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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Remember, Dynocrap, and alot of these folks, lose their shit over stories about gender, about people who are transgender having babies and all of this stuff. They WANT REGULATIONS for that stuff. They want them immediately. And, in some cases, they even invoke religious morality saying that they MUST regulate that because it is immoral.
  2. Jim Jeffries also went over that part: At the 3:00 mark:
  3. LOL ghosts is actually trying to get out of it now. Dynocrap lost that argument......and then ghosts thought to himself "I'll take Dynocrap's argument, this'll work!"
  4. No, I explained to Dynocrap that I was talking about regulation. Guess what................he did his best ghost impression and MIS-READ what I typed. LOL No wonder you considered it ownage.
  5. Except guns can be purchased across state lines. So YES the gunshow loophole DOES exist there........because it affects everywhere. It MAKES IT A NATIONAL ISSUE, dumbass. Wow, would you look at that..........maybe somebody should make a FEDERAL, nation-wide regulation.
  6. LOL you know its bad when ghosts is looking for help from Dynocrap.
  7. Who didn't know about the gun show loophole, and is a dumbass with a huge case of Dunning-Kruger. Yes, I know.
  8. No, we're not well regulated. Private sales, gun show sales. Not even close. I've walked into gun shows to see some cholos waltzing out of there with semi-automatic rifles on their backs and some large mags. That gun show moves to a different part of the county or a neighboring county each weekend, and comes around to the same place next month. Alot of money and product changing hands, and no regulation. Once again, you're talking from somebody from Texas about guns.
  9. Hell, I want to see a movie centered entirely around that Tilda Swinton character, she looks hilarious.
  10. No. its definitely the part about regulation. Especially since my previous comments you have read from me about guns is about STRICT regulation. And nowhere did I ever make an argument about an individual having to be part of some registered militia. I've always talk about regulation on an individual level. I put the militia part because it comes right after "well-regulated". I definitely expected you to type like an idiot while pretending to have an air of confidence...............absolutely. I would expect anything less from your dumbass.
  11. Jim Morrison already sang about it 50 years ago, bub.
  12. Except I'm talking about the "well regulated" part. A person can be a ONE-MAN militia........sure. But they should still be subject to regulation. Guess you should have read ALL THREE WORDS of the phrase I typed, dumbass.
  13. I don't know how the gun nuts have warped the 2nd Amendment to get all of us to forget the "well regulated militia" part Its right fucking there. If Congress had any balls, they would've taken control of this issue and not allowed the 2nd amendment gun nuts go out of control with their demands. The Republican party is too scared to even touch it, because they rely too much on that base of voters.
  14. No, I haven't. Even Dynocrap knows I haven't because I typed it out in full for him about a couple of weeks ago. You really do have the worst reading comprehension on this entire forum.
  15. Wouldn't that that report at all. So they were SNEAKING into the country......................and decided to walk a HALF-MILE from a border entry point to sneak in??????? Oh, and there were ALREADY 3 border patrol people there? And they said they conducted a medical examination, and this girl suffering from sepsis for a LONG TIME, they determined they couldn't see anything wrong? And her father agreed? (forced him to sign an affadavit). Sweetie.............they lie. They have been CAUGHT LYING, just 2 days ago
  16. The same CBP trying to cover their ass for a child dying under their care. And also lying about the border situation being a "crisis" And the head of Dept. of Homeland Security has been caught LYING about not having plan child-separation policy even though they have email communication in which they discuss it. Yeah right.
  17. You Just Lied You changed the words on the article you posted. This is what the article actually says: https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/2019/03/29/jakelin-caal-autopsy-report-released-el-paso-medical-examiner-migrant-girl/3313850002/ If they arrive at the port of entry, then there is no "illegal entry". This should actually be a bannable offense............because the fact that you INTENTIONALLY want to lie about what these people did, and say they were break
  18. There is no question about their legal status. They're applying for asylum.............which is legal. Sweetie, you don't seem clever enough to get around that very simply statement. Like I said............they walked 2,500 miles...........but the walled area around Juarez is only about 38 miles ...........why didn't they walk AROUND the wall? That way they would've gotten into the country illegally. But they intentionally walked to an OFFICIAL PORT OF ENTRY. Can you explain why they did that???????????
  19. I have no idea why people cheer Valve on as the "good guy" They are literally not the same company they were 10 years ago. They've introduced some pretty bad consumer practices, they've released crap products that they don't support. The only they care about is having a game store open and having all purchases of games and DLC and user-created DLC go through them so that they can get a cut of the revenue stream. There's nothing stopping them from securing exclusive deals as well. They don't do it, because they have the attitude that they don't need to shit,
  20. We've already gone through this. They were followed. You don't speak for the Mexican government. Quick trying to find excuses that mask your bigotry. You want people to take responsibility? The US broke South America in the 80's, which creates the violence that exists there now. Take responsibility. I don't know much about stopping fires, but if I had the water hose, I wouldn't spend it watering the EDGE of the fire. I'd point it to put out where the fire is originating from. It'd be more efficient. This pretty much confirms that
  21. Yeah, I already said that you loved celebrating a dead hispanic kid..........you don't need to reiterate that again. They live in a country filled with violence and poverty. His father was trying to give his family a chance to live a better life, and he literally walked them several thousand miles by foot. You, and nobody in your family has ever put that much of your blood, sweat, and tears to be an American........and nobody in your family ever will. If people had to earn the right to be an American through sacrifice and hard work..........they'd be in, and
  22. They probably need the money to even be able to make a game of this scope. And free developing tools from Epic.
  23. Thanks for just admitting that you got busted lying. Asylum seekers SEEK REFUGEE STATUS..................yes they are EXACTLY THE SAME. A person can not obtain refugee status unless its through asylum. Dude, you are absolutely full of shitty right-wing information you learned on facebook. None of it is correct. NONE OF IT.
  24. No they don't Another common racist right-wing myth. They can go to any country they so desire. If that were the case, then Jews that were running away from the holocaust should've never arrived in the US seeking asylum.
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