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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Me asking questions is just.......me asking questions. Nothing more. Guess I got as much info as I will probably get.
  2. If the expectations are so low, then why make the thread? Was this..............supposed to make the lemmings look good? You literally just did this:
  3. Wait a minute, we've now lowered the bar from "rumored to be purchasing" down to "rumored to be NEGOTIATING"?
  4. That's what I'm saying. The shittier version of Metroid Prime 4 would have still been a better game than the cheap game that Microsoft was trying to promote. Therefore, this Namco MP4 is the bigger loss. Hideki Kamiya straight up embezzled money from Microsoft, and was trying to sell them some generic game with unused art assets. He only got away from stealing half of MS's money on the project.
  5. LOL Vini would have definitely been the 10th vote. Hell, he probably would've been the 3rd or 4th vote. But, in an act of great karma..................you, ghosts, are single-handedly responsible for fucking that up. You decided to get into a fight with Vini yesterday, for reasons that we still don't understand, and you flamed yourself drunk yesterday. And me, the person whom Vini probably hated the most in this forum, dropped down to #2 on that list. JUST BARELY yesterday. What fantastic timing.
  6. Came in too late. The attempt has died. Guess you guys came up a little............."short"
  7. Ghost still doesn't learn his lesson and keeps attacking people, and then turns around and acts like he doesn't know why this thread should be closed.
  8. Who was handling the development with Namco. Was it Yoshio Sakamoto...........the fuckface who made Metroid Other M? Tanabe + Retro Studios are the original Metroid Prime collaborators. But an even weirder question. Retro had moved into a bigger studio, they had been hiring workers for a while now. If they only just started Metroid Prime 4 right now, what were they working on before?
  9. The game should go both ways. If they don't get the 10 likes before 12pm Pacific Time, all the people currently on that post get banned for the weekend.
  10. They should release it right now as something for the fans. For a lowered price.
  11. So you can't even do that, so you're asking for resetera's help?
  12. Actually, you REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'ing is what is derailing it. You seem to still be talking about me.
  13. Actually the topic was regarding John from Digital Foundry. so its good to see you admit you are derailing the thread.
  14. Namco's Metroid Prime is the bigger cancellation. Scalebound was not going to be a better game than Metroid Prime, not even Namco's version of it. There's your answer.
  15. I guess you lose consciousness while typing the latter half of your sentences. I can probably just type out sentences from a Turntable Maintenance Service Guide, and you'd probably have a meltdown.
  16. Another person who says that resetera is where there is a toxic atmosphere.........where people making insults are other people, personally. Good thing that doesn't happen here, from people that aren't me.
  17. wow, its not every day that a person openly admits he's going to derail a thread, beforehand. Making it easier for the mods, I guess.
  18. In an alternate timeline, I wouldn't take that as bad news. But.......are you people aware of what's going on with the FCC right now? People are dumping cable and relying on internet for their television services. FCC has gutted Net Neutrality, and infrastructure investment has gone down as a result (even though they promised the very opposite happening). I expect the cable internet bill to offset the losses cable companies are having with people not buying their TV service. Net Neutrality means that ISPs are going to be fucking with the idea of tiered internet rates.
  19. I am disappointed. But that announcement is what separates Nintendo from the rest. Metroid still means alot to them, and they are going to do it right. The Seal of Quality still exists. Here's the thing, take that Namco game, and just turn it into a 2D Metroid. Hell, take the Smash Bros. game engine that was developed between Sakurai and Namco and just create a 2D Metroid game out of it.
  20. You, uh...........do understand that exclusive games are MARKETED to hardcore video game fanboys before they eventually release. We knew there was a problem with Xbox exclusives as early as 2015, and then when Microsoft was talking about Universal Windows Platform in 2016, knowledgeable gamers knew that there was not going to be such a thing as exclusives only on the Xbox. XBox sales really slowed down. People saw Horizon Zero Dawn, Bloodborne (right in the middle of Dark Souls being the hottest name in gaming), Uncharted 4, and then during the middle of the
  21. I'd venture that the games sold proportionately the same compared to its userbase. Therefore a multiple EA game sells to about 15% of the PS4's userbase, and then 15% of XBO userbase. What is the differentiator that started making people buy the PS4? Exclusives. Which console is selling as crazy as the PS4? The Switch, which also has exclusives. AC7 won't make anybody's Top 10 list Kingdom Hearts 3 looks like its going to be a middle-AA reviewed game, that means it will be on the low-end of a Top 10 list. RE2 is fan-service. Far Cr
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