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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No........I just listed specific policies. And not just any policies, but rather policies and events that are BEYOND what the average president commits. You are now being asked a third time...............list those Obama policies that were absolutely insufferable. Are you trying to stall for time while hitting Wikipedia or something? You're going through the motions of somebody who is trying to cover their racism. 1. Play dumb, 2. Try to laugh it off. 3. Try to dismiss it, 4. Try to accuse of counter-racism.
  2. I was accussing you of making the insinuation that you hated Obama because he was black. Why else do you think I said that you made a "Freudian slip"????????????? It specifically means you inadvertently admitted something that you would normally keep to yourself.
  3. No, they not debatable. Back up your claim against Obama. Or else, it definitely seems like you just hated Obama because he was a black president.
  4. See my post I just responded to TLHBO. And let me know if I made a racist insinuation regarding Trump, like TLHBO just made regarding Obama. Good to see that you're supporting him.............and telling him that what he said was ACCEPTABLE.
  5. -Trump gave $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut to the rich -Trump has separated families. He is responsible for taking babies away from mothers' hands. -Trump started detaining people coming airports about a month in his presidency -Trump has deteriorated our foreign relations with our allies. -So many of our long-term personnel in the State Department and Intelligence Agencies, who have served under both Democrat and Republican administrations, have left because of purging and quitting. -Environmental regulations are being gutted at rapid pace -Industry regulations are
  6. Wait a minute............what are you saying with that remark. What suffering did you have to endure because of Obama. YIKES, you just Freudian-ly slipped yourself into a corner, I don't think you're clever enough to get out of. LOL
  7. YIKES, you're already trying to get out of this. Sorry, he is a right-wing attacker. He shares the same sentiments as the majority of alt-right'ers. C'mon Saucer. You don't want me to notice you NOT posting left-wing attacks , do you? Here, let me help you out: That mexican immigrant guy who killed that feminist liberal girl out in some republican state. I forget. Those CLOSE enough to count as a left-wing attack, based on your standards? Right?
  8. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep going saucer. We want to go through them.
  9. Love the moving goalposts. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. <============We're currently at this point. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it.
  10. Why do you think he's trying to count "college kids in an auditorium raising their voice and pointing at people" as an attack? Guy is trying to move the goalposts..................because HE NEEDS TO.
  11. This is actually hard for me to find an example. Because, I'm trying to find an example of a right-wing terrorist who only ciritically injured 2 people, and non-critically injured 4. All the ones I keep finding have dead people. Tallahassee shooting: Nov 2018, unman entered a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida and shot six people, killing two. He then turned the gun on himself
  12. Let's have a political terrorist contest. See who runs out of examples. Or better yet...........see which one has nothing left except people burning trashcans. LOL
  13. Then get ready to list them. I love it when you commit to something that you already know you don't want to do. LOL I have no idea why you make this stuff easy for me.
  14. You do understand you just completely justified the accusation of Russians advertising through social media in a huge campaign to influence the election, right? You do understand that you just typed the VERY THING leftists WANT YOU TO ADMIT, right?
  15. says the people who absolutely lost their shit...............................at a Gillette commercial.
  16. Yikes, already going back to relive your past accomplishments that quickly. And WHAT an accomplishment.
  17. It means you chose to stop posting the pictures because it was your own decision, and not because you realized that it wasn't going to work against me, and I was already making fun of you because it was already failing. I think I enjoyed typing that last sentence, because you already knew that, but are trying to play dumb. LOL
  18. Ah.........you chose to give on your own accord. Sure...........let's go with that.
  19. And you're mad about why I post last. ...........because you want to do it, as well. Thanks for proving that.
  20. He's trying to spam his way out of this. Does he seem to think that I don't enjoy the fact that I am making saucer post like he's not saucer? lol
  21. Just a coincidence that all of you can't actually find one? No, I don't think that's a coincidence at all.
  22. The best sign that I know I win against these guys is that they are just madder and madder. I could the phone book with every post, and they'd be threatening me and my family by the time I got to Aaronberg. I like how they all came to the conclusion that responded back to me like Jonb is literally the best available strategy, because they can't actually argue back.
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