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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL the state is going to appeal. The ruling was from a Federal judge, which means it will go to the Court of Appeals. Ninth Circuit? You know what's going to happen there. Which means the pro-gun people will have to take t to the Supreme Court. The state has already asked the federal judge for a delay while they submit the appeal...........so those California people who plunked down cash for a high-capacity mag aren't getting it yet. But, you actually highlight something I've been telling you from the beginning. These people in Cali
  2. That makes it the 7th highest grossing movie in the MCU, worldwide. All other movies that made more money are sequels with the exception of Black Panther and the first Avengers movie, but that Avengers movie isn't exactly the same as BP and CM. It made $1.6 million on Monday and $2.5 million on Tuesday. It will probably crawl its way close to $1.1 million by the time the Avengers movie comes out. Slightly under Civil War in the #6 spot. Who knows, maybe the upcoming Avengers movie may cause it to pick up here during the next two weeks. The movie is a success
  3. Call the lemonade stand "Piss out of my Ass!!!"
  4. So, you are actually advocating stronger regulations? Okay, so lets say that mental health database red flags somebody in your household, then even though you don't have any record of mental illness, you live with someone who does. So, a stronger rule would probably mean nobody in your household is allowed to buy a gun. Maybe there's an in-between solution between my original idea and this stronger idea. But that's the thing.........we can argue over WHERE the line should be. But it shouldn't be a debate that we should be allowed to places a line (aka regula
  5. Guess we shouldn't have laws of any kind because they weren't 100% effective. Wow, that's a very adult argument...........that didn't work the last time somebody tried it on this thread. LOL I love how he thinks he's constructed a fool-proof argument. LOL
  6. Mandatory training, where they are told that their gun license requires that it be stored in a safe. And training on proper securing a gun in a safe. That was already mentioned in my post to Dynocrap. Well, its obvious you don't have much of a real argument........but we all knew that anyway.
  7. Yes it would decrease the amount of shooting and mass shootings. That along with other gun control regulations, to banning of large size mags. If you are trying to make a facetious "it won't stop 100% of everything" argument......don't bother. Jonb already tried that gimmick, and it doesn't work. Nothing society has ever done has ever achieve 100% effectiveness, doesn't mean we shouldn't do things.
  8. Apparently, its got Robert DeNiro in it, and you saw him briefly as the dancing guy on the TV. So people are now pointing out that this may be heavily influenced by another Scorcese movie that most people never saw. The King of Comedy, starring Robert DeNiro. Its similar to Taxi Driver. He's a struggling comedian who has mental problems, and he ends up doing dark things in order to make it big. That's pretty much a typical storyline for the Joker.
  9. I had read somewhere that Target was clearing out their old Labo for like $18-$20 each, I think that was like a week and a half ago, I don't know if that is still active. I'm not interested in this.
  10. Actually in my long post to Dynocrap from a couple of weeks ago, I explained that. It would involved mandatory mental health checks in our public schools and possibly as a requirement for purchasing a gun. That creates a medical database, and if you buy a gun and you are in the same household as somebody who is flagged because of mental health, then your gun purchase may come with additional requirements like mandating that they purchase a gun safe or gun locks. I believe that Dynocrap was actually open to that idea. You can read the rest in the New Zealand
  11. I keep on thinking that Warner Bros. and DC will eventually force the movie to pull back and stick to the regular comic book tropes. But that trailer is promising. What if its just a stand-alone movie of a guy who just goes crazy? The inspiration here kind of seems like Taxi Driver where the guy is just slowly losing it until the end he finally transforms into a total psycho. The director of the movie isn't exactly known for high-art movies. Although he did make that movie about gun-running with Jonah Hill, and that was pretty solid.
  12. Isn't the high-impact polymer used by Glocks still created by CNC machines? Its also injection molded. So I don't even know if there's a 3D printer than can handle that material yet, but it would have to be a high-end machine, probably running the same in costs as a CNC machine. So the cost barrier is still there. 10 to 15 years of squeezing gangs on the black market and getting illegal guns off the streets? Sure, we'll take that and the thousands of lives it would save. If, by some miracle, those gangsters have the money to buy high-end machinery to finally 3D print thei
  13. The best they could do (Defense Distributor) was make a gun that fired 11 shots before it broke. People talking about adding chemical treatment to the plastic, and needing to buy high-end printers. This is like going back to the days of the musket. Which was the norm when the 2nd Amendment was written.
