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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No, there's a difference between me acting like I'm better than you. And me needing to tear other people down. Notice, I don't talk about your personal life, your family, your job, your ethnicity, or really anything from your private life. I'm literally just making fun of your words that you post on this forum. And, I am better because you melt down so badly...................and I don't even have to talk about your personal life in order to do it. That's pretty bad.
  2. Oh man..............you guys think health care is worse in Canada than it is here in the United States? Rand Paul.................Mr. Fucking Libertarian himself, went to Canada to get a hernia operation, because A.) The hospital is actually known as the best for that type of operation in NORTH AMERICA, and B.) It only cost him $6,000-$8,000, and that's the OUTSIDER'S rate. The Canadian's rate is $0 paid for by their taxes. You gonna complain about "wait times"??????????? The same right-wingers who make the story about Canadian wait times being "
  3. Then we can argue over HOW MUCH we can tax more. But you're argument that we CAN'T TAX MORE is completely ludicrous. You have no proof or evidence of overtaxing being "devastating" What exactly are you saying? If a guy who makes $10 million dollars, doesn't like that every dollar he makes over ten million, he only going to get 30 cents and the government takes the other 70 cents. ........he going to decide for himself "fuck it, I'll purposely make UNDER TEN MILLION!!!" (which means he has less money at the end of the day)
  4. You lost, and are trying to find a way out. Are you saying I'm a loser because I'm taking into account how the rich bent the rules, and want to play the same way they did? "the attitude to win".........which Tony Robbins VHS cassette did you buy to learn that? The sad part is that people like and jonb know that you're not going to achieve anything...........so what you do is hope to drag others down. Its the only thing you guys have left.
  5. That's like saying.................why do I want people who own 90% of the land...........to pay 90% of the land taxes. Are you telling me you don't understand this?????
  6. But you HELPING MAKE MY ARGUMENT, dumbass. See Reagonomics is based on this guy that helped Ronald Reagan get into office. Its called the Laffer Curve. And its logic is so stupid, They basically made a correlation based next-to-no real comprehensive information. It goes like this: "If we lower taxes, then business have more money to spend..............so they'll spend it on hiring more people, which will distribute more wealth, and MORE spending, and that will bring in MORE taxes, so the tax cuts PAID FOR THEMSELVES" You ever hear that final
  7. If they bent the rules for the past 40 years to get those apples................then its only fair game that the other 9 people can work to BEND THOSE RULES back in their favor. Thanks for establishing that. I love how you CONTINUALLY fail to think ahead when it comes to your ideas and your logic.
  8. Yeah, its called the IRS. And there's only about 12,000 houeholds that full under the "ultra-wealthy" Top one-hundreth of one percent that Elizabeth Warren talks about. AND, its more than logical that if you own a yacht, or multiple houses, or jewely, or high-dollar paintings................you have it insurance. Which means it was ALREADY AUDITED and had its valued assessed for insurance purposes.........and the IRS could simply collect that information.
  9. Warren Buffet is LITERALLY SAYING that he pays a bottomline of 14-16 percent in taxes, while the average worker is paying 24 to 36 percent. You're comparing yourself as a FUTURE MILLIONAIRE for crying out loud. You're literally making fun of people in YOUR CLASS, the middle-class...............as if you are standing besides rich people and telling them "see you are the golf club soon." Its laughable, and the rich folk are even laughing that people like you exist.
  10. No, it was JFK who initially dropped the taxes down from 90% to 70% Got that wrong. And the economic context back then was BETTER. The National Highway Act of 1956 is the blood-system in which modern inter-state commerce grew in America. You could have a business in Texas, and sell in New York or California. FEDEX and UPS entire business is based on our country giving them the infrastructure to deliver in all states. Countless infrastructure projects in the 50's and 60's are the very things we are still running on today. Paid for by taxes.
  11. Unless Sony develops a handheld in which they hardware intentionally takes a PS4 game, completely unaltered, and forces a downgrade when running the software. Like intentionally forcing it to a lower resolution (720p) so that the GPU doesn't have to render as much, and the CPU can run at the same clock as a base PS4. The software would think that its running on a regular PS4., but the handheld OS is forcing it to render at a lower spec. And even then, that's asking alot. I don't think a handheld like that would have enough battery to run for more than a coup
  12. they were taxed HIGHER in the 50's. Which is where Republicans WISH America would go back to. Republican presidents kept those high tax rates for the ultra-rich.
  13. The expanding reticle when moving, and the turning movement makes the game quite easy, especially if you were playing Splinter Cell on the PC back in 2002 like I was. I can turn Sam Fishing anywhere, rather easily, and then just enter aim. The enemies aren't coming at you, because you're supposed to be in stealth and they stay in their patterns. No one would play Splinter Cell being spotted all the time. That makes the gunplay fundamentally different.
