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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. and I asked you to post an example. so.............to recap I've noticed one example.............and you haven't proven any. was your goal to look clever in your post? because that clearly didn't pan out.
  2. Looks like you have run away. And I gave you more stats. Keep running.
  3. A conservative Canadian government.............which is left wing in the US. Don't take my work for it................look at how Dynocrap responded when I LITERALLY SAID "its cheaper to just give homeless people small houses than it is to constantly jail them" That is considered "left-wing" in America And actually.......THANK YOU.......because you are now proving something else, something even bigger. This "extreme liberals" that people on this forum have been railing about..............aren't actually "extreme" to the left. Their policies are p
  4. Looks like you didn't answer my question. And I have shown you more numbers than you have shown me. Thank you. Looks like you've given up.
  5. sorry, prove that seattle is the worst. I just showed you an infographic that broke down the homeless numbers by 4 different metrics, and Seattle isn't #1 in any of them. those are the numbers. Stop running.
  6. sorry......you're not changing the argument again. what is your response...........can you disprove my point or not?
  7. it means that they solved it using progressive left-wing policies. ............which is the very opposite of the title of this thread. and its also what I was promoting.
  8. i did. i told you that homeless population is only counted through homeless shelters, and dallas homeless shelter do not even come close to covering the 380 square miles of Dallas. whereas Seattle is only 38 square miles. there you go, there's the numbers. and seattletimes has already made comparisons of numbers of homelessness, and if you properly factor in other statistics, it does not appear to be "the worst" as people have said.
  9. ummmmmmmmmm...............you do understand what it means for you to post that, to ME. right?
  10. except that is probably only for downtown Dallas, because they count the homeless based on visits to the local shelter, which are only in downtown. the city is literally 10 times the square mileage than seattle, therefor seattle can have a more accurate count than dallas, which will have plenty of homeless in alleys and the streets for many different parts and under the many different freeway underpasses of the city.
  11. post an article that explains how they did it. not taking your anecdotal explanation.
  12. give me statistics on seattle. your picture of that camp only had like 10 tents.........thats not very big this is just one area in dallas. called "tent city"
  13. yup, downloading now. this is probably the only mobile game that i actively thought to myself "i may actually want to play that when it comes out, and i might play it alot"
  14. dallas averages over 18 days a year over 100 degrees. Can you say heat stroke? In cold weather, you can put on a coat. Tell me, is there a jacket that makes you cool in hot weather?
  15. no, the opioid epidemic is the result of the pharmaceutical industry pushing these drugs for all ailments. once they are chemical dependent, and the prescription ends, their illegal drug activity begins. pharmaceutical industry requires regulations, and they need to pay for extensive rehabilitation programs nationwide. democrats are the ones submitting proposals. a fucking CITY COUNCIL is not going to solve this.
  16. yup. same opioid epidemic and homeless encampments in portions of dallas and tarrant county.
  17. i'll show you what's happening in right-wing controlled areas. you seem to think that the opioid epidemic is the result of politics. you are literally saying that a chemical dependency can be explained by politics? do you need me to emphasize how stupid that last sentence sounds?
  18. but he specifically said that the issues were NOT related to a political side. so your claim that this is the result of "lliberal policies" was just DEBUNKED by Ike. Care to respond to that?
  19. If they were "facts" then why would your only two sources just so happen to be blatant right-wing "news organizations" that have been caught spouting propaganda before? Why wouldn't you be able to post information from more reputable sources? You're not going to be able to answer that question, will you? You're just going to type more hateful speech, aren't you?
  20. Except I did, because that's how I discovered that it was an NRATV show. You just tried to HIDE BEHIND A TOKEN BLACK guy to try and promote right-wing propaganda. You started this thread with a Sinclair Broadcasting news station "report" (which we know that Sinclair dictates news narrative from out of state). And you then tried to post a second source from an EVEN MORE EXTREME RIGHT-WING propaganda organization. You honestly thought nobody would notice? Notice that when I pointed this out, you dropped the act of pretending to be a con
  21. Did he just post content created by NRATV???????????????? And he tried to hide behind the black guy hosting it. Aw man, that was too good. Not surprising that the video hid the NRATV logo until halfway through it. LOL
  22. Sorry you're not changing the topic. And I guess you don't have any good points to make, because you're relying on videos from other people. Come back when you can defend your points.
  23. The policy I just explained regarding housing would actually cost the city less money than continually jailing the homeless.
  24. But...........that is ALREADY the answer right now, in Seattle, in YOUR city, in every other place. Its just jail. Again and again, and again. So, might as well send them to rehab, again, and again, and again. Who knows maybe somebody invents a new medication that will significantly cut down on opioid addiction. Looks like you've run out of questions. lol
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