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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. And what do you think 1998 to 1999 was?????? And to debunk what you just said. What do you think 1995 to 1996 was????????????? Why did it increase. But how is that possible, Australians had GUNS to defend themselves? I love, you only want to argue for a 5 year period, and not the 18 years after wards. LOL Even though your argument is about LONG-TERM effects.
  2. And what do you think 1998 to 1999 was?????? And to debunk what you just said. What do you think 1994 to 1996 was????????????? Why it was increase. But how is that possible, Australians had GUNS to defend themselves? I love, you only want to argue for a 5 year period, and not the 18 years after wards. LOL Even though your argument is about LONG-TERM effects.
  3. I didn't ask you if a machete CAN kill you in one. I asked you what are the chances that a machete hit can kill you compared to a bullet? They're lower.............you know this. I don't give a shit that I talk down to you. You make a bad argument, I point out that its not going to win. If you want to prove me wrong............then that requires you, y'know.........proving me wrong. The numbers aren't on your side. And I think you DO KNOW this.........which makes me question why you are trying to argue this. And the only a
  4. You just tried SWITCHING over to another graph. You didn't think I would notice????????????????????? I was talking about ROBBERY. You just tried to switch over to the assault graph: And you're STILL gonna lose this argument. Take a look at assaults PRIOR to the gun ban in 1996. There is NO CHANGE in trajectory in the assault statistics. You just proved that the GUN BAN HAD NO EFFECT to the already existing crime trend. Dumbass, you're argument would've worked if the assault numbers were GOING DOWN before 1996. But they weren
  5. I wonder if CDPR is thinking about launching CyberPunk as a GoG exclusive for like the few 6 months or so. They have a fiduciary responsibility to stockholders to make as much money as possible, but that's why they're making PS4 and XBO versions. Maybe they can make the sacrifice and use it to build up GoG as a viable alternative to Steam on PC. But Epic is just straight trying to NETFLIX its way into the PC gaming space.
  6. And why did it go DOWN IMMEDIATELY? How does that fit your narrative. Jesus christ..............he trying to argue that removing guns have detrimental LONG-TERM effects.............by pointing out a ONE-TIME spike, and anybody who knows Probability & Statistics knows that one-time spikes are treated as outliers. He genuinely doesn't know any of this.
  7. You don't think Nipsey would have a chance at survivng a machete attack? Compared to the chances of surviving a gun attack? Why are you arguing positions you KNOW aren't true from a statistical point of view? You are not going to win from a purely statistic standpoint. And you are saying "do nothing" because you are saying "people will always be evil" Yeah, will people will always get sick and our bodies will always fail us..........but that doesn't stop us from INVENTING MEDICINE, does it? It shows in our life expectancy over the yea
  8. Answer the question I asked. Why did the UNARMED robbery statistic go up at the same time as the ARMED robbery statistic???? How is that related to the Australian government removing guns? You're not getting out of this.
  9. Then explain how it WENT DOWN. By you NARRATIVE, it should've gone up and UP and UP for several years as the criminals who still had guns found more and more prey. Your bullshit narrative doesn't work. It even shows UNARMED ROBBERY going up the same amount as ARMED robbery. Explain that dumbass.
  10. Except it lowered before it "spiked" and then the spike went down immediately. How in the hell to you SPECIFICALLY ATTRIBUTE THAT TO REMOVING GUNS??????????????? Explain that to me. Was there an economic incident around 2001 that might have led to more people having less money, and then resorting to robbery. You're attributing it to a gun law from 5 years prior? Even though robberies went DOWN during that time? This shit wouldn't fly in a Probability and Statistics class in high school. LOL
  11. Go be mad somewhere else dude............I didn't force you to try and discuss something like an adult. So don't me for you failing at doing that, badly. A blip of WHAT??????????????? I hope you're not purposely trying to troll.
  12. This onion article from 5 years ago always gets posted..........because it emphasize the absolute ridiculousness
  13. What the hell is this? Your chart doesn't even have a title, or a listing of what's on the X-axis and Y-axis.
  14. No it didn't You just got busted lying: https://www.factcheck.org/2017/10/gun-control-australia-updated/ Its so fucking sad that half of the country has to fix the problems.................while carrying the other half on our back, or them actively lying and trying to sabotage society from progressing. Why do you lie like this?
  15. Yes it is. And now you contradicting yourself "human are evil................don't you get that, idiot!!!!!!!!!!!" "Americans are not like any other human being in any other country in the world..............don't you get that, idiot!!!!!!!!!!" You lost this argument, bad. I just got you to contradict you attempt as sounding like a thoughtful adult. And it fell to pieces, quickly.
  16. They have been done............in other countries. Boom you just lost this argument.
  17. No....................if you don't have any ideas..........then get out of the way against people who do. You just proved what I said many posts you.............you're a sideline spectator. That's your choice. If you aren't capable of better ideas..........then YOU AREN'T capable of better ideas. Simple as that. Don't try to project your pettiness on me............you don't care about people dying. You are literally making excuses to do nothing, because you're butthurt about me. I actually do care. I read these articles of these people dying every day. Local
  18. I know what I said. But I also know how you took. You're trying to be obtuse..........its not working. It usually doesn't work when speaking to grown ups. LOL You don't have anything. And you know it. Don't get angry at me because I explained something to you logically, and you don't have a proper way to discredit it.
  19. I love how he's sticking to complete strawman arguments. Here's the thing..............an innocent person has a chance to outrun a machete, and several chops to the neck to avoid being beheaded. What are your chances of outrunning a bullet? Let me ask you another question. Have you heard of somebody swing a machete and it accidentally goes into an innicent bystander's house and accidentally kill a little kid sleeping in their bed? Yeah. Me neither. The textbook is: obtuse. You're intentionally being obtuse. It makes you look stupid, a
  20. I love how you move from one childish tactic that doesn't work............to ANOTHER childish tactic that doesn't work. LOLOLOLOL Yeah.............I clear said that I want people to die by machete or bombs..........because we all know them gangstas are gonna be plotting themselves some bombings. LOL Comeback when the grown folks stop talking.
  21. It absolutely will lead to a disaster. If you think these incels hate women NOW, just wait until they get into their 30's, early 40's and have this belief that society OWES them pussy. Their bitterness will FERMENT, they'll hate everything from minorities taking "their women" to "lesbos" taking their women, to women who turned into men. Just everything. At the end of the day, they'll be begging to get a foreign woman who doesn't speak english and can cook and clean and be able to take verbal abuse from them (of which there will be plenty of). Those women won't be hot, either.
  22. Hmmm, well if it has a single-player mode and its not too long, than I may knock that out..............of the park, that is.
  23. Cool. I always want to do things to get me into the baseball season. And I usually just rent MLB The Show and mess around with it for a bit.
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