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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. We are now fulfilling the original plan from exactly 20 years ago. 1999 2019 Halo finally comes to the platform it was originally designed for, the Personal Computer. Welcome Home. [20 fat men huddled together to do the Halo theme]:
  2. So they are making a controller, I was afraid they would do this. I understand why they would. They want people to see it as a Google-branded platform, so they can't tell customers to use other controllers. AND, this controller would probably come packaged with Chromecasts. I had heard that Chromecast devices were having blowout sales recently because all signs were pointing to them clearing out inventory.
  3. One time I was shopping on the Best Buy website, and came across the product page for The Darkness 2, and they had the ability to play a demo. And from within the product page, it opened up a small window and it was either OnLive or Gaikai, and it started streaming the game within a couple of minutes of allowing a plug-in to enable and having the game load. It wasn't full screen, it was probably 720p, but it looked great, and it controlled fine on my PC running off ethernet. This was like 7-8 years ago.
  4. That wouldn't be very possible. Different connectors, different shapes, it might interfere with headphone jacks.
  5. They calculated that they can't make much more money re-selling the animated movies from the 90's. So, the only way to get people to pay for movie tickets and buy the DVDs is to remake the movie entirely.
  6. For PC's, it will probably be the Chrome browser. For Chromebooks, it'll probably be an app. For Android phones, it'll probably be an app. For TVs, it'll probably be a chromecast. I hope they are smart and make it work with any bluetooth wireless controller.
  7. So Google has already managed to generate more hype than Microsoft. I think they are going to absolutely beat down MS in the streaming business.
  8. Something about the bright colored clothing, and how everything looks clean makes it look like a cheap movie. I can understand that they won't intentionally make it looks like a gritty movie, its meant to be a kids movie after all. I feel like it should look more bombastic and higher production.
  9. So the movie is about cosmetic surgery malfeasance.
  10. Whoa. this almost looks like the same production quality as the 2005 movie.
  11. Trump being elected means that trying to MODERATE those people was not good enough. Sometimes, you need to drag the fucking country into the 21st century. This isn't the first time we've tried to appease racist white people. We've made this mistake before, and it was a costly mistake. We did not enforce strong enough change during Reconstruction after the Civil War. When the North won, they took it easy on the South, when it shouldn't have. The South was being led by wealthy plantation owners, and the North should have absolutely CRUSHED them and taken all of their powe
  12. Do these guys seriously not ever think about creating another Xbox Elite controller in a different color?
  13. I think Microsoft was going to announce Halo MCC for PC months ago, but they held off because the Xbox fanboys were irate, they were still trying to sell Xbox One X's through their second black friday, and they were also trying to get as many Xbox console owners to get on GamePass. But this time Halo MCC is going to be announced because they're getting real about having GamePass expanded on PC soon.
  14. Except a "moderate" in the US is not like in other countries. Bernie Sanders is remotely close to extreme. In Europe, he's Lean-Left. The thing is Centrism is one of those things where good intentions lead to unexpected consequences. Centrism leads to cop-outs when dealing with issues. Issues get worse and worse. And other times, Centrism keeps bad ideas alive. Things slow down too much. And when its time to react, they are slow to do so. There are times when you need to steer left, and times when you need to steer right on certain things. There
  15. You still can't describe it. Those "best ideas" would have been combined together and had a name for it by now. Let me give you an example: Socialism is the base version of a thing. Democratic Socialism is a specific version of Socialism implemented a certain way. Social Democracy is something actually quite different but it takes CERTAIN elements of Socialism, cuts out the rest, combines it with traditional Capitalism. Its telling that you have not zero'd in on something at this point. The other thing about being in "the middle" is that is an a
  16. And they still managed to get angry and bash her. They really can't help themselves.
  17. Holy shit..........you really have no idea what it is you believe in, so you call it "the middle" Its people who don't know what to think, but go around telling everybody that they DO KNOW, its people like that who are absolutely slowing the human race down.
  18. Exactly. I was parading Halo MCC on Windows 10 in front of Dynocrap's face over a year ago. Its better for him to take the L from Remij than it would be from me. Wouldn't be surprised if he blocked that from his mind.
  19. No. Because progressive ideas coming from Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are standard FDR Populism. Populism is a general term. White Nationalism IS a form of populism.............in that its a term meant to appeal to white people, that naturally attract them from all over. Some of the standard attempts are using populism are trying to impose a church as law in order to crackdown on gay people and "non-believers." Try to be jingoistic, usually trying to be pro-military at extreme levels in order to get people into targeting anybody whom they see as less
  20. RDR2 needs to steal the directional swiping to enter in specific menus, like now.
  21. So even 50 year old comic books had stories of people becoming different genders. Carol Danvers and Mar-vell's genes melded together, almost like some sort of hormone therapy!!
  22. Maybe the threatened doughbois need to watch a movie they can relate to.
  23. He just admitted that Zimmerman committed murder. No surprise there.
  24. What are they going to do, start taking preorders to get one of the only 200 limited available seats?
  25. I don't think it was ever a libcuck fantasy to have 20-something doughboys who spend their weekends going to electronics stores completely spend their waking moments talking about other people's genders. I think its a good thing we have this whole identify movement, maybe someday those people will start identifying themselves as actual men.
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