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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. TSHBR Nintendo is only going to sell HALF OF Xbox One's entire lifetime sales in one year. How disappointing.
  2. I love how when this guy gets beaten he just wants the mods to come help him. Its actually not surprising, considering who it is that consistently does that.
  3. Thanks for just admitting that you abused your mod powers @Cookester15@Teh_Diplomat@Alphonse
  4. Then you are going to clean up all of your posts in which you did nothing but call people names, right? @Cookester15@Teh_Diplomat
  5. Must have been important enough. Sorry, you threatening to continue to abuse your mod powers isn't going to work here. @Cookester15
  6. But Dynocrap just speculated that you only got $120 for your Wii U.......................because of.........reasons.
  7. LOL you're now having to use your mod powers to help you in an argument? That's a new notch on my belt.........and under any other circumstance, that would be grounds for somebody losing their mod status.
  8. No, I'm not the one who made baseless speculation that Gouk only got $120 trade-in. You are worse than illiterate, you seem to only read what you want to see. That would explain you and the Digital Foundry spectacle that backfired on you.
  9. He specifically said there was a deal BEFORE the Switch released. With that basic knowledge, I found a Polygon article that seems to corroborate this. $75 EXTRA on top of the existing $120 trade-in value during mid-January 2017. Making it $195 trade-in credit for PowerUp Pro Members. That wasn't hard.
  10. LOL, lemmings are back to trying and inflate Switch prices, all over again. You could buy a launch Wii U and a launch Switch for the same price as a launch Xbox One with a year of XBL Gold.
  11. Here's Dynocrap coming here with some fresh OWNAGE from Digital Foundry Come deliver this ownage of KH3 being better on XBX over PS4 Wh-whoa........w-watch out!!!!
  12. Its done, Dynocrap. Digital Foundry told you what is best. Period. Don't get made at me............get mad at Digital Foundry.
  13. Nope. Either you use Digital Foundry and every that they say because they are credible experts. ....or you don't use them at all. Its done. PS4pro is the best way to play this game. No one gives a shit about you wanting to see Donald Duck in 4K.
  14. RE4 brings actual, detailed video game analysis. RE2fanboys are dropping turds on the shallow end of the pool. RE4 still rules as your master. Bow down before the one you service.
  15. So Dynocrap got busted. No wonder he took off the moment we started questioning it.
  16. Sure seems like Digital Foundry declared the BEST way to play the game. In a singular way. They didn't give options. They declared one way best above all. Done.
  17. He ran away Looks like we need to start notifying the mods that if Dynocrap attempts to post things that appear suspicious, like as if they were intentionally altered. Then him attempting to peddle fake news should come with a punishment. In the form of a bigger-than-usual ban.
  18. Of course there's another side. The other side would be...................YOU the liar, and are trying to make something up from completely unrelated posts. You know what a liar would do????????????? Post supposed screenshots, and then avoid from having to show the link from those threads.
  19. Which is more likely: Two different posts from two different threads do not form a cohesive narrative or Gouko making an outlandish claim that Dynocrap was able to determine it from two different posts from two different threads? And Dynocrap STILL doesn't want to link to those threads where the posts come from.Its backfiring on him, and he knows it.
  20. He immediately was able to show screen caps. But he doesn't want to link to the actual postsand the thread they're in. And the more we ask, the louder his posts get, and he clearly looks like he's avoiding. The easiest way to own us would be to show the receipts................and yet he's not doing it for some odd reason.
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