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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. If you look at the jacket, the frizzled fabric on those horizontal pieces that run across the chest looks great. Why are they even doing that for a character model that is so far away from the camera?
  2. Wow, look at him run to so many other subjects. Guess he has abandoned discussing this. Aw well, too bad.
  3. Did he just avoid me AGAIN? Look like he can't do it on consecutive posts. He's still giggling.........and it apparently hasn't figured out why I'm typing that.
  4. No.........prove your argument. If you can't do that, then you can't do that. Looks like you're running away. Aw well, let me know when you can get back into this discussion like an adult man.
  5. No, I do know how the plans work. If I were wrong, you would've proved me wrong by now. Like I said............let me know when you can do that.
  6. he knew he was doing as he told, so he went back to his previous avoidance strategy. You know its bad when your best strategy is to avoid other men. LOL
  7. No, I explained it in great detail, each plan, and their games, and how those plans work. Let me know when you actually get around to doing that.
  8. No really. The in-game model looks like they have a different low-poly hair texture, but the rest of the model looks almost as good as the cutscene, which is amazing considering that the camera is pulled so far back, they probably don't need to have character models that detailed.
  9. LOL he's not even man enough to direct-quote me. And he does it almost all the time.
  10. You can't even back up your claim, and think that name-calling is going to help you. It doesn't. Its even funnier when you still keep on doing it, because you'd continue proving me correct. lol
  11. I love how your previous dumb claims actually FORCE you to create tangential claims that are equally as dumb. Like you're building a house of cards.
  12. wow, you are so scared of PS+ free games, that you don't want to compare it to GamePass. They're quite comparable, especially when I saw that the "new games" were just 4 games. Like.........you do understand that, for years, PS+ free games was a minimum of 4 games per month, right? Two PS4, Two PS3, and a Vita game. And they don't get lost, they don't get "rotated" out. If you're barely getting into this console gen right now, I understand GamePass is an easier package. But most gamers wouldn't have done that. The value has grown to the point where its inad
  13. SO what you are saying is.........one "nothing money" service is superior to Xbox's "nothing money" service. Yeah I got no problem with that.
  14. LOL posting like jonb. I said I was making fun of you for NOT being a man. You supposed to prove the OPPOSITE.
  15. Dynocrap said that RE2make was as graphically demanding as DMC5. LOL
  16. LOL he got mad when I asked him to take his own advice and act like a man. So he ran away and tried to talk shit on his way out. Good to see you posted a picture of what a real man look like.
  17. LOL, by that logic you should sit there and take it...........because time will pass, and it will be in the past. So you can "get over that shit." Take your own advice.
  18. You didn't say anything. "people need to get over shit"..............coming from the type of person who is losing their shit over GILLETTE COMMERCIALS. I love that you dumbasses created that thread..............its going to be so easy to win these types of arguments in the future.
  19. I'm pretty certain you a complete ignorant buffoon of history, seeing as though you're completely ignorant of things in the present. No need to pretend like you're an adult with opinions worth hearing. Its not working here.
  20. His execution was pretty bad, because he had a lady who wasn't a real Native American, and her costume was some silly stereotypical costume. But it was the first time I remember somebody sending the message that we truly fucked up the Native American population in this country, and they are still in a really fucked up state now. If we were really, really, reeeeeeally serious about trying to make things right, we'd probably have to give them back significant portions of Dakota and Iowa.
  21. No they don't. They go away the same way GamePass goes away.........if you drop the subscription, you can't access the games. And I don't know about GamePass, I presume your Xbox keeps your saves on local storage, but I believe PSN has a 6 month window to reactivate the account, and when you do, you still get to keep your previous PS+ games that you "purchased" for $0 when they were offering them that month. It happened to me, I believe I allowed my account to lapse sometime around 2013, and then I re-subscribed, and all of those games now had purchase dates
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