  14. LOL, sure CNC machines from 30 years ago, maybe. Guess what...............they aren't the ones that will be compatible with those modern CAD files in order to program the cut. Notice that I am absolutely answering all of these questions easily.............and you sound like you have to take 5 minutes to rush to WIkipedia for information that's absolutely wrong. Stupid people don't know that they're stupid. You're one of them. I'm loving seeing you make these flailing posts on a subject you don't know anything about. I work at a manufacturing co
  15. LOL you're a fucking idiot. You don't even proper electrical wiring in your home to install a CNC machine. Good luck getting that setup without the city noticing. AND congratulations on that $20,000+ purchase..............wow, I guess I was wrong when I talked about my plan for making the black market EXPENSIVE, eh? Its not the barrel (you can legally make your own), its not the stock (ditto). Its the receiver that is the most complex part of the gun (and the ONLY part that manufacturing on your own is illegal), and you're too fucking stupid to set up a CNC
  16. Think they will develop A Link to the Past the same way they are remaking Link's Awakening? I was thinking that I would like to get my oldest nephew to play LttP on the SNES classic sometime soon, he's about 10 years old, so that should be old enough for him to beat the game on his own. And the original Zelda is too rough for him to play, so the SNES game is the perfect entry point. If they make a remake, then I'll buy that for his Switch.
  17. That's the entire point, dumbass. The goal is to MAKE THE BLACK MARKET so expensive. Nobody is going to lend you their CNC machine to make highly illegal weapons. The owner risks losing their entire business for that? Do you have any idea how they get machined? They have to set up each individual cut. Do have any idea how time consuming that is, which for a machine shop translates to expenses. And none of this would be a fly-by-night operation. It would be like a chop-shop that takes 5 days to "chop" a car. LOL The chances of them getting caught
  18. ok..............let the gangbangers try and do that. I'm going to take a wild guess and say its a slightly higher bar of entry compared to paying $150 in a back alley and getting a revolver in a brown paper bag. Like I said, its useless unless its manufactured with a high quality CNC machine, which is an even higher bar of entry.
  19. Except that the authorities would be monitoring the download sites that have the files, and not "everyone's files" just those who access the files. Just need a warrant on the host websites, which they would get easily. Now if the files were being downloaded from an overseas host, then it definitely falls under existing National Security laws. This isn't like monitoring people's communications through email or phone. That's actually the Patriot Act. They're monitoring the host websites. And like I said.........lower quality guns that will definitely break. Th
  20. No.............that you performing ANOTHER reading comprehension failure. Because the thought is completed within the next sentence............I said Patriot Act can track them while they're using the computer and downloading those specific files that the FBI would know are CAD files for guns. I specifically said LET THOSE GANGBANGERS USE THE COMPUTER..............SO THAT THE FBI CAN TRACK THEM. Looks like you got that wrong. No surprise there. Already typed it in previous threads, and you've already seen it. So has Dynocrap. Go find them there, beca
  21. Actually no. They did a study on drug dealers, and the lower rungs of people in a drug-dealing gang. Let me see if I can find the article: http://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/LevittVenkateshAnEconomicAnalysis2000.pdf You, ummmmmmmmm.............you don't what you are talking about. Do you? The guys at the top do make money.........the guys at the top aren't the ones doing drive-bys with the guns.
  22. FBI and ATF can track CNC machines in the city. That makes their job easier. Make a gun out of cheaper, weaker material............they don't last as long as well-manufactured guns. That means that innocent people and even bad people, have a better chance at survival. And let's see if those gangbangers can work a computer and a 3D printer. Patriot Act can track them. So you don't know what "gun laws" you were making fun of at the very beginning of this thread???? Seems like you just admitted that.
  23. Standard gun control regulations that have been mentioned before. You should know, you created this thread about "Gun laws" Are you saying when you typed "Gun Laws"................you didn't know which laws they were? Because that would make an completely uninformed from the very beginning.
  24. The black market goes UP IN PRICE. This is America, and even the sellers on the black market are capitalists. We WANT THE PRICE TO SKYROCKET sweetie. Do you understand that?????????? DO I need to type it again. We want to heavily control legal gun purchases, and enforce it across all 50 states because it will cause the BLACK MARKET PRICES TO SKYROCKET Do you think gangbangers can afford guns that would cost thousands of dollars??? And the FBI and ATF cracking down on trafficking will cause the market to skyrocket even higher.
  25. No, I'm not. Where did you get that? I said the word "Gun Control" and "Regulations" Did I say the word "Gun Ban"??????????
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