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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Isn't it awesome to free yourself on completely shitty games, like those Xbox One games? Feel better and have more confidence. The sick, disgusting, feeling in the pit of your stomach has now been removed.
  2. That guy has had several different shows on HBO. I think the one I watched a little here and there was J'aime. And this guy just plays characters that he has no business playing. J'aime was a show in which he plays a teenage girl going to an upscale boarding school in the UK. The main joke is how everybody on the show just plays it straight, and they see this 40-year old guy playing a 15 year old bratty girl. And then there's dark comedy on top of that, because she does stupid shit and is very mean to people.
  3. Why would the developer care about user reviews when the game is no longer going to be sold on the Steam store?
  4. Compare this with how Valve got Left 4 Dead from Turtle Rock Studios, immediately dumped Turtle Rock after the game released, and started developing a sequel immediately, and then dumped Turtle Rock Studios. And subsequently abandoned the L4D franchise after that. Epic is going to build something substantial. They're playing with free money they got from Fortnite. You could argue that if Epic was going to put Fortnite on the PC, and had chosen Steam to put the game on there, that means they would've lost X amount of dollars on DLC transactions because a cut
  5. Fuck. I'm watching some clips from Kill Bill. Reading a story that Tarantino is going to work on releasing the Director's extended edition of Django Unchained after he finishes his new movie, and then he said he will also get around to finishing the Kill Bill Whole Bloody Affair. Watching clips of Kill Bill right now............fuck, the ONLY thing keeping this movie from surpassing Pulp Fiction is that its premise simply isn't original. I think as more time passes, Kill Bill comes closer and closer to being a better movie than Pulp Fiction.
  6. Infinity War has a cop out.........it doesn't have to finish its story. Its the most incomplete movie out of the entire 22 movies covering the MCU. Hell The Empire Strikes Back benefits from the same advantages, but even then you could say it does on its on somewhat. Infinity War is incapable of being able to stand on its own. We always know it was a two-parter like 4 years ago.
  7. I don't understand the whole "it was fan service" logic. Yeah............if they made 20 other fucking movies that carefully builds a gigantic story in order to have one massive payoff into one movie, that's probably what they were aiming for. Its like me picking up the latest comic of some random comicbook series and saying "there's alot of shit here that requires me to have read the previous comics, looks like its only for the existing fans."
  8. I hope that their tech for finger detection matches with Sony's patented tech for their VR controllers and potential for finger detection. I feel like that may be the most important thing they need to standardize in order to start making better VR games from third-parties. And Oculus, if they are making an Oculus 2, would be wise to make their controllers have the same concepts line up with what Valve and Sony is doing.
  9. Looks like a solid setup. Will definitely be the hardware spec that the vast majority of multiplats will be standardizing to. I kind of almost wish that Cyberpunk 2077 were to get delayed to 2021 so that I can hold off on buying a video card until 2021.
  10. Jim Carrey actually looks pretty solid in this. There's a shot where he's stretching, and his skin simply doesn't make sense, because its stretching out like spandex. And rings can be used as portals to teleport? Does this happen in Sonic games?
  11. I do like their design for handling audio, they have speakers that are meant to be positioned like an inch away from your ear, but they don't enclose your ear. And according to people who have tested it, it still maintains good bass and can actually get really loud. I hate over the ear headphones, and I hate earbuds. Just can't play games for long periods of time using either method.
  12. They kinda need to show Half Life 3 in order to direct attention away from the price.
  13. But when you think about it, they're tried to recreate the sound in the following albums since. They've kind of turned it formulaic even though they have some solid songs in there. Dustland Fairytale, For Reasons Unknown, etc.
  14. Bought the vinyl of that from best buy online. And when it arrived, they actually had a second copy that was kind stuck to it. So I ended up taking the second copy back to the store and said I didn't want it, so I got a store refund and used that money to buy something else. Really is surprising just how many hit songs are on that first album. They'll never be able to top that.
  15. It really highlights the subtle gorgeousness of this game, especially in the universal lighting.
  16. It makes sense you'd be confused, you seem confused on determining gender, unless you're one of those extreme leftists.
  17. Wait a minute, I'm back to being a man now?
  18. well, that would confirm your incel status, quite convincingly, actually.
  19. I thought I was a woman in your dream?
  20. oh shit, he's imagining about me, again.
  21. I like it when the real comicbook nerds are breaking down the details that almost all of us wouldn't be noticing during the movie.
  22. I'll help you.........there's no need to act desperate. I'm not even gonna make you say please.
  23. looking for suggestions because you're all out of ideas, eh?
  24. The battle of Helm's Deep. That is what they should've been aiming for at the end of this movie. But they didn't have enough time. The battle should've been back and forth, several times. Them looking like they are gonna kick Thanos' ass, and then it looking desperate, and them fighting back, and then things looking desperate, and then additional cavalry coming in.
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