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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No, please follow with me, this shouldn't be too hard to understand. This becomes a never-ending state of "sales" on the Steam store for products, specifically because Valve does not want a slow down in transactions. Like I said............you already read this phrase before: "race to the bottom." Valve tries to have more transactions by allowing user-created DLC. Valve tries to have more transactions by allowing unfinished games being sold in early access. It ends up becoming like a clothing store's business model (if you're not from America, yo
  2. Which makes the developer have to always have the game on sale. Which means it functions as a permanent price drop. Gee I wonder if I had brought that up. Guess you couldn't put 2 and 2 together there and thought you had found a clever contradiction.
  3. Vini uses the word "militant".........then pretends we have escalated the conversation when we bring up actual uses of force.
  4. Its 2019. Centralized storefront isn't something special anymore. That's one of the biggest points being made here. Maybe in 2004-2008 Valve was investing in the server space to host all of this. But that is now commonplace. Companies don't need to worry about extensive piracy anymore. Major publishers have now established their own verification for games, and the same Windows program used to verify Ubisoft games IS also a storefront for Ubisoft games. Same for CDPR games, same for EA games. Yeah.......shitty, cheap indie games. You inadvertently supported Bodycount's remarks.
  5. Are you saying that BLM and #MeToo are the same as Pol Pot and Stalin? Yes or No? Notice how you are TOO COWARDLY to clarify your OWN BELIEFS.............even you know you sound stupid, you don't actually want to say them out loud.
  6. vini and other alt-right'ers: look how silly the liberals are trying to compare Trump to Hitler. vini later on: BLM and #MeToo are basically the same thing as The Crusades.
  7. Sorry..........contrary to your best efforts, no one is ever going to mistake BLM and #MeToo with Pol Pot and Stalin I'm going to ask again.........and if you don't answer, then you lost the argument. How many people have these left-wing groups killed?
  8. Right here: Its funny how you are trying to play dumb. jehurey: "tell me how many of those left-wing groups killed people" vini: "OH YEAH! Well do you know how many left-wing groups have killed?!!!!" jehurey: "aren't I already asking you that very same question?" vini: "NUH UH.......I'm not gonna answer until you answer my question first!" Its a little too late to attempt to obfuscate, vini.
  9. No. You brought up the claim that left wing groups have killed people................okay give me examples. You're not getting out of this.
  10. You are talking about totalitarianism............which invokes force. People being attacked and killed is Steps 1, 2 and 3 in the enacting Totalitarianism. Come on.............what is the combined death toll of those "militant" leftist groups.
  11. Uh huh..............and how many people have they killed compared to what white nationalists did last month?
  12. Show us this "totalitarian" left. So far, you've pointed out Brie Larson making a demand at a press junket (because movie stars making demands is quite rare lol) and whatever random story you find about some Kindergarten teacher that was teaching children about more than 2 genders. Come on..............SHOW us this totalitarianism. My guess is that you will inadvertently write a science fiction short story on these very forums, in which case I will demand as being credited as a "Executive Producer".
  13. Steam pushed PC gaming prices to the level of console gaming prices. Remember when a brand new, retail package PC game was $10 cheaper than the console version? On the flip side, Steam normalized the act of putting games on sale during certain points of the year, so this actually trained consumers to just not buy the game at full price and "wait for the Steam Sale" From Valve's perspective, they actually make more money from special "sales" because it increases the amount of purchases made on the steam store from consumers. Which means they get their cut. Th
  14. You're not responding because I hit the nail on the head about your weakness, and how that isn't society's responsibility. I love your insinuation of "what is required" to achieve equality. Mind you that the "outcome" is equality of how people are treated, and equality of basic societal needs, and not much more than that. Let's see what's required: -Additional box on government forms where it mentions gender. -Learning to use other pronouns that you already know -Being around "other" people who aren't like you My God...............
  15. Sorry, if the politics of more inclusion and equality is a "threat" to you...........you're on the wrong side. And............you are demonstrating that boys like you are weak. If you're response to something is "Because of X, Y, and Z......I cannot control my own hate" ..........then you are weak. Plain and Simple. And why should we cater to the mentally weak?
  16. Dynocrap genuinely doesn't get it. "You wake up in the morning, if you meet an asshole......then you met an asshole" "If you wake up in the morning, and meet assholes all day long...........YOU'RE the asshole." He is this decade's Tupac. He's very similar to him, except only more bitter.
  17. "You made us into racists nationalists" This will never cease to make me laugh. You couldn't demonstrate a more perfect example of alt-right bitterness. He's now trying to emulate what I've been telling him for months now. Little too late.
  18. i am really confused how these guys keep on making themselves look like weak boys. She says "I want press outlets to send more minorities for MY press junket" and that's threatening to these boys, over here. This is gonna be great stuff to make fun of you 2 years, 5 years from now. I'd never admit anything like this. lol
  19. Not really. Also wouldn't go around wasting my time getting angry that they exist, either.
  20. Rumor has it that there will be Nintendo Direct during this week, probably on the 11th, and that it might be a pretty big one, and its also centered on Reggie leaving.
  21. No, I haven't noticed that. Because I'm not looking at fat fucking legs.
  22. C'mon did they really need 8 guys on top of him? I wonder if they faked punched him . Force of habit.
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