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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. you're now putting things off until the end of the month? LOL Why? Cuz you'll be off your period by then?
  2. Sorry, I don't need to walk away from an argument that I've (apparently) already won, because you ran away. Let me know when you can actually come back to that argument. If you are saying that you've left the argument, and want to start an entirely new one, then just say so.
  3. In other words, you realized that I did direct-quote you. It should be hard to figure out. Its the thing you are NOT able to do. But that's okay Ghostbuster B. LOL
  4. He completely ran away from the discussion. Let me know when you have the nerve to get back on subject.
  5. I did direct quote. Holy shit, are his palms sweaty. You doing okay Grandmaster B? LOLOLOLOL
  6. Downsampling. And Dynocrap can't get basic PC gaming terms correct. Wouldn't the best example to see which game is more taxing be to compare PC benchmarks for both games? This is assuming both games have the same amount of optimization.
  7. if you are saying that he is rendering a LARGER resolution and then displaying it at a lower resolution, he would be DOWNsampling. His screenshots are at 4K. 3840 x 2160. Are you saying he's actually rendering the game at a HIGHER RESOLUTION than 4K????????
  8. LOL he doesn't know what to do in front of me. Another confirmation that I MUST be a woman, then.
  9. If he were supersampling, his image would look worse. What the hell is Dynocrap trying to argue? LOL
  10. aaaand he's done. And to think, he could've won this argument and made me look like a fool.
  11. He still can't even direct-quote. Wow, he's really mad. that MUST mean that I'm a women. LOLOLOLOL
  12. And I can see why you're talking about me and the subject of being in the same house as me.
  13. Oh wow, he's running away, entirely. He can't win it. Maybe he doesn't how to do it because of lack of experience in that area.
  14. Most men actually have the guts to direct-quote, as well. LOL Nothing but easy points, at this point.
  15. There's an argument already going on in the first page. I won it............you don't have a response to it. That's all there is. You can't even direct-quote. LOL
  16. yikes.........most people usually don't try to copy my post immediately after I typed it. LOL
  17. Guess you can't do it. And the best part is how you're just allowing me to celebrate how you can't do it. Nice game you got going, I seem to be enjoying it.
  18. he's getting madder.............and (cowardly non-direct-quote) posting faster. LOL
  19. You can't win the argument, apparently. And you're spending more time running away, which is further proof that you can't win it. Which is great, because I get to parade in front of you that you lost. Hmmmm........maybe if you had a winning argument, you'd do something about it. But you can't.
  20. Then do it. Winning an argument from me should be worth it............considering you've never done it before
  21. He responded back in a minute. Again. His couldn't even pull off his own emasculated-gimmick. LOL
  22. Actually, you're going back around to your first gimmick. Guess you can't think of more than 3 things at a time. LOL We already were having a discussion.........and you don't want to prove your claims. Not my problem, you lost it.
  23. Actually, looking at the post times..........I responded in two minutes. And you responded in one minute. Of course I'm making an ASSUMPTION that you're responding to me...........because you're too coward to even direct-quote. LOL
  24. No, you're running away. When you want to stop talking about your anger issues about me and return to the subject of the thread, let me know. You can't even direct-quote. lol
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