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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. It did...........for the March NPD. You would know that if Poor Jonb didn't intentionally post only PART of the list, and tried to hide the rest.This entire thread has been backfiring on him ever since.
  2. You would've known had you not tried to HIDE the entire sales list that you copied from. Nope, you didn't make that clarification, and my previous quote was "Switch games sell more than Xbox games" which you didn't notify that you were making another type of argument altogether. Besides I already said that the Switch sales of those multiplat games are SLIGHTLY LESS than the sales of the Xbox version
  3. Even though they just occupied an entire third of the NPD Top 20 list? So infrequent, eh? I love that I have you whittled down to this.
  4. What????? How could GTA5 possibly sell more on Xbox than Smash Bros. on Switch...............when Smash Bros. on Switch sold more than the COMBINED sales of GTA5 for PS4/Xbox/PC? i broke him, oh my god.
  5. he doesn't even know what he just typed
  6. No, you said: They do sell better. You didn't say which specific games. Pretty certain that no multiplat of any kind sold as much on Xbox as Smash Bros on Switch.
  7. No, those are combined sales. Why are you trying to use PS4 sales to help you?
  8. jesus christ, so not only is it 3 hours, but its a crammed 3 hours? yeah, they're going to lose characters and are sending them off.
  9. OMG they're still butthurt about this movie. They're so butthurt, they've already pre-planned on when somebody brings up them still being butthurt. Which, of course, those plans have now fallen through since I already called it.
  10. copying and removing information definitely is. And sekiro, division 2, kh3 is selling slightly less on Switch than it is on Xbox
  11. LOL, I love that jonb is going through all of this work........and its all backfiring on him because we can clearly tell that he's trying to hide switch games. Switch games are selling more than Xbox One games. This entire thread has resulted in all of us now knowing this. LOL
  12. He literally tried to hide Smash Bros from the list. Oh man, that is more satisfying than anything I could've done to him. And he created this entire thread because he was butthurt about the other sales thread in which Xbox tanked for March. This thread is fantastic.
  13. OMG, i just missed that. jonb actually MANUALLY ALTERED the top 5 list and posted literally FAKE NEWS?????????? This thread is amazing. Jonb couldn't have done me a better favor if I pleaded with him.
  14. No, not really. There was probably more content in Yoshi's Crafted World than there was in Crackdown 3. He's actually trying to boast about Microsoft's first party games tanking so hard and duped buyers no longer playing them. Smash bros doesn't even include digital sales, imagine if its actually HIGHER than DMC5 that was sold across three different platforms.
  15. LOL Division 2 which nobody here plays, KH3 that bombs. Need third parties to bail you out from your barren first-party.Wait a minute didn't Crackdown 3 come out that previous month? LOL And its not even in the Top 20???????? Damn. Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2 must look like a mountain of first-party content a year ago compared to now.
  16. So you're saying that Xbox has nothing on the first-party front? Yikes. Oh boy, here comes the meltdown. I'm going to get both poor jonb and Dynocrap to meltdown in THEIR OWN thread.
  17. Actually looks better than Crackdown 3. Then again, Crackdown 1 competes with Crackdown 3 in that department.
  18. Its doing something for us. Its raping your predictions that those games would tank. How Smash Bros. looking.Didn't you predict that it was just going to completely drop off the map? I love how this thread is actually causing MORE stuff to rise up and backfire.
  19. Which means that its going to cause the other bundles to tank in sales, because nobody is going to choose a higher priced bundle at $450 MSRP when they can get a $337-$350 XBX. No game that is currently being bundled offsets those savings. And those $450 will collect dust, and retailers will start dumping those. This is textbook Libertarianism view of the free market. The Xbox One X is not worth $400, because if it was, it would be selling. Ergo, any price in which you can get consumers to bite on is the fair market price.
  20. You just pointed out how many Switch exclusives that are still selling. Now list how many Xbox exclusives............hell, list how many of them are developed by Microsoft, forget exclusive. Lemmings created a sales thread to make themselves feel better, and it completely backfired on them. Oh man, this is awesome.
  21. Poor jonb actually took the Restera Top 10 NPD sales thread and went out of his way to shorten it to 5 games. That's hilarious: There wasn't a single Xbox exclusive in the ENTIRE TOP TWENTY
  22. But if they never sold any, then they have to drive down prices to clear it. Therefore their NEW bundles will eventually reach that point, because (I will point this out again) you have no proof that those are selling. How the view from that new hill you ran to? I got no problem with MS being generous. But, it doesn't stop anything I said from being wrong. They're having trouble selling XBX at around $350, what are their chances of selling a discless, significantly less-powerful Xbox One SAD at $250. Can't wait for MS to be generous on that model.
  23. No..............why view this as anything other than "Xbox One X at $337" Nobody has to think about ANYTHING else, because if you value the console enough to buy it at the price point, then no bundle package matters. You don't have any info of other bundles selling well. This is their most common bundle at retailers right now........and its bombing. This isn't complicated, notice how you're trying to ADD IN more factors? because your logic doesn't work without implementing mental gymnastics.
  24. No.........it is a recently new piece of hardware that would've influence its 2018 sales. And now you're telling me that it actually bombed in 2018.Thanks for just debunking your posts in 2018. The great part will be you making posts in 2020 debunking your posts from right now. AND, also you proved Gouk right because the PS4pro's effect in 2017 was more successful than XBX effect in 2018. The validation is obvious right now...........you don't see Sony marking the PS4pro BELOW $300, not even retailers are putting it below $300. Whereas
  25. Yes Microsoft did recently release a new hardware when 2018 rolled around. The XBX that came out in November. And they used that new hardware sku to drive most of its sales, for both that model and lower models. So.........a better comparison would be comparing PS4's 2017 versus Xbox's 2018. Go ahead and do that.
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