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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I wouldn't want to repeat things..........that's your shtick, and I don't want to copy you.
  2. Now they're hoping for the mods to help them. Gee I wonder who was making fun of that just a few minutes ago?
  3. Holy shit, Dynocrap got raped pretty quickly in here. Currently Browsing: jehurey, Remij
  4. Don't get triggered now. Oh no..........too late
  5. Except I am asking mods to look at my login history. You saying I'm not allowed to have the mods look at my account?????????lol I'm making him do google searches to find pics. LOL
  6. That's what I thought. Even you don't want to double-down on your stupidity past a certain point.
  7. He's trying so hard. Signs of being extra-triggered. [Keeps watching]
  8. Can we get mods to look up when I last logged into the website? @Cookester15@Teh_Diplomat@madmaltese If my last login is much, much earlier than today................then you get banned. If they see that I logged in today (which would mean that I would've had to have logged out)............then I get banned. You wanna play, Dynocrap??????
  9. why would i need to monitor threads? does it look like I'm stopping myself from responding to you? That's what he was making fun off.............alt-right'ers viewing the thread but too chickenshit to respond. You have NEVER seen me "log out" because I do not log out. You made a mistake..........you confused the "Currently Browsing" with the "Who's Online" list..........and for some reason you TOO STUPID to stop your dumb mouth from continuing to move. Now, me personally..........I love seeing you continue to double-down on this and m
  10. LOL looks like he flinched. Also known as: Triggered. Thank you
  11. No it doesn't. Post the next time somebody supposedly "logs out" I love how this guy actually realized his error, and now he's typing short sentences because he knows he has to get out of it. Its so noticeable.lol
  12. No, if we logged out of the website.........our name would disappear from the "Who's Online" list at the very bottom of the page. Which is a different thing than the "Currently browsing" list of names. Oh man, the great thing about Dynocrap is that he isn't going to shut his mouth to cut his losses........he's gonna keep doubling-down. LOL
  13. you think we are LOGGING out of the website..........and then entering our name and password to get back in? That thing he posted are people currently viewing the thread on that page, Ein-fucking-stein. You are "noticing" people leaving the page to go to another page on the forum. LOL
  14. no, you don't have to separate them from the kids. Where did you get this idea? There are actual UN human rights laws that are against separating families that are in detention. The laws are based on the rights of the child. Why do you KEEP MAKING EXCUSES that just so happen to fall in favor of right-wing positions?
  15. this would've meant something, if this isn't exactly what you do almost every single day to "own da libs" I swear, these alt-right'ers are basically telling us that they like dishing it out.........but they can't take it.
  16. except this thread was purposely meant to trigger you incels. he's literally hinting at this in the very first post, and then later on we're making fun by saying "whoosh" Holy shit, you guys still aren't getting it?This is line some intense triggering.
  17. If they value the dock at $60-$80 retail price, that puts it down to $220, already., no rumble, no individual batteries for the joycons, no individual circuit board because everything would just be on one mainboard, smaller battery. I can see this dropping below $200, and possibly down to $180.
  18. Except the Mueller investigation turned a $20 million dollar PROFIT. And no........there are substantial evidence from day one. Michael Flynn was an unregistered foreign agent. He called the Russian Ambassador on Dec 29th, 2016 to talk about sanctions from the Obama administration. That's illegal. Do you think people are as ignorant of the facts as you are? That's not going to work here. Got any more excuses?
  19. No. its called having integrity. You sacrificed yours BECAUSE you wanted to "own da libs." You condoned what Jacob Wohl was doing against Robert Mueller even though you should've dismissed it as easily as the rest of us did. But because you were butthurt against "da libs" and the Kavanaugh case.........you said that it shouldn't be dismissed. And that's the sound of your personal integrity flying out the window. Maybe do a better job keeping your integrity intact, next time.
  20. No......its perfectly viable. See, the thing is that you assume that investigations are inherently bad things. They're not. They can ensure your innocence. Its like asking police men why don't they wear body cameras if they AREN'T doing anything that's illegal. The body camera actually HELPS good cops prove they didn't do anything wrong, and stops false accusations. An innocent person who obstructs an investigation still committed a crime (which is why Mueller specifically says "he is not exonerated" when it comes to Obstruction of Justice). So
  21. No there's plenty of evidence to suggest he was colluding with Russia. Explain to me...........if Trump knew he was innocent this entire time, why did he behave they way he behave? Why did he purposely lie to the American people and say that he had no business dealings with Russia, when he clearly did while the campaign was going on? Do innocent people behave like that?
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