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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Google needs to work on their own CoD/Battle Royale clone. Epic Games won't give them Fortnite, because it would have to go through the Google Play store (which they don't do). EA may or may not give them Apex CoD players already have consoles and are creatures of habit. They need their own CoD for people to get into multiplayer matches at anytime from anywhere.
  2. The first thing that I think about it: Why did people pay $60 for Xbox Live? Because, Microsoft heavily advertised, they were going to bring a service that had so many networking abilities, they were going to be the leaders in this. And now, when I look at this Google service, I see them offering the best networking options that anybody in the industry can offer. If I'm paying $60 for streaming a cutting edge multiplayer game versus paying $60 for just buying a PC game to play on my local computer......I'll probably stick with habit. If its a $20
  3. Guess their first-party development is currently on Microsoft's level. They have absolutely nothing to show right now.
  4. If I was being called something I'm not.............I wouldn't be acting like you. I knew...........because i've been called racist before, and I don't get aggravated about it, and start making threads about racism. You really don't get it......................you're quite noticeable in this regard.
  5. That young guy was a little too passionate.
  6. How is google going to charge for this? It may be in the form of a subscription service. My nephew is watching videos of people playing video games, and if it has a button that says "Play Now" he will probably push that button.
  7. Its a virtual arcade cabinet. Let's say you're watching somebody kick ass on Mortal Kombat 11, and you want a piece of him. You put down your virtual quarter and you are next (and all of this is being viewed by other people online via a stream).
  8. Nothing MS has said about their xCloud servers of Xbox One S indicated that they "stack" and work together like multiple GPUs. They would have to have some sort of middleware designed for it, and that's quite doubtful that they did this. Google must have designed these servers with AMD and designed them to have their GPUs work together.
  9. LOL their online is already vast superior than Crackdown 3.
  10. Them saying that the controller connect via Wifi directly to the google streaming service may make this necessary in order to keep lag low.
  11. If they show a fast moving game streaming......then that will be cool. They also want to knock out Amazon Twitch with their MULTIPLE resolutions that are being streamed and saved at the same time. I mean, that should be a complete nightmare for online storage.
  12. Well, in all of those devices, they had either A.) opened up Chrome browser and had the Project Stream Website already open and ready to enter the game. or B.) Already had the app they will used open, and ready to start the stream. So it does require about 30 seconds to open up the browser and visit the proper web page. Or open the proper app.
  13. Yup, I figured it would somehow incorporate itself with youtube. Hell, they could potentially put advertisements in between loading times. (or arbitrarily create loading times FOR advertisements). For example if you get into an online multiplayer match, as the match is getting setup, they show you a movie trailer or a tv commercial.
  14. Thanks for my free copy of AssCreed Odyssey.
  15. In that video, I seem to have mostly see Tomb Raider, Trials Rising, so that may mean Square Enix and Ubisoft. Playing Trials Rising from my phone anywhere?????????
  16. Name is dumb. LOL they have Phil Harrison? Well, that is something.
  17. They sound like they are, at least, a whole year ahead of where Microsoft wants to be with their streaming plans.
  18. On multiple times, I've called Cooke "misguided" and "duped". And he generally thinks that he KNOWS exactly what he's doing. He doesn't know that he is getting DUPED into aligning with alt-right'ers. Because the right-wing LIVES in nothing but dog-whistles. Its been their way of life for over 40 years. "you are getting so abstract" If you have FALLEN for the "Culture War" you are doing the bidding of bigoted right-wingers. Its as simple as that.
  19. The thing is that there must be some sort of hardware, or hardware peripheral involved, because they're using pieces of hardware as examples. Alright fixing to begin in about 5 minutes. I think we should take a moment and appreciate this. We're seeing a new player make a mysterious new announcement. This feels like a E3 press conference straight out of the mid-2000's. This is good.
  20. They had a fourth spot with a sign that sad "Coming Soon" on it ?????????????????????????????????? Maybe they're going to place an Xbox One X there. lol
  21. This is the same exact strategy they used to say they're not racist against black people. "We're not racists!!! You don't see us LYNCHING any black people from trees and wearing white robes, do you????"
  22. Considering that you are the wrongest, most embarassed poster on this forum, this actually makes me doubt it. But, on the hand.............a broken clock is right at least two times a day. Which puts you slightly below a broken clock.
  23. Its that "ka-klunk" noise along with instructions in which key names or places are in color blue or red. As long as they keep doing that, they will always be outdated.
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