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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. It is. Especially since two famous clothing designers threw in $110 and $200 million dollars. Its attracted hipster donations, to a church organization that probably already has assloads of money to begin with. The Vatican could probably put the money up, right now. I hope whoever is receiving these donations turn around and donate a large portion of it to other worldwide causes.
  2. Hope my Stars can come back tonight and tie up the series. They so close going up 2-0 when they entered overtime in Game 2. So far, the play has been pretty close on both teams.
  3. I'm going to love their work when they emulate the entire Xbox One platform onto other platforms and the PC. This is just practice for the inevitable.Good job, fellas!!!
  4. when you're insulin spike's, the food you will be eating will not be sending all calories to be burnt, but rather store them in fat cells. And then you will have cravings for more food after a short while, because your body is seeking more calories for energy. You're creating a situation in which you're going to end up eating more calories, all because you want to continuously drink that zero-calorie soda. No matter what, you need to primarily drink water throughout the day.
  5. There was reporting that alt-right groups were immediately trying to use this to spread anti-Muslim sentiment by claiming it was Muslim terrorist related. And look who were the people that immediately tried to spread this yesterday.
  6. It isn't bad for you. Its addictive and causes a spike insulin. That's the part that results in bad stuff happening. And the same thing can happen with artificial sweeteners. Dude, there's extracted sugar used in biscuits. The problem is that we have extracted pure substances and implemented them into manufactured products. That was not common 100 years ago.
  7. I think, its going to have checkerboard ability to compensate. Either for upscaling previous gen games, or for major games that cannot make it to 4K native, and they need to bump it down a bit (like 1800p). Maybe there will be a racing game that will have all the graphical bells and whistles, but still do 60fps. They might need to drop the res in order to make that work.
  8. Jesus, if you go on a legit keto diet, you end up having more energy because your body is strictly burning fat for energy and nothing else. When I started the diet, I thought my body would crash by midnight, and I'd be sleeping earlier. Hell no, I was fucking wired going into 3am in the morning. No sugar, no caffeine.
  9. Wait a minute, so is it Ninja Gaiden 2? Or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 that has additional characters and gameplay modes?
  10. 12 oz of orange juice has as much sugar as 12 oz of regular Coke. Even Whole Milk has sugar.
  11. 8K would be a massive nightmare for the CGI industry that is barely scrapping by in the movie industry. Nobody who makes TV shows, Film, and Video Games is interested in 8K. It must be the screen manufacturing industry. Smartphones have resulted in LCD screens that far exceed the PPI used in televisions. So they're trying to push up the PPI specs on televisions because they are ALREADY manufacturing it at higher specs. A 55" television that is 4K has a PPI of 80.11. Samsung Phones have a PPI of 438. I'm going to take a guess and say its L
  12. I saw enough at the TGS demo in Japan last September to make me want to try it out. There's some mechanics with fire and explosives that might make this fun to try.
  13. Nah. Not with Nintendo rocking nVidia GPUs that already deliver those today. I can imagine how lower the manufacturing costs will be around 2021. The only people exiting the hardware business is Microsoft. Phil Spencer is currently asking his boss if they can bump the specs of the next Xbox and sell at a $100 loss, just like Sony. ........and he's currently being told No.
  14. Too bad you won't see that. LOL I think its great news you're making this prediction, seeing how you are always wrong. Good times ahead for Nintendo.
  15. What? They literally announced a new console sku for $250 and then said "but don't worry, we'll mark down the price in a future sale?" They can't possibly be that stupid to say that, on stage in front of people. Oh, the launch week numbers on this one are going to be marvelous.
  16. My guess is, the console can do raytracing and 60fps at 1080p. And it can do 4K and raytracing at lower framerate. And then, in 2023-2024 they do a mid-gen refresh in which it can churn out 60fps and raytracing at 4K.
  17. They'll sell RDR2 up-ported for next-gen, as well. I think, behind closed doors, Rockstar studios are on an all-hands-on-deck emergency mode right now to try and finish up GTA6 single-player before Spring 2020. The business guys are like "we either need GTA6 released now......or we have to wait until there's 40 million PS5's in 2022-2023." Xbox One X owners will buy a barebones single-player only GTA6 right now in 2019.
  18. Did you see the money Rockstar/Take Two made with making GTA5 for X360/PS3 and then making an up-port for PS4/XBO? You think business executives are going to allow that same business potential to pass by them? If they only release GTA6 for next-gen systems, its first week launch numbers aren't going to be a tenth of what they were in 2013. Six months from now, they will be okay with truncating RDR2 sales to introduce something else.
  19. Inflation makes it only logical that it should be $499. If you paid $399 for a console back in 2006, that's the same as paying $500 in today's money. And I believe the GTA6 rumor because Rockstar has to prepare GTA6 the same way they did with last gen and GTA5. There's too much money to be made. They have to make a version for these consoles sometime during 2019/2020, and then they're going to sell a next-gen version and get people to buy it again. I almost think they had to push RDR2 out the door last year so that they can give themselves enough
  20. gotta tuck in your shirt. oh, sorry I meant YOUR SHIT
  21. I know it sounds dorky, but when you get over 30, you HAVE to stop eating like an 18 year old. I'm lucky I'm as healthy as I am considering how I let myself eat junkfood with almost no restrictions. I'm shocked I have as few cavities in my teeth for as much soda that I have drank in the past 20 years.
  22. He's not talking about blood sugar level, he's talking about the body's hormonal response. Insulin levels increase to artificial sweeteners the same way they would for sugar, especially if you start taking artificial sweeteners regularly. It may result in increasing insulin resistance the same way that would happen if somebody takes in alot of sugar/carbs. This is usually the condition for pre-diabetes. But what it also means is that your body simply begins storing the energy as fat instead of using it for fuel. Which means your body gets tired and send a signal for mo
  23. The good thing here is that Sony is taking a $100 loss for the right reasons. Whereas on the PS3, they were taking a loss on the hardware for the wrong reasons. If the 14 TFLOPS rumor is true, then Cerny is trying to put in the most optimum type of CPU, most cutting edge GPU that allows raytracing, and focusing on bandwidth from the storage drive to on-board memory. Those components probably eat up the majority of the $500 cost. Wouldn't surprise me if Sony offers no change to the Dualshock at all. It may be PSVR2 ready, but it definitely won't come with tho
  24. I haven't bought a specific test to confirm this, but I think I am a supertaster and simply have more tastebud receptors on my tongue than average people. I can taste the emptiness of those diet drinks, even Coke Zero. It just pales in comparison to how awesome it feels to have an ice cold Coca-cola hit your lips on a hot summer day. When I drink a diet soda, it just makes me feel bummed and ask my "what am I even doing." You either do it right, or not at all.
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