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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Yeah i noticed it was the same staircase, he climbs up it looking boring and plain. But he dances down the stairs in costume, acting like he's on top of the world. I'm shocked, fucking SHOCKED that the director who is making this was the guy who made those raunchy guy movies Road Trip and The Hangover. However, I will say that people should check out War Dogs with Jonah Hill because that's very similar to Lord of War, and its quite dark. I could tell that he's getting better and more artistic as a director. Also, apparently Martin Scorcese is an
  2. LOL, he's not paying that, and there's very little they can do besides try and sue him in a civil court. Rahm Emmanuel was grandstanding, if you weren't noticing. I suggest you guys order a bunch of pizzas to have them delivered to his house, if you guys are still stewing and want him to be punished in some way. Steal his shoes, if you get the chance.
  3. Actually a couple of those articles are appearing to point-out the movie showing income inequality (which is plainly does in that one planet). And the other articles talk about Russian bots and those who get spurred by them. This was late 2017, how is this out of the ordinary? None of these talking points were being pushed on social media or common places like reddit. You seem to be stretching here.
  4. If Ghostbusters is your only example, I don't think your narrative holds much water. Alot of people simply thought that was not looking like a good movie. You could say that a mediocre movie was given an even worse rep by all the anti-SJWs losing their minds for the months leading up to it. It failed because its a bad modern reboot of a heavy 80's nolstalgia brand. If they get Dan Ackroyd wearing a ghostbusters jumpsuit in the next movie, that isn't going to look pretty, either.
  5. How? What exactly where they trying to push?
  6. LOL The Last jedi had "SJW signaling"? Do you have diagrams for this stuff that we can refer to, by any chance?
  7. ..................well you see its all relative
  8. and if you haven't noticed............MCC online base has shrunk. For Honor's online base has shrunk. And Crackdown 3...........well, LOL. They might as well turn off the servers to save on electricity. You're best excuse are 2 and 4 year old games? The market "changed" alright......their costs should actually be less. LOL
  9. Oh............so its all relative If only a few use them, why are they raising the price? After all, its all relative.
  10. Only partially. LOL It also uses peer-to-peer. And the game didn't work, and they didn't fix it for 3 years. This is absolutely laughable, that's the best you could find?
  11. Outside of Crackdown 3 (which nobody is playing)........name me one game in which online multiplayer is not peer-to-peer You're not smart enough to get away with vague answer. "its all relative"
  12. No they don't. Its still peer-to-peer. You're paying for a glorified hosted friends list and chat service.
  13. Well, you do see harder monsters, spiders, big spiders, Trolls will fuck you up. Everything has 5 levels, I believe. Chests are Wooden Chests, Silver chests, Gold Chests, Elder Chests, and Legendary Chests. Weapon and Armor are made from 5 different types of material (possibly more) Iron, Leather, Steel, Silver, Chitlin, and then I think there will be "Orcish" material and possibly Brass. And they're condition for upgrade is "Fine", "Superior", "Remarkable", "Exquisite", "Magnificent", "Flawless" So........as you know, you only really have a
  14. they're acting exactly like inthe jessie smollet thread.
  15. Level 14. I tried to slow down and not play so that I can just have Silver Chests unlock. I don't know if I'd say that its unfair..........its possibly for me to really really grind it out and managed through all of this. What would suck would be if it always stays like this for many many levels. As a free to play game, this is much more interesting to play than Fallout Shelter. But ultimately I want some satisfaction in building my town and hoping to see some real conclusion to the single player story. We'll see. If they get $5-$15 from me, then I'll consid
  16. I feel ashamed of myself. I spent $5 on a microtransaction to buy more gems because I needed to revive myself during a mission. This is a big warning. Core story missions are definitely going to get hard, but more importantly, the levels start getting REALLY LONG, like 3 times longer than a usual side quest level, possibly more. So for those missions, you are gonna need to have the absolutely best weapon(s) and armor, and you may actually need an entire backup set of armor/shield and multiple weapons because they will wear down and become less effective duri
  17. We're talking too much about Captain Marvel in a two page thread. -says the people who complained about Brie Larson in a 10 page thread a month ago.
  18. Man..........if we count the amount of ad-hominems occuring in my posts in this thread versus THIS single post right here........your post is going to have more. Don't accuse us of just arguing for the sake of arguing.............that's what you're doing right now. Chalked full of ad-hominems going on here.
  19. except you did...........you tried to make an inverse argument to say "see, white people aren't actually racist" And I inversed it back again, on you (which means I set it straight). Hey if you don't want to reply to what I said..........then that's your thing. But, the amount of complaining I've seen recently about movies is not something I've ever seen before.
  20. Except I can twist this logic even more. You're missing the ultimate lesson. A portion of black people have ALWAYS had to accept the fact that if they want to see a kick ass action movie, or a really scary horror movie, or a sci-fi movie, or a rom-com movie, a Bond movie, or an Oscar bait movie from a famous director, it was 90% going to star a white person. Black people just HAD TO ACCEPT that, and they've been accepting it for 30-40 years of going to the movies. In other words, Black people had no choice but to be accepting of watching entertainment not ca
  21. Black Panther showed that there's an audience that has been underserved. And that came out as movies like Get Out were making huge bucks. And, the most important part is that Avengers Infinity War made alot more money then its previous movie, and that isn't very logical unless there are now people coming to see the movie. Which could argue that Black Panther coming out first brought in more black audiences, and then those black audiences saw that Black Panther was going to be in Infinity War, so they went to see that because BP brought them in. This actually
  22. Dude, I have no idea why these guys are posting like this. Do they not know that once this boy-bitching era comes and goes.............do they think we will FORGET the way they talking during this time? They're never going to live this down. Future generations of men will think that this current generation of anti-SJW were a bunch of whiny pussies. Those youtube videos are not going to age well. LOL
  23. Nah, it buys time. A democratic president gets voted in. upcoming Supreme Court nominatiosn will be non-right-wing judges, and you lose. Not only that..........but it already appears as if your losing Chief Justice John Roberts, because he's been siding with the liberal judges lately. You clearly don't think ahead.
  24. you agreed in gun control what other response is needed? You don't say anything remotely worth responding. what you "believe" is irrelevant. Regulations, putting more rules and higher requirements slow down and decrease the chances of bad things happening. That doesn't require a debate because its just common sense. Solider can go live by himself......hunter can use a bow and arrow. Those are outliers. We don't allow an unregulated system because of a small percentage of outliers. The numbers aren't worth it.
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