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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I was fixing to say. Sony is not at E3. Microsoft then proceeds to boast how they're gonna have big announcements at E3. Cerny just casually starts talking about the PS5 almost two full months before MS does. LOL, if Microsoft responds, then they are going to diminish their E3 reveal. If Microsoft waits til the E3 reveal, Sony gets all this time and hype going on for their console. Sony taking $100 loss means that they're serious. Now I'm thinking to myself "Gee, that Gamestop $250 trade-in is still active, I wonder how long the trade-in value
  2. I love soda more than anybody, but I feel like shit when drinking diet. The closest diet drink to the real version is Diet Sunkist, when drinking it cold. But, especially after reading that Diet sodas and the sweeteners they use increases your chances of getting a stroke, I don't want to drink diet at all. I'm just going to drink water, and when I want to break my diet, I'll drink real soda that weekend.
  3. Gamestop has been taking some hits in their stock price, so they need to revert to late 80's, early 90's store policies for video games. That's awesome. What that means is, I could've shopped for some deal on Days Gone for $48-$50, but by buying it at $60 at Gamestop, I could potentially return it back. Unless its 20 hours or less, its doubtful I'd be able to knock the game out within two days. I wonder if they mark your account if you do this once, and they don't allow you to do it again for future games. But I would definitely do this for CoD Single-play
  4. so the guy that has been talking about my brother for almost a year (i'm not exaggerating, that's actually true, he's been doing exactly that).....now says I have no brother?
  5. Ugh..........jonb is actually thinking about our nut right now. That's fucking gross. ............and my brother's, as well? Oh my god.
  6. I think some of these guys are disgusted that a girl they may like has some other guy's nut inside of her. Tarnished goods. For some reason its the FIRST thing that comes in their mind. Other guy's nut.
  7. LOL, this is from Sleeping Dogs, a game from about 4-5 years ago.
  8. They'd need to invent some sort of high-rise fire-hydrant that needs to come with its own water pump to push the water up from ground level to the rooftop level, and then the fire department can connect to that and just spray from a ladder. But, its an old city. It would require alot of work to its plumbing infrstructure, it'd require alot of regulation and inspections But then again, that's the same thing that happened with that UK fire a couple of years ago. They decided that old buildings are too much trouble to meet newer safety standards, and they had a horrific fi
  9. I'm wondering how it started as well. The building structure is made of stone, right? Maybe the roof area is comprised of wood?
  10. Its always about OTHER PEOPLE not being responsible..........therefore we should pass laws that FORCE them. We just heard examples of this earlier in the thread. Apparently the women is responsible for both sides of the equation when sex is happening.
  11. And my analogy fits perfectly. This person's path to being a Doctor, THE PROCESS, begins with the first college class. Assign the properties of something from the future to something today. You think science allows that logic? Already did explain life to you. A being that has consciousness, core parts of the nervous system and vital organs developed in order to be a viable organism outside of its womb or any life support. Meaning that if it dies, it didn't die because something from its body is under-developed. You already know that I
  12. You see, me taking an English 1301 class in my freshman year of college is the START of the PROCESS in becoming a Doctor. So you see...............you might as well start calling me a Doctor right now.
  13. Caught you. Again. No. No. No. Conception is a clump of cells. Using universally agreed upon biological assessments, prove to me that a clump of cells on Day 1 is considered a biologically living being. If you don't do it, you just lose this entire argument. That's checkmate.
  14. This is what you copied from Dynocrap: You clearly agree with it, because you, like Dynocrap would also want to say that brain dead people are not like fetuses in any form. Which means that FETUSES are never considered "alive" which means you AREN'T KILLING THEM. Thank you. You just confirmed this logic. You are specifically saying that the creature would have HAD TO HAVE BEEN IN A PREVIOUS CONDITION OF 'ALIVE" in order to say that pulling life support would constitute "killing them." Thank you. That's checkmate.
  15. Those were analogies. Because I made the Hate Crime analogy..............because you brought up ANOTHER argument regarding a law. I even said that the law is just based on something that ISN'T SCIENCE. That's why I said "does a physical punch from a random assaulter hurt more than a physical punch from a racist assaulter?" I was specifically highlighting the difference between judging something in a POLITICAL MANNER versus judging something in a SCIENTIFIC MANNER. Life Support analogy was to clearly establish ONE THING of the MANY THINGS required for a being to be aliv
  16. No...........you assigned as well by acknowledging that brain-dead are "dead" Dynocrap just said..............and YOU copied his statement, which means you agree with it. Brain-dead people have no consciousness...............which means they are not alive. Congrats, you just made the same determination for un-conscious fetuses. 1,500 scientists have said that a fetus prior to 24 weeks does not have consciousness.............and you just confirmed that No Consciousness = Not Alive. The 1,500 scientist gave you the RAW DATA, and you APPLIED the rul
  17. Nope. I said MULTIPLE THINGS MUST HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED in order for us to consider this fetus as a viable being. Sorry...............you can't use the credibility at 24 weeks to SORTA give your theory about Week 1 credibility. The biology of something IS what it IS at that current point in time. Period. Answer. The. Question. Show me the science that proves its "Life" on Day 1. You've run out of gimmicks. "you want the biology to continue" is not a valid argument. You're pretty much telling me arresting somebody under PRE-CRIME is an a
  18. I love how you guys are trying to pretend that you've taken control of "biology" when you guys don't want to acknowledge basic biological facts. You "WANT the biology to continue" Sorry. a fetus IS what it IS at that current of time. Which means that, prior to 24 weeks, it is NOT living. That's using biology to confirm simple truths.
  19. That means you just said that a fetus without the ability to have a consciousness or even inhale air isn't a living being. That's the "biological reality" is it not????????????????
  20. Therefore cutting life support to a non-viable fetus is also not murder. They were NEVER considered alive, either. Thank you. Nope. Answer the question. You said that life begins at conception. Show me the science. You've run out of gimmicks. Show me the biological interpretation that a clump of cells forming on Day 1 is considered a living human being. You're not getting out of this.
  21. Yup.............that's my usage of words. If that's the best argument you got, then you got nothing. I could have simply said "no longer viable" And you know that because I HAVE used the phrase "no longer viable" throughout this thread. Thanks for admitting that have run out of ideas.
  22. We are comparing their life support systems. Do you understand that I am MAKING the point that the brain dead person, the status of their non function brain.......means that allowing them to die without a life support system on any kind means its NOT MURDER. LOL, this is what you get for trying to rely on Dynocrap in order to find something to use against me. Dude, your self-projection is off the charts. Now you're trying to say I'm anti-biology.......................whoo boy, you're getting close the throwing the kitchen sink, you are trying any
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