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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Like, have a scene where he's alone, and the camera is pointing at his feet, and he gets up off the chair, and then cut to black. I thought they had hints of it because Tyrion walked into a room, and the chair was pulled away from the table, and Jon Stark apologized for not being there when he needed him, and Bran gave a foreboding answer "you were exactly where you were supposed to be."
  2. Actrually, the building where Azure cloud servers are housed, used a special textile flooring that is from a manufacturing company in Japan, and Nintendo is a silent owner of that company. So, both Sony and Microsoft are using Nintendo's "tech" because literally without Nintendo, the servers would fall through the floor. So you see.................Nintendo won!!!
  3. Sony had developed an audio codec that is in both the Xbox and Nintendo mainboard chipsets. They use Sony's "tech." Sony WON!!! Hell, Microsoft adopted Sony-developed blu-ray "tech"...............Microsoft is using Sony's "tech." I'll purposely leave it vague and run away. LOL
  4. LOL lease tech..................notice that he doesn't want to say what tech. He's trying to make it sound like Nintendo is borrowing Xbox designed hardware, or a Xbox game engine, or an Xbox IP. No.............they're renting server space in a data center. Microsoft does have an ace in the hole...............when all else fails, sell Sony and Nintendo new versions of MS Word and Excel. LOL So, what's more believable............both Sony and Nintendo just so happened to have made CONCESSIONS to Microsoft AT THE SAME TIME? Or Microsoft
  5. you're trying to conflate SERVERS with Microsoft successfully winning in terms of being the gaming platform. A data center houses OTHER people's hardware. I love that you are attempting this, because you're actually admitting that Microsoft has lost the traditional console war. Thanks for that.
  6. LOL, by Dynocrap's logic...............Sony and Nintendo lost to Microsoft a long time ago. They have computers in their buildings running off of Windows OS and Windows Outlook for email. Sony and Nintendo are now UNDER Microsoft!!!!!
  7. The chernobyl plant workers all wearing the same suiits can make it confusing. But you need to have a decent amount of Wikipedia knowledge to know what the plant workers and first responders were doing in order to realize just how completely insane it was for them to even be there after the explosion occurred. But also the other thing is that it highlights the denial they had, and they good reason to not believe that the reactor exploded. No one ever thought that nuclear reactors using those materials could explode. And its that denial that results in them making so many horrible
  8. So the message that Microsoft executives are getting are that their video games sales will be best if they go 3rd party. Thanks for reporting this delightful news.
  9. Is the eDRAM/eSRAM memory design of the Xbox 360 and Xbox One coming back to bite Microsoft in the ass when designing this next-gen Xbox? They're going to want to keep on selling Xbox1, X360 and Xbox One games on their service for years to come. it seems like they needed to maintain an on-die memory design?
  10. I was looking at his IMDB page to see if he has anything interesting, and he's got a couple of small bit parts in small movies, he's got a dramatic part in a movie that part isn't going to be good. He's in this movie called Rally Car, but it seems to have stalled in production. And supposedly, since 2014, he had planned to start in a TV series called Rain, based on a series of books. Where he plays a half-Japanese, half-American assassin who specializes in making his targets look like they died from natural causes. And he was producing that with the same people who make the John Wi
  11. They clearly designed their next-gen hardware to fallback as re-purposed server blades if and when the Xbox gaming console hits a limit. And if next-gen Xbox hardware sells even LESS than XBO, then the next-next-Xbox is simply not going to be a console. Its going to be servers selling you cloud gaming.
  12. I'm gonna say that if Keanu Reeves is able to be in ONE MORE successful action movie franchise, or hell maybe just one successful stand-alone action movie, then he becomes the most accomplished action star in American movies. I presume that Jackie Chan is the most accomplished action star, ever. He's an action star in the 90's, with Speed and some interesting sci-fi movies. And then during the late 90's to early 00's, he gets a huge action movie franchise in The Matrix. And then he toils for almost a straight decade with some middle-of-the-road stuff. And t
  13. This is the difference between a "Gaming Company" and a "Gaming Division of a Company" The Gaming Division is at the mercy of other corporate decisions. Phil has to fight really hard to make a powerful console because Phil LOST authority when the Xbox One failed to compete. MS execs reigned him in when they saw him churning out two different hardware revisions a little more than a year apart from each other in a last ditch effort to help the platform and that didn't make much of a dent. So now Phil sorta gets a powerful console, but its console design is hampered specif
  14. Lemmings sure do love hearing YoY percentages, amirite?????????
  15. Microsoft upping the clocks on a gaming console? They better not go cheap on the cooling solution.
  16. The third finally bring the world-building lore firmly into the main story. In the previous two movies, it was always like a cool background thing. In the second movie, they needed to flesh out the lore in order to make John Wick honor a debt and to imply how heinous it was for him to "break the rules." As I was watching this movie, I almost started getting feelings that this whole underworld power structure started to feel like The Matrix 2 and 3 where they explain the beings that control the Matrix.
  17. Just came back from watching it. It was very entertaining, and the story felt more fleshed out than the second movie. Best use of the Dolby Atmos theater from any movie I've seen at AMC theaters, the sound comes very handy with a certain scene at the end.
  18. Probably. Azure is probably a better fit for low-lag applications for data that is being sent in both directions. So it suits gaming companies. I doubt AWS offers a tailored service. You're just piggybacking off of the same servers that Amazon uses for all of their stuff (retail shopping, music streaming, video streaming).
  19. So, the one thing that Microsoft had an advantage over Sony and other companies cloud services were their Azure servers. And they just made a deal to essentially lease their data center for Sony to run their existing cloud gaming service on there. Chances are Sony was already leasing data center space from some other provider, and they decided to move to another provider, Microsoft.
  20. This is the same Sony that up until a few months ago, didn't even allow cross-play. Didn't allow for EA Access until recently. And they have a joint agreement with Microsoft? The only way that happens is if Sony has been assured that Microsoft is not going to be directly competing against them in traditional gaming hardware. By the way, Aza posted a real story. Its up on the Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/16/18628090/microsoft-sony-cloud-gaming-ai-partnership here are the two CEOs shaking hands
  21. I like how they brought back Koji Kondo to make the music for the new worlds. What little of it that I heard sounds like vintage Kondo music.
  22. Rockstar shows GTA6, or a version of GTA6 that is meant to release on PS4 and XBO. Like it could be that GTA6 may include multiple cities, but they are releasing a version of the game that only has one city for PS4/XBO, and the completed version will not release until next-gen.
  23. LOL, Epic is intentionally jumping in front of the Steam Summer Sale and instead of visiting every day to see what games have been updated, they're just throwing out a free $10 off coupon on any game you want. I think we may actually see people on the internet get mad over a fucking sale. That'll be a new one.
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