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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I already told you. 1:34 mark. The speedometer is showing 113. Are you TRYING TO BUY TIME in order for you to photoshoppe it? Have your mouse cursor over the video in order to have the youtube overlay showing that its the 1:34 mark. You won't do that.
  2. I love that I caught you red-handed.............and YOU know that I caught you. And you can't get out of it. BLAST that speedomoter for giving it away.
  3. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnope The speedometer is 112 mph during the 1:32 and for a part of the 1:33 mark. The speedometer TURNS TO 113 mph during the 1:33 mark as it turns into the 1:34 mark. Which means that the 1:34 mark never features the speedometer at 112. You just admitted that you know that the building turns black. Thank you.
  4. Nope. Post the 1:34 mark, show the youtube timer on it. If you don't do it..........you lose this argument. YOU KNOW that the building turns black at 1:34. LOL you're now claiming I photoshopped the picture, oh man, you're just making it better when you know that you aren't going to win this because you won't post the screen at 1:34. You're going to lose this.
  5. Nope, your purposely took that screenshot at the 1:32 mark, and the wall turns black at 1:34. ................and.............you............know...............this. and are pretending that it didn't happen.
  6. you know exactly where that building becomes solid black. you saw it. but you don't want to post it. you used a different timemark...........unless you can to me why the speedometer in my screenshot says 113 mph, and yours says 111 mph
  7. Except I wasn't talking about signs but rather asphalt and the sides of buildings. Good thing we can see textures in the sides of build structures in that screenshot you just posted. You can barely make out the asphalt. Thanks for helping me with that.
  8. Gonna ask again. Is that coming from a screenshot that I posted? If Crackdoiwn 3 has difficulty showing textures, and you have to finagle the game camera in order to get a look at textures............then you're proving my point correct. I even gave jonb an example regarding framerate about a page ago.
  9. Nooooooooope. Take a look at the speedometer. You just got busted using a different timemark from the video. THe build turns black.........I even made fun of "what kind of sun lighting" would cause that.
  10. Well, Dynocrap.............you can KEEP ON telling me that...
  11. And you pointed out the texture I WASN'T talking about.
  12. Even he fell for the same mistake Dynocrap did. That's what you get for hitching your wagon to Dynocrap.
  13. Except my example was the BLACK building. I never said anything about the highway asphalt in this photo. GO back and read my post...........you'll know that I'm right.
  14. They were from the Digital Foundry video. You're going to have a hard time convicning anyone that you properly failed to read something that ended up blowing up in your face later. I specifically THANKED jonb for giving me the Digital Foundry video because that is where I took screenshots from. Guess Digital Foundry doesn't have good gameplay recording equipment.
  15. The fact that I'm the only one showing images in this thread, and you guys are trying to explain it WITHOUT COUNTER-EVIDENCE. Yeah, I do. It's BEEN helping me. I got three different people giving me three different reasons.
  16. No they are not noticeable. I can prove that...........I have already proved it. Let me know when you can that for your claim. I even got Dynocrap making alternate THEORIES for why he can't notice them in my screens. "motion blur" is occurring..........on that highway ramp, apparently.
  17. No, the black building is not a "fast moving" object, there is no motion blur. And the highway.......................believe it not.............is currently not moving in the second screenshot, it would seem rather unlikely for motion blur to be implemented on those objects as the main character is standing there shooting. That didn't work.
  18. So you just admitted that you can't see textures in screenshots. Because you had to find another screenshot TO FIND textures that are "noticeable." You..............just proved my argument. Let me explain it another way. If you said "this Switch game is running at 15fps" And I said "no it isn't" And then you posted video footage where it dropped to 15fps in a specific scene. And then I posted footage where it stayed at a rock solid 30 fps. Did.........I........just.........negate..........your......
  19. I pointed out what specifically has no noticeable textures. The "black" building, The highway, the highway on-ramp, the side barriers to the highway ramp. If you don't want to prove me wrong, then that's your prerogative as well, hoss.
  20. Once again............the Switch game that will inevitably a 720p game doesn't have that problem. You trying to use resolution to GET OUT OF THIS isn't helping specifically because we're comparing a Switch game to an Xbox One 4K. You need to get real. Its embarrassing that I can see asphalt and building roof textures better with Astral Chain than you can with Crackdown. That's what's real.
  21. No they don't. But if you can prove..........have at it, hoss.
  22. Except they're not noticeable. I even gave examples. You SAW THOSE screen shots I posted, if you don't want to respond to them...........then I know that you are trying to make your argument while avoiding what I showed. And visuals mean more than words. One of us is showing visuals.............the other one is trying to get by with words. In an argument about graphics. I feel good with my strategy.
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