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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Their require is that they "logged in" once in the past 30 days. LOL I open up my Xbox live app about once every month, sometimes by accident because I'm trying to click something else. LOL Those could be Minecraft users who have fuck-all to do with playing other Xbox games.
  2. Oh my god The bar is so low, and they ONLY have 48 million "users"?????? LOL I would've expected 40-50 million "users" on PC, alone. Damn, even Windows 10 is way behind in adoption rate. I think I'll do it during the first week of June and make the announcement that Xbox is in 3rd place.
  3. Because they lost the console war, yeah, we already know. Sorry, but them counting Windows 10 users that logged into the free Xbox app isn't a measure of success. That's like Spotify measuring success by counting how many free accounts they have. I have like 6 of them because I needed to use a new email address to take advantage of their $1/months promotions. LOL Yeah, I'm probably gonna be calling it here within the next 2-3 weeks. Switch officially surpasses Xbox One and Xbox One officially becomes third place.
  4. No, it is. If they had crossed into double-digit million they would've announced it. It is a bad indicator if only 25% of the Xbox userbase is using this, because it either means that the service isn't catching on among active users OR even worse. .............there aren't 40 million genuine Xbox owners out there, which is another claim I've made previously. Xbox Launch version, Xbox One S, and Xbox One X barely reach 40 million. And let's be honest, we know damn well those are the SAME people re-buying another Xbox because their launch version is a piece of
  5. The fact that Microsoft goes out of their way to NOT release numbers means that they know its disappointing. This service has been going on for two years, and they're still doing $1/month promotional deals. Reminds me of Spotify, a company that has almost never turned a profit.
  6. Its easy to know when you aware because your aggressiveness fades away, almost instantly.
  7. More like 6 million of them currently on the $1/month for 3 months plan.
  8. Yup. I've repeatedly made fun than they don't even have 10 million subscribers specifically because Phil Spencer used language like "multiple millions" to describe their GamePass subs. No point in trying to play stupid, rubberdub.
  9. you did when you disputed my repeated time when I made fun of Microsoft for not even having more than 10 million subscribers. i see you're now trying to play the shoulder shrug game.
  10. Nope. A Tegra X1 merely has 256 CUDA cores compared to a similar Maxwell-era desktop gpu like say a GTX 960 gpu which has 1024 CUDA cores. Its literally packing in the same type of architicture, but the die is obviously much smaller. Sorry, you lost this one, handily. Sorta like a Switch handheld HANDILY beats a X360 in power. Buh bye.
  11. Nope, it runs consistent with its FLOPS output compared to the large die nvidia GPUs.
  12. It's only got 9.5 million subscribers https://www.videogameschronicle.com/features/xbox-scarlett-inside-microsofts-plans-for-the-next-xbox/ Yup, just like I thought.
  13. Unreal Engine 4 running on Tegra X1 Thank you Its not up for debate. Thanks for playing.
  14. Nope............you tried establishing your way out whenever people pointed to the obvious. Maxwell architecture performs the same per FLOP. Unless you want to show me Unreal Engine 4 running on X360.........because that's exactly what nVidia did on the Tegra X1. Switch Handheld mode is COMFORTABLY more powerful than the X360, its not up for debate.
  15. LOL no. We already know that an nVidia floating point operation utterly wipes its ass with AMD flop performance. The Switch in handheld mode is comfortably more powerful than an X360. Even you know this.
  16. We're talking about a developer that is more or less defunct, Volition, and Deep Silver is attempting to make a Switch port and not using a porting company to do it. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.
  17. I don't know how I feel about sectional couches, I don't think they're all that useful unless you got like 4-5 people coming over for something. At this point I'm thinking about a really nice modern chaise lounge that maybe only has one armrest and open on the other side and you have like a nightstand right beside it where you can set your drink down and has a drawer to have your remotes and controllers (and gun) in. And then the other couch can be a 2-seater or 3-seater.
  18. It'd be awfully mean of Sony to intentionally hint at PS5 just to steal headlines from MS. So its possible. But I doubt it would be anything more than some teaser trailer announcing a future date in which they will talk about the new hardware.
  19. That is truly incredible that they can actually bring back the original campaign and make more money off of it.
  20. The show creators have a companion podcast where they explain what is 100% authentic, and what artistic licenses they took with certain scenes and characters. I gotta listen to it. Also, for those that watched episode 2, the uniforms of those firemen that those hospital nurses dropped on the floor of the basement in the hospital. They're still there, untouched.
  21. Chernobyl is some of the most gripping television you'll ever see. And you already know most of the story. That show, and probably this second episode, is going to win awards. I've never said "holy shit" outloud so many times during an episode. So much shit happened during that episode, because it covered what happened between 12 to 60 hours after the explosion initially occurred. Those three men will go down as three of the manliest men in history. Remember their names.
  22. Yeah I realize that after the episode. There were about, what, 20 ships out there near the coast? Were all of them armed with those spear weapons? Because it felt like a Bruce Lee fighting 10 guys scenario. Only one ship is attacking at a time, and the dragon avoids the shot. And they only end up cutting a line through that armada, only destroying like 6-7 ships as they fly into land. WHat happened to those soldiers on the other ships?
  23. i already knew it was stone............i thought you were trying to make a smarter punchline than "look....its stone" don't tell me that was it? Shit, I guess its my fault for expecting you to try something else.
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