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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Time is not part of biology..........you don't have the authority to recognize time in any way. Its recognized without you. LOL I love how he doesn't realize that he's being trolled.
  2. And nobody has used that horrifically weak argument. Unfortunately you can't dispute the time that it shows on your own birth certificate. Because you didn't write it down, someone else did, and that time is recognized by the government. Anyways, I almost want you to perform mental exercises trying to keep this troll attempt alive. lol
  3. No. The onus would be on you to explain why. Time is a different concept than biology.
  4. This was never a legitimate 4K generation. And to be honest, I don't think we're going to be all that blown away in graphics in the next-gen because developers used up alot of that GPU rendering power on displaying 4K resolution. CPU is going to be a noticeable upgrade, probably larger areas with more characters on-screen.
  5. Isn't that the equivalent of saying "All Lives Matter" as a response to BLM? I understand he is an Xbox employee and he should be focused on the Xbox console. But the scenario here is that people are telling him "hey.........you need to pay attention to Xbox, by playing the PC it specifically looks like you aren't doing enough for Xbox." And then his response is "All consoles matter." And you get mad because he is specifically giving you a response that glosses over the problem.
  6. Who is he going to be? Jaws young nephew? Seriously, that dude fucking sucks. And no I haven't seen Mr. Robot, but he simply isn't acting. He is slightly better than those robotic faces with moving muscles.
  7. So that may mean that Microsoft has to provide enough new single-player games at such a pace that is satisfactory to the people paying the subscription. Yeah, they can throw Fallout 3 on there, there may be people who haven't played FO3. But alot of people already have, so they add the game, but for a good chunk of consumers, they don't consider it to be much in value. And who knows, people may be trying every single game on there, some of them they end up playing all the way, some of them they end up messing with it for 2 hours and they decide it sucks. They're gonna
  8. But Netflix paid $80 million dollars for 4 Dave Chappelle specials. They paid for Alfonso Curaon's Roma. They're paying $200 for Martin Scorcese, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci, and Harvey Keitel to make a gangster movie. They have "prestige" products, even though the numbers make not make much sense. I do want to point out........as of this current point in time........Netflix technically has NOT turned a profit, they are investing long-term in the hopes that they grow to a huge percentage. One of these days, Netflix is going to say "alrigh
  9. I'm thinking that GamePass is going to change the way how Microsoft develops their first party games. A monthly subscription may mean that they release games in smaller chunks and on-going services. So, before, when a Halo game was this 12-18 hour single player game, and they had all of the online maps available for day one with all the features. That was a $60 game. I think they're going to break the single player into episodes that they release over 4 to 6 months, and they will release online modes like Destiny and Anthem to try and keep people returning b
  10. Well, they never wrote it in their policy rulebook. Technically they never wrote that black people weren't allowed, even though baseball clearly didn't allow black people for the longest of time. I think there will be a day in which a black woman will be able to be a relief pitcher on a baseball team. We may be under 20 years from that happening. There's this badass 14 year old girl I was reading about last year. She looks like she can do it. ...........and its baseball, have you seen some of those guys? Thats why I love baseball more than any ot
  11. And that is why hardware is important. Its a salesman who has stuck his foot in your door. The chances are you buying an item after you've allowed the salesman to enter goes up tremendously. So, Microsoft selling a $100 streaming box means there's a higher chance they can get a box inside people's homes true. But they are also relying on the Switches inside of people homes. But, streaming also has its downsides. People who are paying for a streaming service KNOW that they don't own the games......they never own those games, it is not their actua
  12. Banning "love". What a cold world we live in. I actually have another phrase, and after you see it........you're gonna wish I went back to 'love." lol
  13. Assume GamePass by itself is $10, and GamePass + Xbox Live is $15. In scenario A, 100 GamePass subscribers generates $1000 a month, and the vast majority of them continue to stay through month #2 (90%), then that's another $900. In Scenario B, if you force them to buy GamePass + XBL for $15/month, 100 people pay $15 for a total of $1500 for the first month, you lose alot more people entering month #2 (40% retention), then month #2 generates $600. You have slightly more money at the end of month #2, but you are at greater risk of losing more people, and each
  14. This entire thread is devoted to trying to misconstrue Brie Larson's actions as virtue signaling. And now you're trying to threaten your way to winning an argument. Again.
  15. I love that the best you can do against me if HOPE Russia helps Republicans win. Man...........there's got to be an easier, more direct way for you to obtain a victory here instead of wishing for things to happen on a global scale. lol
  16. LOL, I love how he's now trying to troll like an alt-right'er to try and get to me. Actually, a news story popped up just a couple of days ago. US Intelligence actually disrupted Russian internet communication within the United Stated on election day last year. The result was Democrats having a wave election in the House, and overperforming in the Senate.
  17. The Democrats had more senate seats at risk. Out of the 33 Senate seats going up for re-election, 21 of those the Democrat had to defend just the retain them. And the Republicans only had to defend 10 seats. That almost definitely means that the would lose seats, but polling was indicating that Democrats might lose alot more seats. But they ended up performing better than that. AND there were suspicions of foul play in Florida, and they had to go to a recount where the Republican (a slimey millionaire who paid for his own campaign) barely edged out the D
  18. If this is the worst thing going on for white guys.........that people MENTION them when describing trying to how the want to implement diversity.........then white guys don't seem to have real problems. I think we can make a comparison to this. When there's a terrorist attack around the world, alot of people on this forum are quite adamant that we MENTION BY NAME who is the category of person that is behind the majority of these attacks. If they think that liberals are skirting around mentioning them by name, they actually get mad and try to make an issue out of that.
  19. Exactly. They're trying to find SOMETHING negative. If not the overall message, then they've whittled it down to her execution. Because these people clearly have better methods for how to go about changing this type of stuff.
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