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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Really.............I talked about Travis Strikes Again? Because that's the person who left the discussion from the realm of Astral Chain and Crackdown.
  2. they're getting so mad, that certain people are trying to derail threads about crackdown 3, or trying to stop other posters. Who'd of thought that on the day Crackdown's review scores went up.........people would talk about Crackdown on the forum. I had no idea that was gonna happen.
  3. Crapdown 3 looking worse than Astral Chain. Yeah, that's true as well. For starters, Astral Chain looks like it actually has textures. Let's hear your thoughts on that.
  4. About me. "I'm not the one whining" means you are still talking about me. Once again, I did not bring up the topic of topic-changes...............until somebody CLEARLY tried to change the topic. You know this.....you're not going to make me forget what chronologically came first, will you?
  5. Sure let's get back on topic. Crackdown 3 flopped. Hideki Kamiya stole MS' money to make a new Switch exclusive. Let me know what your thoughts are.
  6. You were already off-topic the moment you wanted to talk about me. We can see the post.
  7. Actually, its more like I'll allow you to go off-topic until I've melted you down to the point where you're desperately trying to change the topic. You're the one that brought up Travis Strikes Again. You have no one to blame here.
  8. Wow, he's getting mad. He wants to bring up the topic of me changing.........I actually respond, and he gets madder. He's single-handedly wants to turn this thread into talking about Jerry, all the time. And it even seems like @Remij_ is helping him do this.
  9. Not as pathetically and artificially as jonb did. He went from talking about metacritic scores and comparing Switch exclusives, to him claiming HE COULD give the same examples as I was giving. And then his very next line was "But tell me jerry..........why don't you play games?" He's running, sweetheart. Its obvious. He got madder the moment I pointed it out, because I caught him doing it.
  10. Yeah...........I changed. Back then, I'd make fun of you and Xbox games for flopping. Its like night and day now.
  11. LOL now he's getting madder. You were talking about celebrating 67 metacritic scores. That was YOUR topic. And I posted 66 State of Decay 2, because you went around trying to celebrate that game........with a 66 metacritic score. LOL Don't get mad at me.
  12. No wonder they're getting madder. jonb got so mad he actually mustered up the courage to direct-quote me to respond. You're right....they are running from this entire thread. Remij has tried to tamper down the talk about Crackdown 3 flopping...........to trying to shift all discussion to the TALK about TALKING ABOUT Crackdown 3 and how its supposedly a sign of butthurt. Its a vintage jonb strategy that he always does when Xbox games flop.
  13. Why would I answer a topic change? DO you think you're going to be able to gloss over that part? You can try 20 times........you're gonna fail 20 times.
  14. It was simple attempt at a topic change, because you want to abandon the topic we're currently on right now. And he knows it, but he's trying to help you out.
  15. That dude straight up committed embezzlement, and is walking the streets as a free man.
  16. "I could do the same thing!" [tries to change subject]
  17. Holy shit, Travis Strikes Again performed better than a game that lemmings were hyping FOR FOUR YEARS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Holy shit. Travis Strikes Again is probably going to end up being a whole 10 points higher, after more Crackdown 3 reviews come in.
  18. Turns out I am wrong...........the game does have cloud-based destruction: All of these review scores come from THE CLOUD, and it utterly DESTROYS the game. Cloud-based Destruction........and plenty of it.
  19. Lemmings now want the embargo to be PLACED BACK to stop the reviews.
  20. Nintendo bought Platinum Games...............without actually having to buy Platinum Games. How's that for a studio acquisition?
  21. Welp.............the AssRape has finally arrived. Lemmings thought they were going to get out of this with a victory of Red Faction Guerilla? Nope. They couldn't even do that. Dude, Phil Spencer should be calling Hideki Kamiya and just asking him to burn him a CD (yes a CD) of whatever build they currently left Scalebound back in 2016 and just ship it to them so that they could release it. It would get higher than a 5.0, that's for sure. Now Hideki Kamiya isn't going to burn a CD for FREE. He'l charge Phil Spencer $50,000 for it, and
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