market by selling a 1080p box, because nobody trusts in the Microsoft platform to plunk down another $500 on them ever again. Here comes more shoulder shrugging.
  20. I like how in order for his joke to work, you have to gloss over the fact that his setup line absolutely makes no sense. Poor guy is almost as desperate as Microsoft. He even had to lower the intelligibility of his joke by one-quarter, as well. LOL
  21. I remember when the Xbox One X was coming out, there were some lemmings in this forum who were trying to say that if you don't have a 4K tv already, then you're completely outdated. Microsoft is trying to stay alive with a 1080p "next-gen" console. This will also help one of my previous arguments because next-gen graphics is not really about resolution, even though these same lemmings tried peddling just that.
  22. Wut? Sony probably saw the above-decent sales numbers and realized they didn't need to put that on fire-sale just yet. That's fine, I know it will be a $15 item by Christmas. I'd like to see retail copies of Tetris Effect go back down to $20.
  23. "stop pretending to care, you're just virtue-signaling" [those same exact people then make a thread pretending to be outraged at some tranny winning girls 400m dash races]
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