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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. The funniest part is how its so obvius that certain (weak) cows became immediately threatened within the past month and started going ballistic. Its their OWN fault for making themselves look so obvious. They go from now talking about the Switch, to blabbing about it and trying to laugh it off.
  2. He'd have to get the rights to Killer7 characters from Capcom, wouldn't he? Or are they intentionally nameless? The first NMH had Garcian Smith as a small cameo who gets killed near the very end.
  3. Ghost is trying to keep his REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE going. He already knows that jonb, uh......."ran out of stamina" and gave up. I like how I make him scream, almost at will.
  4. Actually her quote was her paraphrasing future generations. And the timeline of 2030 is based on scientists saying we severely need to cut down emissions by that time or else they predict that climate change will be irreparable by then. So, you are taking her out of context, and her statement still has a scientific logic behind it. I like how ghost thinks I don't realize things...................yet he's the one who thinks Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has gotten a lifetime job, when in fact she only got a 2-year job and she has to go on re-election again.
  5. No, those are not all war-time refugee. Refugee status does not have to be based on whether they are in an officially recognized "war", but rather any area in which their lives are in danger.
  7. Those are still immigrants. And the ones coming from South America are filing for the same refugee status. There you go, you just justified it. LOL
  8. Yes it has been done on this scale, if fact its been doing at bigger numbers in previous decades.
  9. Yeah, you lost that much earlier in your life. Now that's a softball, right there.
  10. Immigration has been working for over a hundred years. And high marginal tax rates has definitely been working for decades. So yeah...................I do have the empirical evidence. You don't.
  11. They're trying to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE their way out of this. This will be fun to see them try and "lose steam."
  12. Wow. Look are how hard they are REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'ing
  13. In other words..............not logic. And not actual evidence. Thanks for admitting that.
  14. No its not. It should definitely be part of tax reform, and Ocasio-Cortez will almost certainly address corporate taxes and corporate subsidies and capital gains taxes. They are all related, and she would want reform to get more tax money from those are making that extreme amounts of money. In fact..........people earning $10,000,000 from INCOME is nowhere near as the number of corporate taxes and capital gains. Jobs that pay $10 million dollars a year is very rare in this country. The super-rich aren't making their money from a work paycheck.
  15. No you didn't. You posted a photo of a gang member and made an anecdote about people who own two mercedes without any real evidence. Which means you're the one who tried to argue using emotions and no logic. In fact, you deviated into talking about mexicans in a thread in which we're talking about tax rates. Can't get much obvious about who is the one using illogical arguments.
  16. THe "no it isn't" is directly in respond to you claiming she is upper class. My next sentence specifically says that Upper Class is defined as $250,000. And my next post explains how she has two residences because of her job. You already read all of my posts.............therefore you know. Little too late trying to take my point out of context, once you've already read the context. LOL
  17. Thanks for admitting that you didn't do any of that. And like I said.............little too late to project what you did onto others. Its good to see that you have nothing left. But then again, you didn't have much to begin with.
  18. Really...............so you're the one that has provided statistics, and numbers, and explainations about taxes. And evidence that contradicts your claims?????? Little too late to project at this point, son.
  19. Post where I said that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "cannot live" on $175K Oh yeah now changed it to $75. Okay...............point out where I said $75K is not enough to live. I'll wait.
  20. Looks like you're trying to derail the thread. If you can't argue what we are talking about, then you're going to have to deal with that on your own.
  21. Really where did I say that it "isn't enough to live"?????????????? Post that quote. I'll wait.
  22. So you've basically run away from attempting to even argue this subject. And are now crying to jonb to come and help you? Ghost literally thinks we DON'T UNDERSTAND how bad we are "fucking over" the rich. Yeah................we really really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't under how they're getting fucked by us lower class people.
  23. You have no idea how fucked up income inequality is. The American Middle Class is what make rich people rich. If they want those amazing high paying jobs, then they need to pay higher taxes. If not................go try making $20 million dollars, $30 million dollars somewhere else. Europe taxes the ultra-wealth.......they can't go there. Go see if they can find high paying CEO and Professional Sports gigs in third world countries. There's a reason why Latin America soccer players spend part of the year playing in MLS in America and
  24. Uh huh. And? Should we based our tax rates around satisfying several thousand households in the United States? Matt Stafford can go fuck off and see if he can earn $33 million dollars in South America or Africa. or Southeast Asia.
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