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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. what a lazy explanation. She's "hollywood". Nice generalization there. Once again...........you are trying to assign a sinister connotation to HOW she is doing this, When you get challenged for details about where the negative part may be...........time to talk about me and my Jerry-go-round. It simply isn't working. Let's hope you apply your skepticism in a balanced way in the future.
  2. No, you created that narrative that her words in Marie Claire were "planned" in a negative connotation. You even said because WE were talking about her words in a positive connotation, you wanted to break that illusion. Wow, you have completely deserted your argument, entirely. Y'know its bad when I got you posting like jonb.
  3. But don't you see........Brie Larson has THOUGHT about this issue before making her remarks. Can't you see how EVIL that inherently is? To spend time thinking about an issue before talking about it? You could even say she COLLUDED with Marie Claire.
  4. It is amazing to watch.........because you AREN'T answering. You're avoiding. If I were wrong, you'd be pointing out how. I already know you're attempting to talk about me because you're trying to save face from the fact that I made your claim appear foolish.
  5. Now that's a cut-and-run if I ever saw one. You really are trying hard to find something "sinister"........or "manipulative" in this story. And your proof ended up being..............the very thing WE ALREADY POINTED OUT. You sound vengeful, you sound like you're trying to find something to bring her down a peg.
  6. We're not trying to say that Brie Larson was INNOCENTLY saying something in passing. Where did we say that? Go find our posts where we make that insinuation. She CLEARLY has something to say, and she went about doing it in the most non-exploitative way possible. You guys think she is grandstanding.
  7. No, you are trying to make the point that she made an "Announcement" That she wanted to be loud and wide with what she was saying. Now you're trying to say that Pre-planned is something inherently sinister on her behalf. You're goddamn right it was pre-planned............she thought about it for an entire year beforehand and spoke to various people about it. Are you saying she should've NOT thought it through?????????? Notice how you're not really going to respond to any of my points, and will be avoiding from this point forward? I'll definitely
  8. Okay then, that's sloppy ass journalism that almost seems like it was created to get some clicks. I believe that's called tabloid reporting. How exactly is Brie Larson supposed to combat the fact that lazy-ass websites post intentionally baiting headlines that ensnare people like Cooke into creating alt-right baiting threads? I mean, just how responsibility is Brie Larson supposed to have in this scenario?
  9. So..........she had to have the forsight to know that ComicbookMovies.com was going to take that Maria Claire interview and spread it all around. ..........and she's supposed to do WHAT EXACTLY, to keep her words at a low-enough level for you to be satisfied? You are basically saying that she has to keep absolutely quiet, because if she speaks anywhere, you are saying that she is making a huge announcement across the world. C'mon dude.......I'm not the one playing stupid.
  10. Ehhhh.......the movie industry is really "wide" There's a reason when there was a huge action blockbuster, that somebody would also release a feminine rom-com cheesy movie, because they calculated that the women would be turned off by the action-blockbuster that they would seek counter-programming. I specifically remember the worst aspects about gamers absolutely losing their shit about Wii games in gaming forums. There were people who were F-U-R-I-O-U-S, I mean absolutely livid..........that developers would make fun, light games on the Wii that appealed to young chil
  11. Yeah, she's definitely broadcasting her agenda to all the white guys in the world..........by putting her words in Marie Claire. Don't you think you're trying to exaggerate some things here?
  12. That remark from her is really solid. She THOUGHT that there were a large majority of white guys in this one aspect. But, she didn't just want to act on her anecdotal observation..........she wanted somebody to double-check and do some homework just to be sure before she started talking to people.
  13. Exactly she could have had her publicst send out a Press Statement, everybody from the Hollywood Reporter, Ain't It Cool News, Reuters, AP, NYT, to E! News would've gotten it and they would've made tons of articles hitting online at the same time.
  14. She didn't "announce it", like we've said before, she had already spoken about this with other reporters. You are trying to insinuate like she made a press conference to declare this. This is an interview.
  15. except, that judd apatow movie would have borrowed some sort of influence from black culture. Mind you that the guy doing press junkets for a Judd Apatow movies ALREADY has the majority of interviewers as white guys. Why would they need to reinforce not having any black people, when chances are they already got their wish?
  16. If she says out loud "wish there were more diversity in reporters at these press junkets"..........would that have actually worked? No. Those white guys would have a nice headline to make an article and then go on their way. Instead she spoke to reporters directly, and those reporters would've gone to their bosses. She sent the message to the right people that would actually make this change. This isn't like influencing companies through consumerism. Trade Press is a close partner to the movie industry. She was speaking directly to the trade pres
  17. If anything, Brie Larson took a more hands-on approach and was speaking to reporters on a one-on-one basis. Can you imagine if she had just told her publicist to handle it, how that would've gone down? The white guys on this forum would be reacting even worse if she had done it second-hand without explaining herself.
  18. Except she has spoken about this with other reporters, and those other reporters COULD HAVE written articles about it, but they didn't. And now you are using this as some arbitrary measurement of how great or not-great of a person she is?
  19. She said these remarks in an interview with Marie Claire. How exactly is she "announcing" it? You're making it sound like she called a press conference and declared that white guys aren't allowed to talk to her. She even said how she had privately been discussing it with certain reporters and outlets for almost an entire year beforehand. If you know the bar in which she has to keep this quiet, please inform us. Maybe there's a chart somewhere we can refer to.
  20. Cooke, you are basically saying that WE CANNOT FIX EQUALITY because the unfortunately side effect is that (some) white males will have resentment built in them. You are literally fucking telling us to just NOT FIX THIS...............for your sake. That has got to be the sillest excuse for not doing something. And you should be capable of preventing yourself from "building resentment" Its not personal. If Asian guys were the overwhelming majority here in this part of the world, and we were trying to change society to be more equal, we would be talking about
  21. Trying to bring all groups of people to the same level = "bring white men down" Jesus dude.............you really aren't grasping what you are saying, and how bad you look when saying it.
  22. Notice how you aren't answering back the points I made specifically towards you? This is why you don't have credibility. You know that I hit the nail on the head when I typed this: Whatever burdens you are experience right now..........would you trade it for a black person's burden? When you read that sentence, something immediately popped in your head.......and I know it. It was "uh.....of course not."
  23. No it isn't. There is only group that is in this position of have the majority of positions of power. And that is white and male. You know this.........why are you trying to play stupid. She isn't even demanding a specific group of people, she is saying that it shouldn't be a majority of this ONE group. I love how you are trying to hype up this guy as Lebanese Jewish. Trying to use his ethnic background to GIVE YOU CREDIBILITY. lol But it is obvious that you have been caught up in this alt-right bullshit..........and its rea
  24. I really don't understand why you guys attempt to argue back in this manner. If you hate this culture of SJW and political correctness.............AND THEN ATTEMPT TO ACT VICTIMIZED like those very same SJW's, aren't you defeating your entire foundation of this post-2012 Culture War bullshit that you've people have been doing since GamerGate?
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