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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Wait a minute, their explanation doesn't really explain the lack of party support. Party support simply means that if Player 1 gets connected to Server X, and the people in Player 1's party also get connected to the same server. What does that "Azure" network reliability explanation have to do with something that is supposed to occur BEFORE the multiplayer match is supposed to begin? Them worried about "doing something that's never been done before" is the stuff that is occuring DURING the online match. Party Matching occurs BEFORE the online mat
  2. Wait a minute.......these muthafuckers are STILL butthurt about RE4, weeks later? Goddamn.
  3. But it still needs a processor. So you would still need to slide in the Switch to do that. Sure, the current Switch isn't powerful enough. I could see a Switch 2 doing this.
  4. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that any Switch VR headset would have to have its own LCD's built in, and it wouldn't use the Switch's LCD display. Its not remotely wide enough to give you the range of vision.
  5. They already had their patent for using the Switch unit to slide into a helmet and become a VR device. I'd say that its going to require a Switch 2 to accomplish that. Unless, the helmet accessory does a couple of things: 1.) You slide the switch in, and it tricks it into thinking it slid into TV mode, and it outputs a better resolution 2.) If its operating at a higher clock frequency, then it needs additional battery power, so either the helmet must have one wire for power, or the helmet must have batteries within it. This could potentially be a safety
  6. There's people on this forum......on THIS fucking forum, who spent $500 for a launch Xbox, and then $400 for an Xbox One S, and then another $500 for an Xbox One X. .......for these types of exclusives? Good Lord.
  7. What's the matter? Knocking down lego pieces with 7 other people online in an multiplayer mode that has no apparent objective or goals.....is going to score low on gaming review websites?
  8. don't worry, at least i don't hate black people. i want Colin Kaepernick taxes 70% if he earned more than $10 million dollars, same as the rest. you know there's a pattern with you............with you continually bashing me, it seems like you bash nothing but minorities. hmmmmmmmmm, how telling.
  9. Man, these alt-right'ers really seem to hate black people. And they especially hate it if black people have money. They seem to be racist, and enjoy acting racist together.
  10. Exactly.........his settlement almost appears as if the NFL is paying him for the years he missed. Which seems to be quite a telling sign that he might be coming back to finish his contract.
  11. Looks like the PC version is the only one that is solidly AA, with an 84 metacritic score. The XBO version is barely hanging at 81, and could dip below 80 before the end of the weekend.
  12. Ghost is going to be super-owned if Kaepernick gets a settlement for missed time AND he immediately starts getting contact from teams to tryout, and he ends up getting ANY QB spot. It would be a sign that the NFL has fully caved on Black lives Matter, and Kaepernick has won. We already have such signs..........the NFL gave up on anthem protests. Oh man......imagine if the NFL will even do an ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN talking about this as a social issue just like they did after the issues regarding domestic violence.
  13. I love how you're calling for backup. I'm not going to ask you what its like to be a football player.......you wouldn't have any credibility on the subject. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if Kaepernick's settlement came with the promise that he would be allowed to tryout for teams this upcoming year. Or else, he would've continued his lawsuit against them. Man..........you really don't like that black guy who was talking about black rights. Wonder why.
  14. Kaepernick just gave everybody else the legal strategy. Go after the owner's communications. They're colluding with one another. Makes me think that the people who sued them for the CTE issue is going to want to look into this to see if the owners and the league were colluding to hide information against them. I forsee the NFL and its owners getting several lawsuits coming their way.
  15. Is he still playing football? Seems like he still sacrificed something. Getting money acts as a form of compensation for punitive damages done to his career. He just DEFEATED the NFL, and he's opened pandora's box for the owners getting sued by more people in the future. You could even say that Kaepernick just exposed a chink in the armor that many thought was impenetrable. Way to go Colin.
  16. Even he says so himself, the game enters some form of pre-production, and the head designers at Platinum get together to create a design document about what type of game they want. All of this work is necessary, which means that development of the game technically began before March 2017. He left, and the game was changed some more during production (which is common for new IPs being created). They haven't specified anything, but the game almost appears to have some open hub areas, and some bike riding. Who knows how big the game's design is.
  17. Well, good thing we have Kamiya with some free time. he could step in, if necessary. I still think he is developing Wonderful 102, he's teased it way too much for it to not be something that they are working on. My guess is they are putting the effort to get Astral Chain out the door, and then they will start knocking out the other projects.
  18. Don't get mad. I set out what I said from the very beginning. I said one game looks like it doesn't have noticeable textures. You just proved it. Don't get mad because I had one point.........and I stuck to it.
  19. And you just photoshopped that picture Unless the game looks that pixelated, in which case IT STILL LOOKS WORSE THAN ASTRAL CHAINS I love how he accussed me of photoshoppe..................and he then proceeded to do it. The building is black.............you can't see the texture. I won. You lost. You definitely lost. Thank you.
  20. 1:34 in the video. You ALREADY KNOW it appears at 1:34 in the video, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetie. The digital foundry video of Crackdown 3 that just released. You already lost...........and now you've suddenly decided to tell me about "uhhhhhhhh......its at 10:40". Nice NEW EXCUSE you got there, buddy.lol
  21. Its now a matter of how long he's going to be mad. ..........mad because he knows I caught him trying to avoid posting a screenshot from 1:34 of the digital foundry video. "huh? whu? what are you talking about? from where? the what???"
  22. You lost. Thank you.You even know that you lost. Don't get mad pretending you don't know why.
  23. No...........I already gave you the specific time mark, and I ever gave you what it shows on the speedometer. I've narrowed it down to one second of footage........and technically during the 1:34 mark, it shows the car for about 2/3's of the second, and it changes to a completely different scene. So, in reality I've narrowed it down to 2/3's of a second for you. One more chance.............you don't post it. You lose. (again).
  24. I already did provide the image. It was the first image of that scene posted in this thread. Why are you trying to play stupid?
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