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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. That is my claim. Go ahead, prove whatever you need to prove me wrong.
  2. Sounds like you claimed I'm wrong................and you can prove it. The "bet" here is simply winning the argument. Either you can, or you can't.
  3. You can prove me wrong by telling me what you pay for insurance right now, and the basic coverages of your healthcare (deductible, co-insurance).
  4. Yeah, that should be ok. You would figure that out by reading what I typed. You immediately said "I would take that bet" which makes no sense as a response to my post.
  5. Actually.............somebody went quiet the moment I made of them because they said the lady in customer service couldn't get them info. I'm not the one ducking.
  6. Who is the one who just brought up this old argument in THIS thread????????? Was it me??????
  7. No you didn't. You explained nothing regarding gameplay, its design. You just "this is lame" and "this character is silly". You're trying too hard. If you wanted to make an argument in which we go into analyzing video games in detail, you wouldn't be responding the way you are.
  8. I never made a bet with you. I was talking about ghosts trying to make a bet for an argument he already lost.
  9. I'm responding to a completely different post of yours in which you are NOT talking about any bet. Too bad you couldn't figure that out...........you appear to be so desperate for a win, here.
  10. I'm not going to stop you from posting your paycheck on the internet.
  11. No, you already had said that you would prove it. And then you didn't. And when I was making fun of you...............you wanted to make a ban bet. That I don't need to make because YOU ALREADY LOST on your claim. If you want to keep the "I Lost" status, then stay where you are at. What excuse did the lady on the phone tell you, again????
  12. Thanks for not winning YOUR OWN claim. Like I said............you don't think ahead, do you.
  13. You're not making it easy on me. LOL You are projecting so badly. I almost feel sorry for you. I almost wish there was a pill or something you could take that makes you forget the past years of butthurt, and just walk into this forum with a clean memory. You sound like you are just in anger all the time. I can't help you.
  14. I typed one post that went into detail about it. And you think I'm melting down. Whereas you are typing alot of posts............and aren't saying anything. Repeating "RE4 is lame" isn't an argument...............its just you declaring your hopes and wishes.
  15. He already said he was going to prove it, over a year ago. He kept on making excuses. It wasn't his paycheck........he was supposed to post his PRE-Obamacare insurance plan that he said was so much better and so much cheaper. Under $100/month, he said.
  16. Doubt it. And I doubt you actually did the math. And I doubt you actually considered the $0 deductible, the $0 co-insurance. You are paying SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER than $400 a month for insurance? Probably got a deductible of over $3000. And since you have a high deductible, if a minor injury occurs (like broken finger)...........you will say to yourself "well, I don't want to pay the deductible....so I just tough this out." Which means you are effectively PAYING MONEY for an Insurance Service that you don't want to use. Which is very com
  17. Or you can prove your Under-$100/month insurance that had amaziingly low deductibles. Still waiting on that one.
  18. This is what is going on with a big chunk of Americans, right now. And I do think its a severe watering down of critical thinking that happened in our education system. We're going to school to become "operators" of machinery, and not much more.
  19. THen by your own logic................."how I act" shouldn't matter to you. You just completely undermined your own argument. (I want to take a moment to point out that I just typed a post that has no personal bashing............and you are going to be absolutely pissed because in your mind, you think I'm acting like an out-of-control narcissist). You have a problem that is only occurring in your head. Take a chill pill, my man.
  20. [look at your post and how you typed it] Yeah, I'm the one melting down. LOL
  21. Except a 6%-9% tax off of your gross pay is CHEAPER than the monthly insurance premium you are paying. And you'd be getting $0 deductible insurance, $0 co-insurance. and lower drug prices. Seriously............before you open your mouth again........just run the numbers quickly inside your head with your own pay stub. Its practically guaranteed that if you have insurance through your employer, you are getting more than $400-$500 taken out of your paycheck per month. Dude..........you're not your father. The days of "I don't want a politician say the word "ta
  22. Where did I say that I "can't support" myself?? Dude, why are you conflating political ideologies with your increasingly pathetic hate you have towards me. I am smarter..............because I say smarter things than you.............I can effective PROVE my arguments better than you. "How I act" Maybe you need to check how you act before you make a judgement on other people. YOU set a low bar for me. I don't need to improve as long as you continue to act like you do. Am not wrong on that, am I? lol
  23. Sure. Jeff Bezos can close Amazon RIGHT NOW. Stop doing business with ANY consumer who lives in America. And go open up his Amazon business to South America. Are you saying he makes the same amount of money over there????????????? Yes or No? How about North Africa? Does he make the same amount of money over there? How about Malaysia?
  24. No it doesn't. Love your anecdotes, even though I have studies of A. Canadian healthcare costs per capita, B. Canadian health services being every bit as good as America. Let me know when you have something besides half-assed anecdotes. If you have money to pay out-of-pocket........American healthcare is the best.
  25. Except the plan put forth by Democrats WOULDN'T be just rich people paying it for you. Everybody would contribute for Single Payer Healthcare, because EVERYBODY WOULD BE TAXED. Did you hear that???????????? DO you want me to type it slower. EVERYBODY..........the guy who makes $200 a week working part-time at McDonalds would get a 6%-9% tax on their paycheck to pay for insurance. The average middle-class person would pay that tax. And the guy earning $10,000,000 million in income would pay that tax. Everybody would be paying into it. And that wo
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