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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. And these people were too stupid and unaware to TRADE-IN their PS4 and simply buy a $40 Chromecast when they realized they no longer have a need for their PS4? Are you ALSO saying that?
  2. Nope, you're already saying that these SKEWED people are also playing multiple games a year. Which means...........by your own established logic.............they're no longer skewing the Playstation MAUs because they are genuine gamers. Your entire argument has collapsed with that admission.
  3. So.......in a world in which a $40 Chromecast has existed since July 2013 (which means its always existed to consumers BEFORE Playstation 4's were even available) and $35 Roku Sticks. Dynocrap thinks that people.............TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE...........decided "No.......I'm going to buy a $300-$400 piece of hardware that requires me to login in and setup a Sony account so I can primarily play my Netflix on my tv."
  4. So they're gamers, same as Xbox gamers. You think Xbox gamers are buying more than 2-3 games a year? I love it..........I already got you moving the goalposts.
  5. and you think that this is happening SO MUCH...........that the 90 million number is greatly skewed? So..........your implication here is that there's TENS OF MILLIONS of people who have bought $300-$400 Playstation 4's and are solely using them for Spotify, Netflix, Pandora. ..........in the age in which anybody who has bought any television from 2015 onwards already has SmartTV functionality and can access those apps without the need of additional hardware?????? You wanna keep going..............I almost WANT to push you in doubling-down more and more on t
  6. You think people are turning on a video game console so that they can just turn on the Spotify service? ..................in the age of cell phones? Not even you believe the shit your peddling? Do you?
  7. Why would people be linking their Spotify, Netflix, and Pandora account to Playstation Music..........if they weren't already a Playstation hardware owner?
  8. LOL Sony has stopped manufacturing TVs. You think that people are logging into other Sony electronic products and creating Playstation accounts?
  9. do you see the other 75 of the userbase buying actual Xbox games? Switch version of MK11 is currently outselling the XBO version on amazon, and its not even close.
  10. Yes it true. If they aren't using it....it would be traded in at a much higher rate, and Gamestop's trade-in value for the PS4 and PS4pro would plummet. It hasn't. Like I said...........the PAYING consumer market (and PAYING re-sale market, for that matter)............do...........not..............lie.
  11. People who actually go out of their way to spend HUNDREDS of dollars in hardware = better measurement of consumer loyalty and future business potential than a company counting pointless online friends list service. You know it............I know it. Go cry somewhere else.
  12. Check the NPDs for the past 3-4 years, rubberdub There's tons, TONS more used PS4 systems in the market, yet Gamestop gives the PS4pro the same trade-in value as the newer Xbox One X. The market...............ahem, let me clarify.................the PAYING consumer market, does not lie.
  13. Did you just compare a FREE service login versis the login of PAID subscribers of Playstation Plus?????? He keeps on burying himself. LOL
  14. Their require is that they "logged in" once in the past 30 days. LOL I open up my Xbox live app about once every month, sometimes by accident because I'm trying to click something else. LOL Those could be Minecraft users who have fuck-all to do with playing other Xbox games.
  15. Oh my god The bar is so low, and they ONLY have 48 million "users"?????? LOL I would've expected 40-50 million "users" on PC, alone. Damn, even Windows 10 is way behind in adoption rate. I think I'll do it during the first week of June and make the announcement that Xbox is in 3rd place.
  16. Because they lost the console war, yeah, we already know. Sorry, but them counting Windows 10 users that logged into the free Xbox app isn't a measure of success. That's like Spotify measuring success by counting how many free accounts they have. I have like 6 of them because I needed to use a new email address to take advantage of their $1/months promotions. LOL Yeah, I'm probably gonna be calling it here within the next 2-3 weeks. Switch officially surpasses Xbox One and Xbox One officially becomes third place.
  17. No, it is. If they had crossed into double-digit million they would've announced it. It is a bad indicator if only 25% of the Xbox userbase is using this, because it either means that the service isn't catching on among active users OR even worse. .............there aren't 40 million genuine Xbox owners out there, which is another claim I've made previously. Xbox Launch version, Xbox One S, and Xbox One X barely reach 40 million. And let's be honest, we know damn well those are the SAME people re-buying another Xbox because their launch version is a piece of
  18. The fact that Microsoft goes out of their way to NOT release numbers means that they know its disappointing. This service has been going on for two years, and they're still doing $1/month promotional deals. Reminds me of Spotify, a company that has almost never turned a profit.
  19. Its easy to know when you aware because your aggressiveness fades away, almost instantly.
  20. More like 6 million of them currently on the $1/month for 3 months plan.
  21. Yup. I've repeatedly made fun than they don't even have 10 million subscribers specifically because Phil Spencer used language like "multiple millions" to describe their GamePass subs. No point in trying to play stupid, rubberdub.
  22. you did when you disputed my repeated time when I made fun of Microsoft for not even having more than 10 million subscribers. i see you're now trying to play the shoulder shrug game.
  23. Nope. A Tegra X1 merely has 256 CUDA cores compared to a similar Maxwell-era desktop gpu like say a GTX 960 gpu which has 1024 CUDA cores. Its literally packing in the same type of architicture, but the die is obviously much smaller. Sorry, you lost this one, handily. Sorta like a Switch handheld HANDILY beats a X360 in power. Buh bye.
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