  14. Wrong. I have actual integrity in how I judge the RE franchise. Its quite simple, the PS1 games are dated games. I was CALLING THEM dated games in the early 2000's. I actually came in with RE Code Veronica and played about a third of that game, and I enjoy it enough. But at that point the series had done so many quality-of-life improvements. I saw what RE4 perfected, I saw where RE5 disappointed, and I saw how RE6 was Capcom not knowing what to do sorta like EA was doing with Dead Space and ME3. To this day, I don't think many people understand
  15. Pretty sure Democrats want to tax capital gains as well. And Elizabeth Warren's "Wealth Tax" is specifically made to bypass income, which isn't the most accurate indicator of wealth. By would actually audit everything that a person is in possession of. Bank accounts, savings accounts, stocks, jewelry, yachts, houses. All of it is tabulated to find out how much wealth they actually have. And its a good thing you mentioned Warren Buffett. He also thinks that the rich should be taxed more. I mean, seriously, how much of a chump does a regula
  16. Good. Then they make alot of their money through stock investments. Raise the Capital Gains tax. They will cry even harder. I think the statistic given out by Elizabeth Warren is that people at lower tax brackets are giving A HIGHER PERCENTAGE of their own wealth to taxes than millionaires and billionaires. You're exactly right...........and that means the rich need to pay more in taxes. Yes it is. You simply couldn't be more wrong. Wealth is finite. The rich got RICHER at a faster rate at the EXPENSE of the people at t
  17. How much of a chump do you have to be to carry water for millionaires who don't do the same for you? Wow. I mean, talk about putting the carriage before the horse. Its getting mad because the celebrity superstar that you wish you could fuck got married. And you were thinking that SOMEDAY.............y'know..........you were going to be asking her out for a date. Its that sad. Like how stupid do you have to be to even ADMIT THAT SHIT in public in front of other people?
  18. Welp..................................I've discovered what happened to the RE purists. Instead of being the hardline, don't-change-anything curmudgeons They turned into FAUX HIPSTER BITCH trend-whores who suddenly think its the coolest to shit on RE4. I love how they're acting like they've been making fun of RE4 for a long time. RE4 is responsible for: -Gears of War -Dead Space -Uncharted -The Last of Us Pretty much the modern cinematic AAA third-person action game for the PS3/X360 and PS4/XBO gens. Why
  19. Outside of Thumper, its not that good of a special. I missed out on buying Astro Bot for $20, for the disc-version no less, because I chose to buy Tetris Effect on disc for $20. I'm sure Sony will discount Astro-bot down to $20 again, I'm not in a hurry.
  20. Wait a minute, it doesn't go into any detail about its processing power. It has to process the "levels" that its downloading onto its storage, right? By why are they downloading a video game in portions to begin with? Why wouldn't they just sell digital copies of games, download the entire disc image and run them off of the handheld's CPU/GPU processor? And most importantly, unless they have fantastic tools between the existing PS4 and this device's processors, it has to be using AMD hardware in order to play these PS4 games. What GPU could they possibly have that woul
  21. I forgot about RE7. RE7 is also responsible for killing the RE purists. So now, the series has been fixed-camera tank controls, 3rd person action and aiming controls, and first person controls. The series has pretty much dissolved its perceived unique gameplay mechanic, and people are just happy at the improvements to its atmosphere. Still doesn't stop RE4 from kicking the most amounts of ass. Hope Mikami can return back to Capcom in the future to oversee the eventual RE4ever remake in the year 2025.
  22. LOL I can set my watch to this butthurt. No, the RE purist did not make a SOUND from the moment this game was announced until release. They're not actual RE gameplay purists, they're just original trilogy fanboys. Its a shame because REmake completely threw away the original artstyle, and made it look significantly better and realistic. The only flaw I see with RE2 is that they intentionally chose to keep the same aesthetic, the same late 90's design. Some of those gameplay clips could be mistaken for RE Revelations.
  23. RE2 remake came out, its based on RE4's gameplay, its more action-packed. Didn't hear a peep from the RE fans who demand fixed-camera. In fact, a lot of them seem to be happy about this RE2. RE purists are dead.Thank god, I always knew they were just RE4-haters trying to find a cover for their bitterness.
  24. Ah..........went back to Step 1, I see. These are your words: "People had to live through Obama" That isn't something you say like as if its a minor annoyance. You are making an equivocation. That Obama is every bit as impactful to all people (you don't even live in the US) as Trump. And you are saying it as a NEGATIVE. I'm asking you a simple question..................explain to me how exactly you suffered? You think that people are just merely "annoyed" by Trump. Like he's just another nuisance in a line of nuisances? Why d
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