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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Haven't you seen Michael Mann movie's before? 80% of LA is very, very, veeeery horizontal. Yes there are tall buildings downtown, but the rest of the city is THAT for fucking miles on end.
  2. You didn't make a question: Yes it will stop the shooting. What you are trying to say is will it stop 100% of all shooting..........at which point you're simply not credible. If any government cannot solve a problem 100%, then you're saying that its a complete failure and should not be attempted. That's like an argument a 15 year old would make. I'd rather be dealing with solving cases of innocent people being stabbed to death than innocent people being shot to death. And you would, as well. Because their chances are better.
  3. Looks like there's a potluck. And several people brought the same dish: Meatloaf Gather 'round.
  4. Don't worry, you guys will get through this. Meatloafs is new material. Which is ironic considering that meatloaf is usually made from leftovers.
  5. Look at the Meatloafs try and console each other. OMG, I just invented the next name for alt-right incels. Meatloafs. Soggy, squishy..........and almost never satisfying to anyone.
  6. this thread is almost like that self-help group at the beginning of Fight Club. Except all the guys complaining about cucks is the Meatloaf character.
  7. ....and he ran off. Or, for lack of a better term........."retracted" back into himself.
  8. Why is your butthurt spilling into other threads? Hey maybe I get him counting over here in this thread as well. All I gotta do is say....
  9. I don't get it. The liberals are FORCING things onto you. But they're WEAK at the same time??????????????? That doesn't sound like solid HETEROSEXUAL logic, if you ask me.
  10. looks like I hit a nerve. a very, very small and hard-to-find nerve
  11. I wonder if they are capable of making DLC expansions. Like at this point, why not add RPG-like quests? Why not add a bountyhunter questline? An ONLINE bounty hunter questline. Why not introduce certain planets that aren't randomly generated, but are specifically designed for a single player story-mission? Why not add voices for the single player story? Introduce a foe, like have an imperial army that is encroaching on a territory, or may you are tasked with saving some species before its too late. Have Space Pirates. Like if they keep working
  12. These responses, so far, have completely undermined that claim.
  13. I like how you aren't even capable of arguing the subject.............the only thing you know how to do are tired gimmicks at discrediting people that don't even work. I'd maybe give you credibility on what "real life is" if you ever got around to discussing "real life" in this gun debate. But you don't have anything to say.
  14. What are you talking about? When I think LA, that's exactly what I think 80 percent of the city looks like, for miles and miles on end. Take a look for yourself. His store is the Marathon Clothing store. And I think the Fatburger is there somewhere. https://www.google.com/maps/@33.9889827,-118.3315828,3a,75.8y,226.51h,82.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s92h4-fDhuzLMoeElwP_Xpg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Reminds me of certain towns south of San Fran (near the airport) alot of Columbia, South Carolina, and even Oakcliff in Dallas.
  15. well, the law abiding citizens should have the majority of the guns. if you are saying that the MAJORITY of existing guns in America are in the possession of criminals or people who obtain them illegally............you do know that you just lose the 2nd Amendment argument really, really, reeeeeeally bad, right? Gun registry is required. We already have that, its just a matter of collecting all information together. And with every doemstic violence arrest, with every drug arrest, with every traffic stop that leads to an arrest, if they find that you have an illegal gun,
  16. They did in other countries. Like I said............we know where the guns are manufactured, we can control the movement of guns. This isn't like drugs. And secondly, you don't have people addicted to guns like you have drug addicts addicting to drugs. lol The intention is to purposely stop the illegal traffic of guns just enough to cause them to have a high price on the black market. gangs are not going to be able to afford the high black market prices. If they were, they wouldn't be some common street gang.
  17. So your idea is to relax the laws? Or, do you not really have any idea............but think you're enough of an expert to know what you are talking when critiquing other people's ideas? Yeah, I think I just hit the nail on the head. We don't need people who don't have ideas leading this country. People like you are meant to live on the sidelines.
  18. lol you actually think you have a clever point? Yeah, cracking down on guns, cracking on on gun show loopholes will make gun trafficking much more difficult, and guns much more expensive. gang bangers usually don't have that much free cash, guns will become a hot commodity, and if supply is dwindling, they won't their guns as much unless they really have to, but with even single gang member that gets caught, or any place where gangs hang out, cops will confiscate the guns, and supply will become even more scarce.
  19. Not with federal laws with actual teeth. Its like water.........it will flow down the easiest path, so apply the same oversight over EVERYTHING, across all 50 states. This isn't like drugs, where they're manufactured in other countries. We KNOW where the guns are manufactured, and we can control them. People will try to break laws, that's why we have the ATF and FBI to find the black markets and break them (like they do with every other black market). The prices of guns will skyrocket, and that will help keep them out of the hands of regular bad people.
  20. Ah posting stupid memes that get shared on facebook. Here, let me point out the flaw in your right-wing attempt at looking clever. The wolf was BORN with the teeth. Bad people aren't born with guns.
  21. I think we should give people nice shiny badges. And the badges should be mandatory. Open carry holsters that allow the badge to be placed and seen by others. And you have your own personal registration number. And if you see that badge, then you know that person is a gun owner, and a responsible gun owner. If you see somebody walking down the street and it looks like they have a weapon on them, but with no badge, you alter the police because that's probable cause to stop and question them and provide verification that they are a proper law-abiding gun owne
  22. Actually it does spread faste than my dirt. Your accumulated over the weekend, actually just Sunday.
  23. lol, i love the weekend butthurt spilling into other threads.
  24. The people (whom you enable, I must say) on this forum want to take it further. They want government intervention against.
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