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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Its looking more and more likely that Marvel is going to stop using Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. because they're becoming too expensive, especially RDJ. So, in order to continue making Avengers moves, they'd probably have to plug-in X-men characters. But they need to get an X-men movie off the ground in order to cast the next actors who will be Cyclops/Wolverine/Gambit, and then introduce them to the Avengers.
  2. I have to say that Facebook has really fucked up. Now, they're losing money with their Facebook data-gathering business, they should've started growing their video game business a while ago. When Google does something, they move quickly. I have a sneaking suspicion that Google is going to cause a big ripple in getting indie games. They could have their development tools be a website, where you design the game, test it, and then upload to Google for approval and it shows up on their game store. Wouldn't surprise me if they have a deal in place with Ubisoft. In fact, I ha
  3. Fassbender must have signed an awful contract in order to keep showing up in those movies. In fact, Fassbender has been in a ton of shitty movies within the past few years. I'd keep McAvoy and Fassbender, and replace the rest. They have to find a new Wolverine anyways because Hugh Jackman is done. And they had cast Channing Tatum as Gambit a couple of years ago, I don't what happened with that, but I don't think he'd be good in that role.
  4. so the lemmings are currently at this stage:
  5. this is what all xbox game discs are going to be used for after May when they release dickless, er.....I mean, discless xboxes.
  6. Dynocrap is pretending that he's successfully trolling people as a way of trying to cope from MS turning into a 3rd party publisher. Its like his 5th different gimmick he's attempted tonight. And none of them have worked.
  7. Remember, Dynocrap said just last week that the $500 Xbox One X was never going to have games developed for it from Microsoft's first/second party development. MS was never going to do anything special for the XBX. It was just a hardware revision, nothing more.
  8. Pft. Amateur. Let me whip up something quick: MMMMMMMMMMMMMM6|^^^|III|IIII||I||||||!||||!|||!|!|!!|!|!|!|!||||II6I6||IIIII||I||I|I|I|IIII6II||III6||I66OIQM66OQI.|II|6!^MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMQO^..!I6IIIII|II|||I|||||||!||!|||!!|!||!!|!|!|!||||OI6I||I|I|II||I||I|I|I6IM6II|II||II|IIOQIQQMOMI.|||!!|!IQMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI.|!|III|II|I||||||||||||||!|!||!|!|!|!|!!|!||!||I|O6I|I|II|I||||I|I|II6IOOII|II|I||I!IIOQO!QIOOII|I|!||MQMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!I!IIIII|II||||||||!|||!|!|!||!|!|!!|!!||!!|||||6OO6!|I|||I|I|I||II|I6IIQIIIII|II||I|6OQQIQ6OI||!|||!^MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM
  9. This is like Trump saying "NO COLLUSION" for 2 straight years and then, once proof of collusion is shown..........he says: "You know what.........this actually helps me!" Dynocrap is literally the most owned person on this entire forum, and that's including 14 years of posts from ghostz
  10. Maybe that explains how Google Stream's beta was an Ubisoft game. I've never seen somebody not have actual proof of their accomplishments in game development, yet still find themselves getting high-profile gigs. I imagine she's got some actual experience with designing these AAA games.
  11. He just attempted a new form of damage control. Its not going to work, sweetie. Keep on:
  12. You don't care..............yet you made an entire thread to promise that Halo MCC isn't coming to the PC. Tell me.............how many games that you don't care about have you made threads like that? No............you lost alright.. You lost big. There's no point in you TRYING to play cool, which is why this is absolutely perfect. Its also what triggered you. LOL
  13. Oh yeah............this ended up being a complete wash on both sides. PC gamers just got the erntire fucking Halo franchise. And you're trying to pose with PC games from 10 years ago and claiming: "we're even!" Let's see here, you seem to be jumping around between "Bargaining" and "Denial."
  14. We just made this poor bastard dig into his closet to find evidence that he isn't embarassed. Why do you throw so much shit up in the air........knowing full well its going to come back on you?
  15. The controller is fake in the sense that those images are amatuer mockups. But those were created by actual patent diagrams submitted by Google.
  16. Why do we have to do that? You would imagine that YOU REMEMBER your biggest Stone-Cold Lead-Pipe Lock of a prediction of things that will absolutely, positively, never happen. Are you saying that we can't rely on YOU to have personal integrity to remember your previous words?
  17. So the next time Dynocrap tells us to "bookmark it"..........he doesn't want us to actually........y'know.......bookmark and remember it. Well, at least he knows he is wrong, like as if its a common occurence and shouldn't be out of the ordinary.
  18. So its a real movie? How are they not getting sued by the creators of the tv show? Maybe they got permission or licensed the rights?
  19. Holy.........shit. Microsoft couldn't even competently develop the game for the Xbox/Windows Store. So they had 343 just develop it as a stand-alone program to sell on Steam? This actually hurts their plans for having an Xbox Game Store across multiple platforms. Its almost as if Microsoft's bigwigs are telling Phil Spencer to just port their games like a 3rd party publisher. This is rather surprising, even to people who are predicting doom and gloom for Xbox. This is, straight-up, 3rd Party publishing.
  20. jehurey

    LMAO Anthem

    Dude, what is going on with EA. Did they happen to let go of the staff members that are responsible for actual game design? Bobby Kotick deserves all the criticism in the world...........but one thing is for sure, he know how to fucking run a game company, have games release on time, and have them work on some competent level.
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