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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Nintendo just keeps on bringing it. Thank goodness they will never get to the point where the most hyped presentation of the year is how they're selling off part of the business to competitors.
  2. I talk to them like white people used to talk to them? You didn't have a problem with that going on for decades, why start complaining now? And I think this is the real issue that is happening. White people are scared on this very deep level...........because deep down inside they think minorities are going to treat white people..............like white people treated minorities. And they are PRE-EMPTIVELY calling foul. The funny part is that its an admission, they KNOW what they did all those years ago, but they just kept quiet.
  3. I am somewhere in between being a game collector, and being a game upgrader who essentially replaces previous consoles if I can transfer over important games to future consoles. I do admire the SNES quite alot, but I never felt like I had a desire to "collect" SNES and its cartridges. So for me, having the SNES classic and just hacking it with roms kind of scratches that itch just fine. There's a handful of NES/SNES games that I am playing on my DSi and Wii U handheld screen that do the job for me. I do kick myself for fucking missing out on that $80 brand-new Dreamcas
  4. Its actually because your life is not changing as much on a day to day basis, as if did when you were young(er). Think about it, every year was a new school year for you, things changed quite a bit throughout each year. You went to a different school every few years, you were coming across different people every year, you did new things every year. Now, you're a worker. You go to the same building every day, to the same room. And chances are you might be there for a long time. You come home at the same time, you already have your circle of friends, and you go to the sa
  5. They are treating everyone as equals..........which is why you're acting victimized by Gillette commercials and Brie Larson requiring more minorities in her press tours. Look at how much whining that has come out of you.........from just those TWO things, alone. I can only imagine how much more whining we'll see from you if we start seeing a woman American president and minorities control over half of congress.
  6. I hope there's a combo $14-$15 plan where you get Hulu completely ad-free to go with Spotify Premium. Has Spotify even turned a profit, yet? I have a feeling that they're doing everything they can to stay afloat.
  7. No, Nazi's were also slowly trying to convince people that "others" people who do not match a certain narrow field of qualities were a "threat" and they supported aggressive pushback to "stop" those "other" people. They also spoke like as if White People were under attack and White People were the actual victims, as justification for what would happen later.
  8. Oh man, talk about cringe-worthy youtube content. Doesn't suprise me that alt-right'ers are getting attracted to cartoons with jokes that make Family Guy jokes look like the difference between Family Guy jokes and mid-90's Simpsons jokes. LOL
  9. Just came back from watching Captain Marvel, quite a solid movie, and I actually think it might be the 2nd or 3rd best origin story from all of the Marvel movies (the best being Captain America's). I was watching the trailers and reading reviews, and I didn't understand how exactly this women is a human but also an alien, and appears to have different lives. And the way the movie explains that and sets that up is legitimately solid story setup. Its got kind of a Phillip K. Dick sci-fi premise in which this person's world is not the way it's perceived to be, and there's
  10. I think its something Rare related. Like maybe a Perfect Dark sequel. Or, it could be that Scalebound IP being bought out or negotiated from Microsoft to Nintendo.
  11. Many people really disliked him as Colbert's sidekick, and so did I. And within the past half year, I just really grew to like him. I don't care that he says very little, his reactions are sparse but quite funny.
  12. Dave Bautista, sorry. Oddly enough, Bautista would be translated as Baptist in English, and I must have been thinking of Colbert's musical sidekick, Jon Baptiste.
  13. its a rain-slicked street. you shouldn't need a puddle of water to get a reflection, there should be a blurred reflection on the slicked surface, and then a clear crisp reflection in the water puddle when the camera lines up properly with it.
  14. Well that video looks like they bolted on ray-traced reflection on just the windows and the surface of the drone, and nothing else. And some things didn't even give out reflections. More importantly, there felt like there was no soft-lighting, its supposed to be a wet rainy area, why don't the brick walls have more of a sheen and reflect more light? It doesn't look like universal ray-tracing like what nVidia shows. The Quake game that had raytracing applied to it was really informational because it shows you where raytracing improves "regular" textures in ways you were
  15. LOL, i love how you're trying to throw back the same insult at me, even though it makes no sense. Which is lazy, obviously. No............you have to be GOOD at telling your joke. Or else you are just another comedic hack. You have responsibility, you can't just dump it at the feet of other people and then pretend its their responsibility to "get it."
  16. this is a lazy copout on several levels. This is no different than a grotesquely fat woman holding a sign that says "you must accept me for who I am. beautiful" Comedy is a performance. If something is funny in your mind, KEEP IT IN YOUR MIND. If you want to say it out loud, you must execute. Comedy is a mental trick. I must manipulate YOUR MIND to reach the same humorous conclusion that I've already planned out in MY MIND. And the difficulty with dark humor, is whether you are good enough to take a boring, 40 year old housewife and manipulate he
  17. I wished Netflix would've created a Dredd series. I believe it was the same producer who brought Casstlevania to Netflix was the same guy who had produced the Dredd movie. (he also help produce the R-rated Power Rangers short film). I even bought the Dredd Blu-ray when they have that bring back Dredd movement to try and support a sequel movie. Its perfect the type of audience that Netflix wants.
  18. the thing is, a "jerrygoround" is when a person is trying to get out of an argument that they sorta know they can't win, and I immediately notice and don't allow them. it has always been something that occurs specifically because I know I have somebody beat.
  19. Nah. I actually pride myself on knowing the other sides' issues with more clarity than the people peddling it. The plain fact of the matter is that my arguments are simply too overwhelming, and people don't want to come close to them, because they kinda know I have a solid argument that can't be beat. I don't push a liberal argument, I push a winning argument that can beat all other arguments.
  20. I don't know why anybody who makes dark comedic jokes would want to type their jokes on Twitter. I think Patton Oswalt is the only comedian who tweets, and the tweets translate pretty well to the Twitter format. The whole point about dark, offensive comedy is that the comedian has to be SKILLFUL enough to bring the audience in with the joke, and deliver the punchline in such a way that you clearly mean no harm. Jerry Seinfeld once said that making an edgey, dark joke was like trying to cross a minefield with laser beams all over the place. You can do it, as
  21. Well, my zipper was partially down when I typed that, so I guess you would be correct. But you think I'm just a one-subject poster around here?
  22. Trump, just yesterday, said that he wouldn't be surprised if some of his supporters, who are tought people like "bikers" were to react violently against the left. These are blatant dogwhistles. And April 20th is about 5 weeks from now, you know those racists like using 4/20 to do something symbolic.
  23. Maybe we should send the Twitter admins your post. I almost think that you stick to this subject as excuse to not pay attention to other subjects.
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