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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Stop avoiding the question. You think life begins at conception. Show me the science that confirms that.
  2. Sorry, trying to cling on my usage of words to try and get out of this isn't going to work. The fact that I've WHITTLED YOU DOWN to attempting that..............is fantastic for me. Also, don't pretend I haven't already explained this to you: You are running on BELIEF as well. Therefore, if you're saying your BELIEF should be acknowledge................why don't you acknowledge the BELIEF from families who still keep their loved ones on like support even though they are brain dead. You LIED and tried to say that HOSPITALS keep peop
  3. Not its not growing when its removed from the body. (Do...............you understand why me and Dynocrap are talking about Brain Dead people and fetuses in the first place????) That fetus won't grow because its going to be deprived of oxygen and die within minutes.
  4. No..............it suits reality, as defined by biology. That's where I'm currently living in. Let me know when you decide to reach those places. Except I'm not declaring what is "natural" and what isn't. I'm using already defined understanding of biology. You're the one saying that a clump of cells that form at Day 1 constitutes "Life" Show me the science that confirms that.
  5. A fetus who does not have developed lungs because the air sacs within the lung organ don't form until 24 weeks.........means the featus will die by itself. You're simply getting out of this. When I say that something is "not viable"......I'm not point at ONE ORGAN, or ONE FUNCTION. You insult the biological construction of human beings. They require MULTIPLE things to function together in order to live. And alot of those things simply are not developed prior to 24 weeks in utero. Simple as that. You don't have a counter-argument to that. That's why you and
  6. Combined with biological viability of the remaining organs. Its not an EITHER/OR thing............its a combination of things in which we can determine something as being a viable human being. That is why 24 weeks keeps on coming up at the point where we can detect all of those things. Nice try.................I love how you keep on trying perform DIVIDE AND CONQUER attempts at this issue, and I'm not allowing it.
  7. Sorry, that's what you have done for the past few pages. Logical Fallacy #1: Logical Fallacy #2: Self-projection.
  8. 1,500 scientists signed a letter than specifically says: I didn't make that determination. 1,500 scientists did, and signed a letter just last year. You're not going to beat Science and Medicine. Consider me arrogant............but as long as I stick to Science and Medicine, I'm gonna keep beating you, here. If you find yourself trying to NOT LISTEN to Science and Medicine.........that's not a good to be.
  9. Oh............you mean I'm taking EVERYTHING INTO CONSIDERATION??????????? Yeah, I am. That's what you would usually do when you CARE ABOUT AN ISSUE. You just admitted that you want to REMOVE CONTEXT in trying to make your argument. Thank you. You just fucked your entire argument.
  10. Nope. No consciousness = no human life. This is easily universally agreed upon. Brain dead people can still have their heart beat, liver and kidneys function while the brain is dead. That means muscles are twitching. Which means electrical pulses are still occurring within the nervous system. You're not winning an argument with 1,500 scientists. I mean...............I'm almost curious to see if you are THAT STUPID to try.
  11. Logical Fallacy: Strawman I'm going to love pointing these out.............you're generating them like a factory, at this point.
  12. Yes a fetus is on life support. A uterus can be removed from a woman and actually transplanted into ANOTHER women, and she can grow a fetus. The fetus is on a life support system. The women has ownership of the uterus. Period. You are simply saying women have no rights...................that's easy for me to argue. You're wrong. Roe vs Wade made you wrong 40 years ago. There's nothing you can say that justifies the statement "women should not have this right with their bodies" (and you said that I am not "pro-woman" LOL after what you just typed
  13. Sorry: That is from a letter signed by 1,500 Scientists that make up Ireland's advocacy group for passing laws to allow abortions just last year. Called Scientist for Yes. That is the consensus of the average sicentist who is more smarter than you will ever be in 20 lifetimes. You don't stand a chance.
  14. Nope. That's you inventing some ARBRITRARY condition for trying to avoid answering it. Didn't work then..............doesn't work now. You were talking about LIMBS, EYEBROWS, EYELASHES, ORGANS. You were making a BIOLOGICAL ARGUMENT. Now you are trying to get out of it by saying Sorry, that ain't working.
  15. Thank you. Same rules apply to a fetus incapable of being viable. And no you are wrong...............families keep their loved ones on life support because THEY BELIEVE they are still alive Don't try and play stupid on this. You know that there are people who believe that. Madmal is trying to avoid this............I'm going to color the bullshit that he uses to try and conditionally get out of it in color red. That condition that you decided to pull out of your ass is irrelevant. A fetus is on LIFE SUPPORT. The mother does not want
  16. Looks like i hit a nerve there when I described your bitterness about women. That's not my fault you hate women, dude. Wish they could invent a pill for that. lol Nothing says Intelligence like completely feigned confidence disguising as knowledge and understanding. Pretty sure brain dead people have: -hearts -ankles -wrists -bones -organs -muscles -eyelashes -eyebrows -legs -arms But you know what? When you disconnect a brain dead person from life support.........they don't call it murder, do
  17. you post a shitty right-wing video.................and then you post an article from an obvious right-wing group (the Heritage foundation) No..............none of the money from medicaid given to Planned Parenthood goes to abortion. None. Do you want me to repeat it so you can get it through your head? Zero dollars and zero cents. All abortions provided by Planned Parenthood come from private payments or private donations. All medicaid money is used for all the other things PP does.
  18. they are taking precautions. birth control, and if that doesn't work, an abortion. and you call them whores because they want to have easy-access to birth control, and access to abortions. its not my fault you have a bitterness against women. take care of your nut, like a man.
  19. ..........there are laws against that. Roe v Wade has been in place for over 40 years. It limits abortions after 24 weeks. There is no such thing as killing a baby at 9 months, unless its a dire medical emergency that would kill the mother. There is no government money that goes towards abortions. None.
  20. So men should make it their responsibility to put on condoms. Got it. If they fail, women take responsibility by getting an abortion.
  21. Seems like you do care. You seem to think that women who like fucking are inherently worse creatures then men who like to fuck. Like as if you think women are opening up their eggs to allow them to get fertilize and then go out and get them sucked out afterwards. Your morality is hypocritical.
  22. Just print that shit on a color printer.
  23. Fetuses do not develop the lung sacks within the lung that hold air until after 24 weeks, when the third trimester begins. I don't where the hell you got that info. No it isn't. If an adult is lying in a hospital room, brain dead, on life support................and you pull the plug, are you murderer? Society already knows about this issue and the majority agree that a body that is not viable and connected on life support is not a person that is alive. The Supreme Court has already assigned "responsibility"............after 24 week
  24. That's much easier to say (and believe) as a guy than it is as a women. Most mistakes don't result in your body changing that you can feel inside you 24/7. If a women doesn't want to have the baby, she's going to get it aborted. This isn't some American phenomenon, this happens in developed countries, this happens in poor developing countries with or without abortion laws, with or without abortion services. And they happen at nearly the same rates. This is a universal thing. Phrases like "WELP.........you're just gonna have to suck it up and take it!" just i
  25. I get the prevailing sense that people are getting this urge to "punish" women. And the punishment definitely feels like its entirely on the woman. Last time I checked, women can't make babies on their own. So, that means that something that requires multiple parties, but only one of them is being forced into doing something with their body after sex has occurred. Its 2019. Bullshit like that simply doesn't fly. I think people who seem really aggressive on forcing women to keep babies have some sort of bitterness towards women, in general.
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