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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Something that nobody is obligated to do for you. Thanks for confirming the petty narcissism for me.
  2. That only would happen if the amount of money he's liable for would have ALREADY been determined in a court. His own insurance company would have notified him that they've determined he's at-fault, and they're paying out their max limit and closing the claim and that he's responsible for himself after that. If all of that is still unfinished, and things are still ongoing with his insurance company, he should send that letter to them. Hell, he should still send it and verify with his own company that they no longer represent him anymore in this matter.
  3. LOL, this really is quite a narcissistic perspective. And I've seen it first-hand from one of my former best-friends who is now just a see-maybe-twice-a-year type of friend. He gives me this spiel about how his high school sweetheart had aborted his would-be first child. He's telling me this like 10 years after the fact, I had never known (nobody did). I know his high school girlfriend, and I kept in touch with everything she did after high school, so I saw what happened to both of their lives. The plain fact of the matter was that her girlfriend came from a poor home,
  4. Well, if its involving insurance companies, then its in regards of some accident. And if you are being sued directly, I would guess that its for something that you did not insure yourself for? If you DO currently have insurance coverage for the thing you are being sued about (or, better yet, you had coverage at the time of the event)...........then you need to contact your insurance company and tell them what is going on, and give them that letter that they sent. They are supposed to represent you in legal matters that they are insuring you for (or were insu
  5. I don't have much experience with free to play games, because I almost never play any mobile games at all. But it had gotten pretty stuck for me for a bit about a week ago. Jim Sterling had to release this video now, because they changed the game to have Silver Chests timer go from 3hr to 1hr, and for side missions, the "mystery chest" was always another silver chest, so you always got so many silver chests that it filled up your limit. Well now, they have it where you can get a Wooden chest (that only has a 5 second time or only cost 1 green gem) or a Golden Chest (whi
  6. When I gave some rather obvious exceptions in the very beginning of my very first post of the argument I am making...................I clearly meant some rather obvious exceptions that are worth mentioning at the very beginning of my very first post of the argument I was making. Nier was Giant Bomb's #3 choice for Gamespot's game of the year. It was #10 for Gamespot's GoTY and it was a nominee for IGN's game of the year. LOL, you are absolutely right................it did fall within those 0.5% of games. Oh man.............after your first examples backfired on you, you
  7. LOL he tried throwing in the "PS4 games" to try and cover up that its his Xbox games that have dropped to the price of coasters.
  8. Well, in science, the word "theory" carries much more weight than people who use the term in regular day-to-day language. The description of a scientific theory, like say Einstein's Theory of Relatively being depicted as E = mc^2 would be scientific law.
  9. I try not to get into the concept of the 4th and 5th dimension. But it sure would be cool if scientists were making experiments that can somehow verify those dimensions. Time is something we made up. But I guess the most important thing is, what is causing our cells to stop regenerating after a period of time. And could we manipulate that.
  10. You can tell Disney poured more money into this one compared to the other remakes. It looks great.
  11. Thinks he can win an argument by saying that there might be exceptions..............which is one of the first things I mentioned. All a game has to do is be unlike the other 99.5% that come out during the year, and my entire argument is broken!!!! Yes..........let's pretend that you made a good counter-argument by just considering the exceptions and not the rule. Doesn't sound like a desperate reach, at all.
  12. this was a somewhat cringey skit back then, but its got some good chuckles in it.
  13. I do believe this week that Gamestop has a special on trade-in. They have given you the opportunity to trade it in for the same amount of money as a PS4pro. Might as well get that store credit, and hold it until they announce the next consoles.
  14. Vini will probably get so mad he'll start talking about AOC or abortions, next.
  15. Actually, its probably because Kevin Feige has said that Phase 4 of the MCU is planned for 5 years after Avengers Infinity War earlier this week. Better question is: was something on YOUR mind?
  16. The bright stuff are gases, but they would've purposely altered the image with filters to highlight the gases. So, it wouldn't actually look like that to the human eye. There was this youtube video I saw this morning that really did a great job explaining it. Its pretty cool that Interstellar got it pretty correctly. The brighter side of orange that you are seeing is the light that is traveling AWAY from your eyes, but because it got close to the black hole, the black hole bent the light and pulled it around, kind of like wrapped it a
  17. LOL, those two words are the best you can do to try and debunk the extremely long posts I have typed. Even you know that's weak because you felt you needed to come back with a second post. Thanks for specifically using Madden and CoD. Because we're talking about PC gaming, neither of those two franchises sell remotely well on the PC, they mostly sell on console. Good job there, chief!
  18. Vini got so damn mad he started talking about reparations for black people. I guess he needed something to make himself feel good: the prospect of telling the ancestors of people whom we committed the biggest injustice to fuck off. Guess he knew he was bitter and was hoping to find somebody to point to and say: well, at least I'm not as bitter as them.
  19. I love it when you forgot to read something in my first post that causes your post to completely backfire: That was easy. Next.
  20. Like I said.........you already proposed something in which half the population would be upset of. Which means you just debunked you're last argument about reparations. I wasn't talking about welfare in any other sense other than that being a program that "pisses half of the population". That was your only argument, and that's been debunked. No, you're pretty much checking off the alt-right checklist. Which..........is KINDA the point. LOL
  21. Sorry..........."pissing off half the population" simply isn't a good argument. By your logic, we're already pissing off OVER HALF the population by having welfare. Yet somehow, the government still exists. That's simply a weak excuse. If that's all you got, then you got nothing. You just fucked up your OWN argument..................we CAN do reparations for 100 million black people, because that's actually easier to institute than UBI. Thanks for that.
  22. Let's take a moment to emphasize that Vini is now venting about reparations for black people in the Brie Larson thread. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, complaining about women's empowerment and that somehow leads into complaining about black people. Why, gee golly Vini doesn't align himself with alt-right'ers AT ALL.
  23. Yes it is solvable because you already support UBI...............which solves the moral problem of inequality for 300 million people. So reparations for 100 million people for economically benefiting off of them from slavery = not solvable But solving the problem on extreme inequality for 300 million people = totally solvable. You just fucked YOUR OWN argument.
  24. Maybe learn to read, I said that HIGHER UBI would need to be given to black people...........this stoking your alt-right buddies. And you just FUCKED YOUR OWN arguement. Because you have PROVEN that the American government can institute a program meant to solve a moral problem. That's what UBI is, dumbass. UBI solves the problem of extreme poverty (at least its meant to). So, while you are here saying that we can't institute a program meant to solve the moral problem of 100 million Americans, you propose solve a moral problem for 300 million Amer
  25. Strategically, people who have been placed an an institutionalized disadvantage for more than a hundreds would probably deserve a HIGH UBI than non-disadvantage people. The only one not looking at the economics is you. Black people created wealth for white people, for ENTIRE INDUSTRIES during the 1800's. They did it against their will, and that deserves to be recognized and have something done to try and correct a wrong. Mind you that reparations would go a loooooooooooooooong way for white people to do that "okay, are we DONE with this white guilt?" routine
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