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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. hermits make up stupid narratives for them to TAKE CREDIT. When we are clearly seeing that developers TREAT the PC platform as "leftovers." Hermits are paying 400%-600% more than console to build their PC's, so that they can get 50%-80% performance gains over console.......when they know damn well they were expecting the games to perform better, with more optimization. ............yet they come in this forum to try and "boast" about it.
  2. The Developers are LITERALLY demonstrating that they're treating PC gamers like second-class citizens. This is an easily observable fact.
  3. LOL another second-class citizen who looks forward to stealing, since they don't have any games. I love how they keep on changing their story about whether or not the PC is better than consoles.......when they're literally resorting to stealing and CONVERTING THEIR PCs INTO A SWITCH in order to be able to play these Switch games LOL he's trying to count piece of shit indie games and broken ports that he never plays LOL and he knows this, so he tries to change the subject into talking about me.
  4. Nope, you don't get to assign homework, especially after I've already caught you lying and pretending you never had any such argument with gouko in the first place, to you now admitting to it. You're credibility was already lost.
  5. I need to check. i had just bought pursuit force on the PSP, so naturally i would want pursuit force 2. I think I need to get God Hand on the PS2.
  6. I mean....................how are they NOT second-class citizens? Just like I said all those months ago.
  7. i'm sure you can't wait to steal games. The upcoming PC schedule must be so pathetic that you literally ARE waiting to steal switch games. That shows just how bad it is on PC.
  8. No you don't get to implement your own parameters, gouko already owned you on this. Its hilarious see you put this much effort into an argument you already lost.
  9. I literally posted the things in which its clear that he's lost. And he thinks I'm doing what he's doing.
  10. its so obvious. so not only did he make this argument, because he's so butthurt about it. ..........he ran away from it. .........and now he's trying to stall when I pointed it out to him.
  11. He's literally derailing this thread to whine about me. He's getting angry, right now. I literally posted talking about the press conferences..........and he creates a Fakeboymerrygoround to talk about me Go cry somewhere else............we're talking about Sony and Nintendo actually showing off games, here.
  12. yes I did. Oh man......he's trying to stall now.He clearly saw my post, and the things I typed........and he's not going to address any one of them.
  13. That you meltdown........and you tried to portray it differently? Yeah......I figured you knew that.
  14. I love how I actually refuted what you said and pointed out the things that undermine your post. .................and you didn't respond to them. He's literally pretending that its the other guy who ran away.Talk about projection.
  15. LOL I edited it back to what I originally talked about...........and you ran away from. Looks like you're running away still..........to your failed bait that's as barren as your Xbox or PC upcoming game library.
  16. LOL he actually couldn't argue back, and is now realizing what I have been making fun of him about this entire time. It only happened 3 posts lateI had to lay it on really thick with the last line of my previous post for his butthurt ass to see. All because I made fun of him for stealing games, especially one for a 20 year old remake, because his PC upcoming game schedule is a joke.
  17. I love how he posted a curve in a totally different direction in which front leg was done. It didn't curve in or outwards.......it curve to its side. so in your photo, the hand wouldn't be pushing the carboard broadside DOWNWARDS, it would be trying to pull is horizontally........which would obviously tear the cardboard. And there's a clear LINE in the carboard indicating where the cardboard was stretched when it was pushed down.................I guess he didn't see that, as well, He's now trying to pull up the M J Designs catalogue, he's so butthurt........
  18. i love it when i catch him lying.......and he then suddenly regains his memory nope, gouko went over multiple years. if you're gonna regain your memory, might as well regain all of it.
  19. he's trying to dismiss the entire floor, so in other word..........he couldn't argue with me there, so he desperately tried to find something else. the new chair actually has a curved front leg.............what type of cardboard does that, again?
  20. the discounts are getting bigger. closing to their chinese factory oem manufacturing price.
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