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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. who said that it was running over cars?
  2. The Switch got these butthurt bastards to do this? That is impressive.
  3. Like a car, Switch is just running over the competition.
  4. LOL, you still don't anything about what the Switch may be, or how its designed. The same rumors that confirmed some very accurate specs of the Switch back in October 2016, also confirmed a dev kit hardware that had two separate GPU processors and wasn't made to be portable, which meant that is was a dock with its own GPU. Nintendo would love nothing more than to get back into the business of selling a handheld and also a console, because that's more sales for them.
  5. Yeah it ousold the X360. So in 2019, Microsoft came in third in the last generation........and they are going to come in third in THIS generation when the Switch beats the Xbox One. Oh yeah
  6. You don't even know what you're typing at this point. I specifically said they are going to make a Switch 2, unless nVidia has said that they are continuing the Tegra design in any way, its going to use different GPU line altogether. There's no point in trying to use the existing Switch to predict on what they will do next.
  7. Well, on the tuesday podcast they didn't talk about game crashes. They said that the Switch version was alright. They did talk about the krypt almost, ALMOST being the sole reason for not getting the game at all, even though Gerstmann loves everything else about the campaign.
  8. They'll probably have more subscribers than Xbox Live Gold by the end of the year. Pokemon will have SOME form of online feature.
  9. LOL. trying so hard. Nintendo probably has to abandon the Switch after 3-4 years because nVidia probably isn't even manufacturing Tegras as this point. I'm not worried with what Nintendo and nVidia can produce within the next couple of years. You seem to think next-gen consoles are going to be more cutting edge than 2018-2019 video cards. They probably won't
  10. It makes perfect sense, they're selling plenty of PS4's and software right now, that there's no need. I think this is good news for the Switch and for future Nintendo hardware. I'm sure Nintendo wants the Switch to be out there for at least 4 years. They get to sell through this year and through 2020, and then by Spring 2021 they'd be able to have a new piece of hardware ready. They don't have to finalize a design for a Switch 2.0 until early next year. Hope nVidia has got something that packs alot of power for its size.
  11. OMG the Switch version is actually close to the base Xbox One version, which is running sub-900p? Good Lord.
  12. Valve did this to themselves, they have no one to blame but themselves. In baseball, they have a statistic called "Left on Base" (LOB) and sometimes you'll see it on the boxscore. It means that they got men on base, but they couldn't do enough to bring them home and convert them to runs. So a team could get alot of hits in a game but score very little, because they left too many men on base. And that's what Valve has done. They NEVER FINISH THEIR SHIT. Abandoned making the games that people expect from them They abandoned trying to upgrade
  13. I think the Switch will surpass Xbox at the beginning of Fall, which is a shame because I had predicted Summer 2019. Actually I think I had predicted August 2019, which was summer. But yeah, Xbox is going into last place, where it belongs. And remember this about Switch sales.......all of these sales are BEFORE Nintendo hits the NOS button and releases a mainline Pokemon game. Its outselling PS4, and they still haven't hit the NOS.
  14. He doesn't know what to do. He's now trying to change the subject.
  15. lol he's purposely holding on posting. This'll be great.
  16. he responded even faster this time
  17. LOL, i thought you said i respond quickly, and you responded even faster This is his own thread, too. And he's voluntarily derailing it.................
  18. If you are the top brass of MS looking at these analytical bullet points, they are going to arrive at the most logical conclusion. And that's to go third party. Xbox Live will become what we experience from Uplay whenever we pop in a Ubisoft game into our consoles.
  19. Ah, so you expect to get bitchslapped. That's good. That's what I want.
  20. Butthurt convention. Such a good zinger, guess he forgot to man up to say to me by directly quoting me.
  21. Just saw clips of that San Jose-Vegas game. Wow, that's got to be amazing for their fans.
  22. Good thing Earth, Wind, and Fire isn't my source.........but rather Microsoft and Playground Games. Good to see that I have beaten you down in every way, and I didn't even let you win this one, matter how small this is. I won the Switch Games sell more than Xbox argument, I won the Xbox is worthless because it has no exclusives argument, I won the GoW (exclusive) is the 2018 GoTY winner by having much more awards than RDR2 argument I won the "nobody gives a shit about Forza Horizon 4" argument ...........and I still won this pathetically small argume
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