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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Holy shit, I could've sworn I had already picked up February's free games. Turns out I didn't. Picked them all up. I think MGS4 is about the rarest thing they've offered.
  2. So Nintendo has made a bad Mario movie....[whoosh]
  3. I didn't know that SEGA was as bad in making Sonic movies as they are in making Sonic videogames.
  4. It could be hereditary. Especially when I hear stories of younger people having strokes. Someone needs to invent a drink that have something that helps ensure that blockages are broken throughout all the veins in your body. And the next thing I want to research is the proteins that go away for people who have dementia. Parkinsons, and those types of ailments. Because your body could be healthy all the way til 90, but it doesn't matter if your brain starts going to shit. We're probably 40 to 60 years away from science inventing a major product that will make
  5. I've always dreamed of eating pizza that look and sounded like the animated pizza from TMNT cartoons. Don't get me wrong, i've had some mean-ass pizza from that some fantastic places that are new York style. But its not TMNT pizza.
  6. Strokes scare the fuck out of me. I need to research what type of vitamins I need to take to make sure I don't get any such vein blockage. Veins to your brain getting blocked. Just thinking about makes me feel quesy.
  7. I wonder what the financial situation is looking like for music artists that had their peak in the 90's. Its probably worse now because they can't money off of record sales anymore, so the only way to make money is to keep on touring, and it feels like you are a slave to that system now than it ever has before. People thought Ticketmaster was super evil back in the 90's, but Live Nation and Ticketmaster have an even stronger grip on the industry today.
  8. We don't have two assholes. Looks like somebody ripped you a new one, recently.
  9. It literally looks like something that goes up a butt.
  10. I had always heard that the weight and the reps should be as such where you are struggling to meet the scheduled amount of reps within your FIRST set. And then the second set is really supposed to be a struggle, and then the third set is to the point of failure, however long that lasts. Also, if you're not used to it, and you end up working out your arms, and shoulders, you need to make sure that you aren't doing anything the next day (or two) that require you to move your arms alot. Because it could get bad enough to the point where your arms are fucked and you have limited moveme
  11. Smart move on Sony's part. Now Xbox users will be asking for refunds, and MS isn't going to do it.
  12. Compare the stuff these people were saying about Xbox One X from July 2016 up until November 2017........and now. They've back-peddled like its going out of style.
  13. Which is why Bungie got it back at a relatively fair price of $100 million. Chances are that Bungie negotiated that $100 million in payments, not all of it in one big lump payment. Bungie now has an IP that Activision spent TONS OF MONEY advertising the shit out of, and is well known. Guarantee you that OVER HALF of that budget was for marketing. Commercials simply do not have Led Zeppelin songs in them unless they dropped some huge dollar-bills.
  14. notice how dynocrap just want to declare total victory based on resolution alone..........and doesn't want to use any other aspect, framerate-rate pacing, dynamic resolution and general stability. he literally thinks "its rendering DOUBLE DA PIXELZ!!!!" and think's that enough to end the conversation. We're talking about PLAYING THE GAMES............We didn't buy console upgrades to just bask into looking at screenshots. I'm not paying $500 fucking dollars to suffer framerate issues. Microsoft has messed up by not guiding developers into implemen
  15. maybe you're speaking from VAST experience in that field. LOL
  16. apparently not, from these recent games. like i said, i predicted the very up and down arc that we are seeing.
  17. I always wish there could be a game in a flooded town, anybody remember that movie Hard Rain? So every house is like a small island, and store buildings can be raided. Some areas you can't pass through because there's electrical poles. And you can change the layout throughout the game, maybe some places become accessible later on, and the flood rises and then recedes.
  18. not according to Digital Foundry's computations. which they have plenty more in spades than you ever will.
  19. oh, another "you'll see" prediction. Still waiting for that day in which all people who bought a Switch will just........."turn on" the Switch and the console will just plummet.
  20. Digital Foundry says otherwise. And you are nothing compared to them.
  21. Didn't I specifically predict this? -PS4pro comes out first, will get decent support from devs, but the best support will come from first-party -Xbox One X comes out next, the developers start supporting both of consoles. -Maybe the initial round of games that come out during the XBX will try and push to get the best possible picture. -But developers will eventually come to an obvious conclusion: "why are we trying to make one, two, three, four different configurations and try to optimize all of them?" -Developers settle on PS4pro's configuration, and they don't
  22. I was thinking about this, and PSnow is a service that requires them to have servers of PS3 systems. So it may be a case where Sony probably has a limit to how many users they can get on the service because they're running on servers that they probably can't replace because PS3's aren't manufactured anymore.
  23. It sucks (not the game), because I would've felt that Guerilla could have made some upgrades to the RPG system, they could fleshed out the story, and made another open world area fast enough to make a HZD sequel by the end of 2019, or maybe even early 2020. But Sony is ultimately making the right decision in having told Guerilla to work on the sequel for the game and prepare it for PS5's launch. And that is going to be one hell of a launch game. The areas that need to be improved have so much upside. And the world they've already established just needs more
  24. Actually that wouldn't be identifying............you would be ASSUMING someone onto me. LOL You can't even SJW properly.
  25. Nope. That's like you saying that you identify as traveling at a certain speed than what everybody else perceives you to be travelling. LOL
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