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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Ok............I'm looking at streaming technology that is primarily a one-way delivery method that can actually pre-load upcoming information. Why do you keep comparing game streaming when Music/Movies/TV have advantages that gaming can never have because it has to succeed with low-lag two-way high-speed communication or else it COMPLETELY fails. Its like building the best console and it completely sucks because the controller cannot communicate effectively with the console. You're using Music/Movies/TV to help prop up gaming. Streaming is not go
  2. And more powerful than the Xbox One X version as well. Those GTX 670's are delivering 2.7 TFLOPS each, for 5.4 TFLOPS, and since those are nVidia performance metrics, thats probably about 7TFLOPS in AMD GCN performance. Yeah those old nVidia gpus in SLI would do the trick. Wonder what the cost was.
  3. LOL there are definitely people here who want to portray xCloud as Microsoft actually getting in front of the next upcoming gaming trend. So much so, they actually WANT to wish traditional console gaming hardware to fail. They want to act all Nostradamus on the subject. So when they can't really prove that streaming will bring in new gamers, they switch the argument to "well, uh......it will steal traditional gamers who are tired of having to buy hardware!!!" No, it will attract traditional gamers who don't see the value of their hardware platform because th
  4. I'm calling it right now: Destructible foliage with every blade of grass, every broken tree branch and brush, and keeps it in memory for a while. The robots will be able to track you that way, and vice versa.
  5. We KNOW this, because the only device that truly brought in new gamers was the Wii. And Wii games that succeeded were because of a different method of playing games, NEW types of games (relatively new, compared to the standard type of games coming out around that time). OLD types of games that were shoehorned into the Wii didn't sell well. If people don't want to play the games on PS4/XBO, and you offer the same type of games via streaming, you expect them to start playing it? I think Madden would get a boost because a lapsed 45 year old gamer mi
  6. I don't think anybody here has been thinking about what Guerilla could be doing with a Horizon sequel and just the amount of improvements they will be working on. I genuinely thought they could churn out a sequel by late 2019, but if they were already aiming for PS5, then its only getting better. They are going to tech demo the shit out of that game.
  7. Streaming is not going to bring in a substantial amount of new gamers or "lapsed" gamers. The reason why those people are not playing games is not because of the METHOD, its because of the TYPES OF GAMES. Here let me explain it to you: [Lapsed Gamers]: "I'm not going to be some overly complex open-world game with this controller that has all these buttons when i can barely control dual joysticks." HOW 'BOUT IF WE STREAM IT IN YOUR WEB BROWSER!!!!! [Lapsed Gamers]: "How does that change my predicament?"
  8. There are 10 year old kids who watch gameplay videos of games on youtube all day long. The video will pause, and an advertisement will say "Play this game, from this spot right now, sign up for Stadia" and those kids will ask their parents to pay for it, or possibly just click the buy now button and it automatically charges their parents' CC. Stadia integrating itself into youtube is so unbelievable superior in terms of marketing and visibility than anything Playstation has done with attempting to market PS Now, and anything Microsoft will be able to do with xCloud.
  9. I bet older PC gamers would actually love this. I wonder what the file sizes for these might be. Those games were very long, they'd probably be better as digital downloads to have them on your Switch to play at any time.
  10. Microsoft isn't even going to have the best streaming service demo at E3 this year.
  11. Aw man, what awesome deals. I missed last month's fire-sale, better get on this.......or else, I'll have to wait for July's fire-sale.
  12. Desperate into think Sony is conceding the hardware market to become a third-party cloud publishing company. That's what you are desperate to hope that's happening. Because Microsoft is turning into a third-party publisher. Except they can't even afford to publish PHYSICAL third party retail discs, they're a third-party digital publisher. On the level of D3 Publishing and Devolver Digital.
