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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No. You said that the "explanation was obvious" I said it wasn't, and asked you to explain your claim We are now at 4 times that you've tried to run away and avoid it. Whatever it is that you're doing, it clearly isn't working.
  2. Except it lines up closer to minimum wage from the 50's and 60's Minimum wage (nationwide) should be about $11 right now, to have the same amount that teenagers were making back in the 1950's So, no, its not really crazy.
  3. LOL posting "news" from a Sinclair broadcast news station. Yeah, obvious right-wing media.
  4. No its not obvious. Explain it. Time you've run away from explaining: 3
  5. No, it is. You made the claim. Explain it. I'll keep count on how many times you avoid it: 2
  6. Really, after 14 pages later...........explain to me how?
  7. Oh so we're not talking about what you were claiming against me? And clearly me reminding you about it right now...........why, that's me changing the subject. Actually, I'm not cheering...........I'm just triggering you. Which was the purpose of this thread.
  8. Except I do defend my viewpoints. Now tell me.................did I derail the topic into talking about my job..........my family........my personal life? You're saying I'm the one doing that? BTW: New episode of EMPIRE going on right now, on Fox, with ya boi!
  9. Yeah, that logic appears to be sound. Me not being triggered is when I'm not making fun of people.
  10. Just post a photo of a Gillette razor blade or Brie Larson, and watch it go for another 10 pages. You know how you probably had a grandpa that would tell you war stories, or how life was tough back on the farm. These guys are going to be telling their grandchildren about the tough times in which they had to fill out government forms that had THREE OPTIONS for gender. And they had to ensure watching movies with black people playing characters that were originally white in the comic books. And their children will be like "wow..................grandpa was an ab
  11. We now got two people on Da Loop, I'm sure ghosts would love the company.
  12. He doesn't know what to do. So he's throwing anything he can. I love it when he in Da Loop.
  13. He literally doesn't know what the Mueller Report covers............he thinks it disproves Russian meddling in the elections. He's trying so hard to laugh it off now.
  14. Notice that they are basically admitting that they hyped up this entire Jessie Smollett story to "get back at da libs" So, right-wingers look bad because they have a president that is working with Russia. They have a rise in white nationalist terror attacks in America and abroad. And they're response was "oh YEAH??????!!!!! well...................this leftist HERO of yours, Jessie Smollet, just did the most heinous thing ever!!!!! He filed a FALSE POLICE REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  15. Except the Russians did interfere with the election. The Mueller Report did not disprove that, in fact the Mueller Report considers that a principle fact for investigating in the first place. Wow......you can't even get your memes correct.
  16. Well, I can't help that I look like a tourist. Downtown San Fran has alot of nice looking people walking in fine clothing and homeless/crazy people shuffling along the sidewalks. So, this place had an address on a street, but it gave no indication that it was on the third floor. So I'm trying to look for it at street level like an idiot. Then I realized it was this indiscriminate white door that was in between a small awning in between two storefronts. It looks like I'm going to walk into somebody's private apartment from the street. And there's a long hall
  17. I wanna about how the store operates. The one I went to in downtown San Francisco was fucking hilarious.
  18. game looks absolutely fine, even digital foundry said so which is why they were surprised at the resolution because they said that the game looks great. I played the demo entirely in handheld mode, it looks perfectly fine.
  19. He still can't answer a question........and apparently he couldn't make up his own joke....so he had to wait for someone else to do it with him. The only more ironic thing would've been if a Russian made this meme for him.
  20. A problem like a rise in white nationalist attacks in the United States? Yeah, that's happening. Facebook doesn't have to provide a reason....they're a private corporation. They could turn every single word into a poop emoji, and there's nothing anybody can do about it. Any more whining? Hey, Dynocrap I have a question. Is WHINING also part of white culture?
  21. If you read your history books, you'd know about white culture. For hundreds of years, white people have been logging onto facebook to post racist material and laugh about it. That's their "culture". Basically saying that if you are white.........you post racist material, Like its something mandatory and taught between generations.
  22. Dynocrap thinks that we can form a response to his air-tight argument that taking facebook away from white racists is the SAME THING as taking African land from Africans who were standing around and doing nothing.? He really thought, in his head, that was such a solid argument..........that we wouldn't be able to make a counter-point against it?
  23. You finally realizing the depths of your stupidity. The sad part is that you aren't realizing how bad you sound........you're just realizing the signs that other people are getting ready to absolutely slaughter you in an argument, so you've run away. Thank you Dynocrap for posting this material...........these quote you made are going to be very useful for us in the future.
  24. So you're saying that your "culture" is White Nationalism? You're saying that your "culture" is being prejudiced against minorities? And you think not allowing white racists on facebook is the same as taking over African land? Notice how I'm continuing to ask more questions..........because I actually want you to type more stuff.
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