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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I love how you are like that small green enemy in Geometry Wars 2. You back away, quickly.
  2. They straight up did this the moment Dynocrap felt threatened:
  3. LOL wow, you're doing a really good job using phrases that the leftsts use. In fact, I'm the one that's accussed you of gish galloping, several times. I like the Karl Rove tactics you're attempting to use. Too bad they aren't to work.
  4. Really? People go around saying that I just changed the topic on them? And they point that out to me, and I just disregard it? Such a specific accusation, you'd imagine someone would be able to immediately recall an incident and be able to post proof.
  5. No, I'm not. But, if you think I am, do what I do and point it out every single time I change a topic.
  6. Wow, he's literally calling for reinforcements. And they wonder why I relish in making fun of them for being weak.
  7. I love how lemmings are attempting to do mental gymnastics, when they are the least-capable people on this forum to perform any mental work. Namco is the studio that was working with the head producer, Tanabe, on the project. Tanabe is still on the project. Tanabe is the very guy that told Retro Studios how to design Metroid in 3D twenty years ago (along with supervision from Miyamoto). He's still in charge. He's still in control of Metroid Prime 4. The project has moved back to Retro Studios. The person who is overseeing the game was not satisfi
  8. There it is. I don't even think these people KNOW why they should be scared about globalism. You can tell that the term "globalism" is something they just learned within the past 5 years.
  9. Uh huh..............so, a post from 18 months ago is the closest thing you could find? Let's talk about................what did I claim, and then proceed to deny what I typed? Like I said.................POST. IT. I'l wait. (I want people to see that this is long-festering butthurt that is driving you, here).
  10. And you know Saucer didn't actually research it on his own. he read a right-wing news source that gave that explanation of Deripaska...................and the WARNING SIGN did not go off in his mind that right-wing media was making excuses for lifting Russian sanctions. The first thing that went through his mind is "AH, this gives me an excuse to condone what they are doing and I can use this to shut up DA LIBS."
  11. Except when it comes to power...........percentage of people in power simply does not translate to actual power. If there's still a higher number of white people in power..............then the white people would have the most power, ASSUMING they want to work together to enforce their power. Which is an assumption you are also making about Jews. That they just naturally understand that they are all working together for some unknown reason (that you can't be bothered to give at this time). Notice how you guys never actually get around to EXPLAINING THE END of
  12. Holy shit, this guy actually put in MORE TIME AND RESEARCH DEFENDING a Russian Oligarch than he's put in any other issue related with Trump-Russia. They actually are working. literally WORKING to find a way to mentally condone what is happening so that they can shut it out of their brain and pretend that the biggest concern in the world are leftists on college campuses.
  13. No, no I don't. I'd ask you for an example, but you'd never post it. Actually, about 90% of the time, I don't ever get the OPPORTUNITY to even attempt a "No True Scotsman" because people like you never post my words.
  14. The "mechanism" that I have is that I don't allow bullshit. I don't allow topic changes I ask people to provide evidence for when they claim something. I tell people to prove that I actually said something that they CLAIM I wrote (ghost does this all the time) And I point out that these "anti-SJW" guys that really seem to hate people whining about accusations, whine about these ridiculous-sounding terminologies, and are quick to whine.............are doing the same.exact.thing. on this very forum. "Men" who are whining like the very people they c
  15. Yeah, Sea of Thieves was so crappy and devoid of content, it had nowhere to go but up. LOL, stop embarrassing yourself. I love how people think that the game has "quietly" become good. It hasn't.
  16. I figure they are soft-launching it, they dupe the same people who buy EA games at launch, probably direct people towards getting it on their EA monthly games service. And the developer tries to fix it and add more content throughout the year, in time for a major DLC in Holiday 2019. But I doubt Bioware can do the same stuff that Bungie can. If the level design is underwhelming, that may be a sign of things to come.
  17. Here's why the rumor is possible. If Microsoft is releasing a mid-level version of Xbox hardware at around $200-$300 that is discless, and a top-version Xbox hardware at $500-$600 that would have a disc-drive, that creates a problem. We KNOW that the lower-cost Xbox would sell more units. That's not up for debate, that's exactly how its going to happen. 2 to 1 margin. Shit probably closer to 3 to 1. WHY would Retailers devote shelf-space for Xbox game discs for only ONE version of Xbox hardware, and its not even the main version that people are buying?
  18. wait a minute. is my restriction that i can't react to other people's posts and put smileys on them?
  19. I got a severe headache last night, guess it was like a migraine, so I went to sleep around 8pm and slept for over 12 hours. Felt great, refreshed. And all this bitching has been going on throughout this entire time.Guess my friday night was more productive.
  20. Doubtful. Rumored to negotiate probably means sending an unsolicited request to the owners of the studio to see if they are willing to sell. Any business owner would at least LISTEN. That meets the definition of "negotiating."
  21. No, a game consists of more than just code. Design documents, story scripts, etc. They're not throwing that away, because all of that would've come from Tanabe, who is still in charge. You may be right if Nintendo removed Tanabe as the head producer of the game, that would imply that they are choosing somebody with an entirely different vision for the game.
  22. No. If they game design they had from the days when they were at Namco are used with Retro. Or the story Or the proposed game mechanics, or unique gameplay premise If all of those survive from Namco over to Retro (which they would, because the head producer is still Tanabe who works out of Nintendo HQ via teleconferencing) then it does share development. And the game isn't cancelled. Try to slice any way you want. The game wasn't cancelled.
  23. No, the development at a certain studio was cancelled. The game is Metroid Prime 4. Metriod Prime 4 still exists. Therefore the game is not cancelled. You are right in that it shouldn't be hard to understand this.
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