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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Makes a thread, and then everybody figures out that he did it because he's angry at me. Let me know when you successfully make fun of me. LOL It would explain you continually trying.
  2. Another round of Ghosts REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'ing again. And it appears like as if he's been scammed out of buying Sandeep Maheshwari Get Rich Quick tapes, and he's trying to impress us with the things he learned.
  3. But.................there's specific economic logic that says the OPPOSITE of that. There actually cannot be "more billionaires" if they hoard the money. Wealth is finite. And therefore, if the Billionaires aren't moving their money through the economy, and are just hoarding it, the only way for other people to get super-rich is to take it from the other non-rich.
  4. We should be able to learn "Why" by looking at you're posts. The most telling part is how........you can't help yourself.
  5. I like that he immediately retracted and tried to play cool the moment I was pointing out him screaming. Fortunately, he's been doing all the screaming in the AOC thread. LOL
  6. Ghosts is seriously going around demanding that people explain themselves why they aren't rich. ............while he's currently not rich.
  7. He's now at peak REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I've never seen so much self-loathing. I like how he thinks he's bashing us for not being rich................as he sits there and also not be rich. LOL
  8. Ghostz actually thinks he's on THE OTHER SIDE with the mllionaires and billionaires. Oh man, he really is a sucker. He thinks he's a "Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire" and he's fighting for them because he's be joining them soon.
  9. 80% of the American population has 7% of the wealth. I don't think you understand that statistic.
  10. We can tell Jeff Bezos to fuck off and go see how many people in South America are going to buy things online........and let's see how much money he makes. If Jeff Bezos doesn't want THAT BUSINESS at that take-home pay..............somebody else WILL BE OKAY with walking home with 3 billion dollars per year. Ghost, let's make this very, very, very simple. Let say somebody meets you outside of your job and says "SON!!! I want to hire you. I run my own business and I am willing to PAY YOU $10,000,000 a year for a job, its got some more responsibility, its got
  11. But I just said they DON'T DO IT ONE-HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE TIMES HARDER. This is now the FOURTH TIME I am having to explain that specific detail to you. No one is saying that they SHOULDN'T GET PAID MORE...............BUT THE RATIOS HAVE GONE OUT OF WHACK. You are either really dumb to still not understand that point..........or you just really hate other people in your class.
  12. What are you talking about? Do you still NOT KNOW how marginal taxes work? Ocasio-Cortez's plan is actually EASIER on the rich folks than yours. What you are saying is that if there is a rich person who earns $10,000,000, then BEGIN TAXING THEM at 70 percent at the $100,000 mark, then they are going to pay so much more in taxes. Whereas Ocasio-Cortez's plan was to only begin taxing them 70% after the $10,000,000. Rich people would go absolutely ballistic over YOUR plan . The only other explanation is...........you just HATE your fellow middle-cl
  13. Woooo boy, ghostz is REEEEEEEEEEEE'ing like there's no tomorrow. Rich people love suckers who carry water for them.
  14. Because I've never seen a CEO of any corporation that tool 125x amount of the college hours that the average $80,000 worker did. Because I don't see a CEO work 125x amount of hours per week than the 40 hours per week that the $80,000 worker did. (Since its impossible) Because I've never seen the $10,00,000 worker have 125x the IQ score of the $80,000 worker.
  15. I didn't say that. I said that a person earning $10,000,000 isn't 125x more skilled, 125x more capable, 125x more educated, 125x more harder working than a person on a $80,000 salary. Once again, you have trouble reading.
  16. Why did I even waste my time explaining things like "consumer-driven economy".
  17. I love how you aren't making anything BUT emotional statements as your argument. You have no economic argument.............probably because you have no argument. 80% of the population CAN DEMAND something............that's the problem with that pesky "Democracy" thing. The whole point is to not let something get SO BAD where you have 80% of people agree that something should be changed that isn't in your personal favor. So now I have an economically-sound argument.........and a democratically-sound argument.
  18. Oh, this is definitely about me. The more you lose your shit, suddenly out of nowhere.........the more obvious you just made it.
  19. Who said I'm worthy of $10,000,000 dollars? Nobody has said that. We DO DEMAND tha tthey pay a higher tax because WE CAN TELL THEM to go fuck off and try earning the same amount in some other country, if they can. The American Middle Class has power. If you don't see that, then you are the perfect person that rich people would like to have underneath them. This is a consumer-driven economy.............tell me Ghosts, who are the main consumers in the United States? Do millionaires fill up 20,000 seat arenas for NBA games? Do mill
  20. You really think that a person earning $10,000,000 is actually working 125x harder, possesses 125x the skill, or 125x the education and experience of a person who earns $80,000 a year????? And $80,000/year would be a job that would've likely required a degree. No. That means that the $10,000,000 job is the result of the beneficial economic conditions of the MARKET that favored that person into being able to negotiate a higher salary. The "Company" is earning so MUCH money that they risk LOSING the employee, who is aware of how much money the Comp
  21. Because you can't earn that same amount of money in any other country in the world. If you can..............then leave. Don't you see..............the American middle-class is what creates the OPPORTUNITY to have high-paying jobs. If you moved the entire NBA league to South America, will NBA stars be able to earn the same amount of money?
  22. Exactly. We've now come full circle back to Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez's comments. Here is her FULL QUOTE...........not a partial quote taken out of context, which is what right-wing news has been doing: She is not saying that billionaires shouldn't exist, We do not serve Capitalism. Capitalism is not our master. Capitalism serves us. But it has to serve the great majority of Americans, or else what is the point of having it our system of living? When the BOTTOM 80% of the country only has 7% of the wealth.
  23. Oh another thread about me? I like that people didn't notice what was being attempted and just answered candidly.
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