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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Oh, so that explains alot of other stuff happening with phones. Their games that they showed were Crossy Road and Guitar Hero Live, and then they said that Sakaguchi and Will Wright will be making new games. And they have a new type of remote that can play the games. On top of all of this, they don't have a release date or pricing? They sound late to the party.
  2. And now he's running away, and trying to reassure himself. I love how I claim that Vini is just a simple anti-Democrat........and he then goes and proves it multiple times. Then he'll try to deny it later. LOL
  3. And suicide is something that is contagious. Now, the father of one of the first-graders who got shot up in the Sandy Hook massacre back in 2012 has killed himself in an apparent suicide. He leaves behind his wife, and they still have two other kids. This country used to have the guts to fix things, to change them for the better. That how America became known as the greatest country in the world.
  4. ghost fully melts down every full moon. Then he partially melts down in between. Ghost created that thread primarily to try and boast about iPhone. I decided that I would wreck his shit, and his blood pressure has never been the same since.
  5. No it isn't. It doesn't say "jerry lmfao" at the top, does it? Thanks for proving that you completely lost the topic of this thread.
  6. Oh..........so he got arrested for ASSAULT on that girl? Which was the point of this thread???????????
  7. I actually agree with his concluding assessment...........which, ironically, he doesn't really conclude that it has to do anything with their sexual identity, but rather practical reasons like they don't want children and they're homeless. But if they wanted to have children, and made practical efforts to prepare for children, then nobody should have a problem with this.
  8. Me accurately pointing out how you don't even want to talk about the topic of this thread, after asking you multiple times. Me accurately pointing out how you came in here and started saying phrases in line with bigotry. Me accurately pointing out hoe you're trying to run away, and resorting to jonb tactics. That's not "turning it back" on you...........it was already on it to begin with. Don't get mad because I'm accurately pointing out what you are doing.
  9. I wonder how it will be enhanced. Why does the article even make the comparison to PS4pro and XBX in the first place? It implies that it may be hardware that could exceed base PS4. But that's not possible if its hardware inside the portable device. That would only be possible if they put computing power in the dock. Realistically speaking, I could see them making a bigger handheld, mostly to provide a bigger screen at 1080p and to have more room for a bigger battery, and the handheld just runs at "console" settings with higher GPU clock and higher resolutio
  10. I love it when Dynocrap has nothing, because you can tell he's stewing inside. Cat got your tongue, I see. LOL
  11. Wow, you even know that you got blown out that you can't even type. LOL
  12. .............and Playstation Plus also adds in new games. .............for cheaper. ...........and like you said, its not even the primary function, because its meant to connect you online. ..........which is something you have to pay ON TOP of the $10/month to play games online on Xbox hardware. ...........and, as you just pointed out...........it ALSO offers "retention" on top of it. Wow, you really doing a good job, here, defending Game Pass Dynocrap.
  13. Actually if you do some HEAVY RESEARCH into our constitution. And by heavy research I mean read halfway through the preamble of the Constitution, you would see that the United States government ITSELF is responsible for the "security" and the "general welfare" of the people. Now, my knowledge of history is a bit sketchy...........but I do believe that a society of people, even back then in the 1700's, required medical attention for human beings to survive. Who knows, maybe people were immortal back then.
  14. So you are saying that something Playstation Plus does THAT ISN'T EVEN ITS PRIMARY FUNCTION................ENDS UP DOING BETTER THAN GAME PASS? Were you literally that stupid enough to type that?????????????????
  15. LOL you're now trying to run away: Let's look at your first post, shall we? Guess ya got busted. LOL
  16. No. I said Playstation Plus is a better deal over time. That was the whole point of my thread...........the thread from a month ago that jonb was so butthurt it was the reason why he made this thread. Now follow me on this concept: As time goes by................the longer you have a Playstation Plus subscription...........the more free games you accumulate. Did you get that?
  17. This is too good. Oh man, he's losing shit hard now.
  18. No............he paid $10 a month..........did the service grow by 9 new games? It didn't even grow by FOUR games last month, because it had games previously taken off.
  19. Says the person who made this thread because he was butthurt from a thread I typed a month ago? I actually laughed out loud as I was typing that.
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