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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I think its the acoustics that the room offers. They can be more in harmony and control their notes better because they're singing at a lower volume, the room helps bounce the sound around and amplify it.
  2. But it would specifically NOT pickup the HIGHEST of dynamic ranges in brightness...........which is what HDR is. LOL you might as well have taken photos of two plates of food and told us to determine which smells better.
  3. How do you convey something that can ONLY be detected and processed with the capability of the human eye? And your answer is to try and capture that through a camera lens that has LESSER range of the human eye? LOL
  4. Dynocrap taking more off-screen pictures of his tv.
  5. Which reminds me, holy shit, I discovered the subreddit r/moviescirclejerk and those people are absolutely flooding the place with Brie Larson articles and how men are being exterminated. They'll find any online article, and change the headline to make it seem like Brie Larson is taking control of everything. Those people have been doing that for at least two weeks.
  6. You're paying $10 to only have them for a month. And then you have nothing again. So GamePass must either become a long-term service in order for you to even boast about having 150 games, or you're really just paying $10 a month to play 2-3 games in full per month. I'm paying $3.33 per month and had been getting at least 2 games a month. And the $3.33 monthly cost was originally meant for online service on my Playstation products. The way you are making your argument is like as if I paid $8 to go to a buffet, and I looked at all the food and said "I paid eig
  7. I'm not really assuming, I also found that on the Internet Archive.
  8. Wow Dynocrap is really desperate to try and make a big deal out of this. I literally tried Remote Play just once back in 2016 between my PS4pro and my PS Vita and played a little bit of Infamous Last Light for like 10 minutes. And that was it. I don't think its a coincidence that this Remote Play for Phones comes out immediately after they shut down production for the Vita. This is Sony's way of saying that people still have a way of playing playstation games on a handheld.
  9. Three years? Or has it been four fucking years? And we've been hearing rumors that it was being significantly overhauled a year ago, so its obvious that they may have done the work to fix it, but they were holding it for the PC release.
  10. You know how to tell fake lemmings apart from the real ones, right? 'When's the last time you played an Xbox exclusive?" "Why, just a couple of months ago, dear."
  11. Yup, I was just sitting here and the thought suddenly occurred to me that as useless as GamePass is, in general, it suddenly got a little bit more useless to me. Its kind of like shuffling through the couch and accidentally finding a better console than the Xbox. Little surprises like that.
  12. But in the real world, a regular console gamer would have probably had their PS+ subscription for years simply because they needed to play online. I have accumulated a game library that's better than GamePass..............and didn't even realize it. Buying one year of GamePass at $120 is the same amount of money I've spent on the last 3 years of PS+.
  13. Aw man, he turned the tables on me to make it seemed like I'm working for him! Totally makes me forget the fact that he sounds pissed in all of his responses in this thread. lol
  14. Why don't you guys just get it from the Internet Archive website. Think practical.
  15. I just saw yesterday's press release for March's new GamePass games: Which led to someone point this out: Like, I guess I'd have to go and dig through all of my PSN transactions to pull out all of the PS+ Free games across all those platforms, but I wouldn't be surprised if my PS+ Free Game collection already exceeds what is on GamePass. So, if I am renewing PS+ at full price ($60), that's costing me $5/month to keep on all of those games. I usually buy PS+ 12-Month Card when they go on sale for $40, that's $3.33/month. An
  16. Nah. If I remember correctly, Capcom was solely responsible for getting Nintendo to increase the on-board RAM of the Switch from 2GB to 4GB. They're working with Capcom. I doubt Capcom was absolutely assured of itself making huge bank on a Monster Hunter spinoff, a RE remake, and a sequel to a Devil May Cry franchise that appeared directionless. In Japan, there are 7.9 million lifetime PS4s, and there are 7.5 million Switches sold within 24 months. There's no way around that.
  17. Its going to be valuable because Nintendo is picking up the IP and resurrecting the game. Good to see Dynocrap supporting it.
  18. LOL I've now resurrected previous butthurt. Zombified butthurt, if you will.
  19. You have another Capcom game that has simpler textures, smaller environments and less characters on-screen.........so you know exactly how Devil May Cry 5 would perform? Every post is just new material to work from.
  20. He thinks that resolution is the most demanding graphical settings, and that moving between "Medium" and "High" settings don't cause as much variation as the resolution setting? Has he ever heard of Anti-Aliasing MAX settings? You want to find a surefire way to tank the framerate, just turn that up.
  21. Wait a minute..........did this moron genuinely believe that the Xbox One X version was producing the same thing in framerate in the range of a 1080 TI and a 2080 vanilla? And then he said that graphical settings don't matter? That only resolution matter?
  22. Used to be mostly white guys, but they have more types now:
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