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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. ............and lack of medical response. They knew the kid needed medical attention immediately. And your last part is the MOST wrong.............they're not breaking the law. You can saying this 1000 times............I'm going to correct you 1001 times. They're applying for Asylum................Which....................Is......................Legal. Do you know that there's 28 miles of wall to the east of that port of entry? And there's 10 miles of wall to the west of that port of entry? They could have GONE AROUND that wall?
  2. but her family also can't take her out of this situation. The US wants to take them into custody indefinitely, then they are responsible for humane treatment. Keeping them in the heat while in custody makes them responsible. I'm sure you're happy that "its done."
  3. which would have saved her life. and the other face of the matter is that Trump had the border entry purposely slowed down, which kept them waiting at the border for days in the high heat. its sad seeing you literally celebrate this kid dying. we both know you are........you WISH you could show me that you are celebrating, don't you? You honestly wish you could gloat that hispanic kid dying, if you had the chance.
  4. Really, because the examiner's report says that Border Patrol not providing medical attention contributed to her death Or.............are you just posting that article celebrating a hispanic child dying?
  5. Oh, its obvious that you don't give a shit when it comes to certain people getting away with crimes. You specifically narrowed your standards to allow you the ability to not give a shit about that.
  6. Except we've been talking about how his wealth was key to helping him get away. you are purposely TRYING TO NARROW it down so that you find an issue in which you can only complain about liberals. After I pointed out the flaw (my first response to your post) you went back and instituted this "Only Fake Hate Crimes" bullshit. You got busted...........you know got busted. There's no point trying to save face. Its okay.........I'll look after the Jeffrey Epstein raping countless young white underage girls and getting away with it because of a highly
  7. Yeah.......rich white guys getting away with crimes REALLY IS A FAR-FETCHED idea. Why, you're future demand that we be vigilant to condemn FUTURE FAKE HATE CRIMES is much more common-place, eh Vini? Sweetie, you are not going to revise your original remarks...............this isn't about a "Fake Hate Crime" this is somebody who got away with a crime. You want to narrow it down or else I'll be pointing out white guys who get away with crimes about once every two months. Not gonna work.
  8. Except I just demanded that you apply the same thing to WHITE PEOPLE who get away with crimes. And you didn't want to. I didn't "trick" you in sounding racist................you MADE YOURSELF sound racist. I gave you a chance, and you made it worse by DOUBLING-DOWN. Take some responsibility for the words that come out of your mouth...........like a man. For once.
  9. sorry, you're not getting out that you clearly said that issues that relate to minorities are for people that you call "pieces of shit." You know its bad when YOU DON"T WANT TO OWN UP to your own words. You're literally pretending you didn't say what you just said, even though I had to spoonfeed it to you. You were "blinded" by some irrational hatred when you typed all of that stuff. I wonder what type of hatred was running through your head when you typed it.
  10. no.........I pointed out that you only complained when it was a black guy getting away with a crime. You never seem to make posts about white guys getting away with crimes. you do understand that the implication there is that YOU are the one who is racist if you only complain when its a black person. And then you made yourself look worse by saying that you WON'T complain when white people get away with crimes, you purposely revised your standards to only complain when its people who make "hate crime hoaxes"..........which is another way of saying "minorities
  11. LA does not appear to have any specific gun laws from its state level laws.
  12. What liberal "belief" I am saying that YOU were directing your words at liberals. You are projecting here...........you're saying that is a liberal belief. Congrats on just admitting that.
  13. yes you are. your entire point in this thread is that liberals are hypocrites for not complaining or saying anything about Jessie Smollet getting away with this. So you proceed to type this post: You're clearly talking to liberals. I even CLARIFIED FOR YOU, and said "oh.............you when rich white guys get away with crimes, you'll be complaining as well?" And you basically said "No" You narrowed down your opinion to people who support minorities getting away with "fake hoaxes". You are bascially saying you hold liberals to
  14. its there.............stop trying to play stupid. its very obvious that you know you don't want to agree with what i proposed, and are trying to get out of it.
  15. why are you trying to play dumb. you ere insinuating that LIBERALS had this "attitude" that you describe in your post: Or were you saying that people of a certain only has this attitude?
  16. I got him pissed off now. So now.............he's REVISING what he hates. He's not to complain when people get away with crimes.............he's only going to complain if they get away with the crime of FAKING a hate crime. So, if a rich liberal were to commit a crime............but he gets away with it, Vini is not going to complain, because that liberal was not FAKING a crime. He just committed a regular ole crime that he got away with. That sounds consistent to what Vini was complaining about. LOL
  17. then i'll expect you to start threads whenever you see a story about a rich white guy getting away with a crime. I'll expect you to provide constant updates throughout the entire ordeal. You will behave and treat this the same way you acted during this whole Jessie Smollet thing. And I will be watching the moment I see a similar event happen, and YOU aren't doing anything. Thanks for agreeing to this. Now get started on a thread devoted entirely to Jeffrey Epstein, and give up the whole story on that.
  18. No..........you're point applies to you. You don't go around making rules for other people, that you don't apply to yourself. That's a standard right-wing trope..............good to see you appear to know it, quite well.
  19. Like, as a console game this would look a bit stiff. But since this is the FO New Vegas people, I don't mind playing this as a PC game.
  20. Notice that I absolutely nailed him to his standard and require that he uphold HIS OWN standard in the future. ...............and the little shit went completely silent. They don't want high standards for themselves.
  21. I mean now that true big-ass open-world Assassin's Creed games exist with Origin and Odyssey, AssCreed 3 feels like playing Ocarina of Time after playing Breath of the Wild. Its still open world, and it was pretty for its time, but its a condensed version of the same ideas. That was the one game in my backlog that I couldn't just let go, I had to finish it even if I had to restart the game 4 years later. Finally finished it and the DLC back in Sept 2016. I couldn't move forward with playing the new AssCreed games unless I got past 3. That Frontier map was re
  22. which is why nobody listens to you. i doubt cooke actually knows either. if I wanna learn where to buy apple crates full of laserdiscs, i'll call you............to find out who you bought them from, so that i can get actual advice from them. LOL
  23. in order to manage their already existing heroin addiction? maybe someday.........you'll be able to find the ability to tell somebody the full story instead of your selectively edited version of it.
  24. I'm sorry...........shit you pull out of your ass isn't exactly an explanation. You're gonna some real evidence to prove whatever it is you're saying, even though you're not really saying anything.
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