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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I dunno........google it, maybe somebody surveyed that.
  2. If a law is implemented at the federal level. then it is enforced everywhere...............and criminals can't take advantage of LAX LAWS in other states. Why are you pretending to play dumb and not understand this concept?????????
  3. I love how Dynocrap is basically admitting that he CAN'T ARGUE against gun control head-on. He's trying to look for specific angles to discredit it. Even though I could say Australians gun control is different than Poland's gun control (they actually have MORE guns per capita), which is different than UK's gun control........yet they all achieve better results than America.
  4. Its not really disjointed. LOL You can try believing that all your want.............but if thats the BEST YOU GOT, then you don't have shit. You argument is not "this SPECIFIC METHOD OF GUN CONTROL doesn't work" You are arguing that "gun control doesn't work.........in principle." Who are you fooling?
  5. No........you're question is based on race. Go make your argument somewhere else. Its not working here.
  6. That's.............not an argument. That's a rather weak attempt to discredit. Let's say you want zero percent taxes, but another right-winger wants 2% percent taxes..............it still doesn't change the fact that you are of a group of people who believe in low-taxes. The slight differences between you and the other are irrelevant, because the core argument still remains the same. LOL. You really don't have anything.
  7. I am seeing how you're still butthurt...........you don't want to argue against me because I'll beat you every which way..........but you're trying to live through others. LOL I love seeing you dingleberry. Why do you think I started using it as an adjective? LOL
  8. I do know, but that's another argument. What I was CORRECTING YOU ON was that you were saying that gun laws don't work in California therefore gun control advocates are wrong. And where I CORRECTED you was that gun control advocates want the laws on the Federal level. Its very simple to see where I am CORRECTING you. It seems like you don't dispute that because you just moved onto another tangent.
  9. Sorry, no topic change. I already told you to go make a separate thread for your "racial" curiosities.
  10. No...........one of the core things about gun control advocates is that the want the laws at the federal level. Do you have an argument for that???????? Yes or No? Because it seems like you don't. Which is all I need, because that's all I was CORRECTING you on. Thanks.
  11. Of course it is..............I won. Now you stopped..........wow, guess you give up quickly. LOLOLOL
  12. Sorry, that's another topic change..............if you really want to talk about that, go make another thread.
  13. No, I'm not giving you a list. The regulations they want...............they want them on a FEDERAL level. Thank you come-again!!
  14. I'm not interesting in enabling your racism. You can do that on your own.
  15. Federal law does not follow criminals..................if they live outside the United States, sure. F-E-D-E-R-A-L law.............I love how you pretended to play dumb and not understand what Gun Control people want.
  16. don't need to...........I already won it. and now you are saying that I was owning you with it with EVERY post. And if you keep posting, everything you just said about me...............now applies to you You truly screwed yourself either way. LOL
  17. Sorry.............topic change aren't going to work here. Pretty sure federal law across all 50 states covers................all races from all 50 states. LOL
  18. You lost it. And, you're losing it here.............because if you post the gif, then that means that I was owning you in the phone thread. You actually just put yourself in a no-win situation. LOL
  19. Let me say this slower for you..............because you appear to trouble understanding. MANDATING FEDERAL LAW FOR ALL FIFTY STATES. Gun control advocates don't want state laws............they want F-E-D-E-R-A-L laws. You're done here.
  20. Yeah.............its called States Lines. People pass them. Which is why gun control advocates talk about FEDERAL gun control regulation across all states. Thanks for just emphasizing an ALREADY ESTABLISHED talking point.
  21. funny you post that seeing as though you missed it in the phone thread. you lost that one go check it.
  22. didn't we tell in the first page that LA has no actual gun laws for the city. Oh that's right...............since you made this thread.........you haven't read basic things that prove you wrong. Probably about 26 reading comprehension failures in that same period, as well.
  23. Notice how he doesn't have a rational argument anymore....... So he goes to Plan B: Act like a victim.
  24. No, they didn't level off. They are at historic lows. Looks like the "No Guns" strategy is winning................until you can find sustainable trends that prove it wrong. You're theory only has a 5 year "trend". You've been trending wrong for EIGHTEEN years since. Waiting for the fad to end?
  25. Uh huh.....................does that change anything I just said about PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS????????????????????? Yes or No? I know a guy who won $20,000 as a casino.................so, take out a second-mortgage on your house and go to Winstar, right????
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