  13. Nah, at least 2/3's of those are going to be ports. And that is good news, we're effectively seeing the end of one of the biggest gripes about Nintendo platforms. Its no longer third-parties "dipping their toes in the water" mentality anymore. Third-parties are now actively relying on Nintendo's platform for sales. Those Mortal Kombat 11 numbers from Amazon's best-seller list is a big indicator to publishers like EA and Activision. I think EA is throwing Madden and another FIFA on there. Switch ports are just straight-up selling more than Xbox One ports, and third-parti
  14. Considering that the Playstation hardware team literally said that the news from last week was completely unknown to them. ...........................no, absolutely nothing you said is remotely true nor possible. Its funny that your desperate-ass is thinking it, tho.
  15. Isn't Batman/Bruce Wayne someone who basically borders on having a mental disorder in which he feels compelled to be constantly training and honing his skills and be at his physical peak because he has a compulsion to root out crime and defeat all criminals? I'm sure he could act intense, but I think he also needs to evoke an intense demeanor in the way he looks. He needs to look like an person who is just scary standing there. Ben Affleck looked good as the older Batman who has slowed down a bit.
  16. I really do hope that Cyberpunk 2077 gets pushed back to later 2020, or possibly even early 2021. That's when I want to build my next PC. I'm almost tempted to buy my SSD drives right now ahead of time.
  17. They're intentionally leaking this information almost a week and a half before their actual press conference. That can't possibly be a good sign of where this is going, if you are a lemming. Dynocrap most definitely ran away. He's shook. There is absolutely no doubt about it. I expect him to come here and try to play stupid and not know what's going on. He'll pull a shoulder muscle with all that shrugging.
  18. There's probably like 1 or 2 side missions in which you have to go to a way point and a scene is going to play out, and if you don't intervene, your target that you need to save will get killed, and then you fail the mission. There were two missions throughout the main game that I failed, one occurred along the western-most road that runs down in the Velen area. I think its a quest where a woman tells you that her husband is in trouble, and you need to get to him before some raiders kill him. And the second one was, I believe, in one of the islands of Skellige, just out
  19. I don't know how they did it, but the soldiers walking around in night vision mode looked so real, the screencaps actually make it look like a real photo. They look so real, that it actually look un-cinematic, if you know what I mean.
  20. Third parties want the Xbox console to be very close in power to the PS5 console so that the port job is EASY. They don't want to put effort in making an Xbox 4 port for a hardware base that is going to sell even less than XBO. If Xbox 4 comes within 95% of the power of PS5, they just allow screen-tearing and/or dynamic resolution and they're done. The "Scarlett" cheaper version is supposed to be a 1080p machine, so they just drop the resolution and they're done with that. If Xbox 4 is closer to 90% of the power of PS5, then they'd actually have
  21. I said that Xbox is going to put their resources in Streaming. This dictates how they develop games that they control (first-party, second-party). -xCloud is based on Xbox One S hardware -They want xCloud to succeed, and be their PRIMARY business, moreso than hardware -Therefore they will develop their first-party games based on Xbox One S specs as the base platform I literally said that their streaming platform was going to hold back their games, graphically, almost 3 years ago. The new Xbox hardware is so that they don't lose NEW next
  22. I will respect Phil Spencer if he still has the nerve to walk onstage at E3 with the fans knowing that they will have nothing exclusive to their another console that Microsoft wants them to buy (less than two years after they coughed up $500). I want to hear boos emanating from the crowd as he maintains that shit-eating grin of his.
  23. How is Modern Warfare 2 not considered a sequel? Its got Price and Ghost in it, right? But I love me CoD single player campaigns, and I got a feeling this one is going to be a nice, meaty single-player campaign. Which means I may actually buy a CoD game at launch, and I may actually have a desire to play against other people online. I'll get slaughtered bigtime, because I haven't played online in over a decade, but fuck it.
  24. Now we know what Microsoft is going to spend TWO HOURS talking about. You already know Dynocrap has seen this thread and just ran away. Microsoft is actually spending their development resources to actually PORT THEIR GAMES for the PC, and not for the Windows Store, but rather for Steam and quite possibly other PC stores? 100 games? They're a third-party publisher. This is now official.
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