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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No, she has to pay for her own residence in Washington D.C. as well as living in her existing apartment in New York. You don't get to determine if somebody is rich. And you are just trying to do what 50 year old right-wingers say facebook and make those same excuses. She is not upper class.
  2. oh wow, he really is stupid and doesn't understand how marginal tax rates work. LOL
  3. No it isn't. It is defined at households up to $250,000. She is not upper class, she is, most definitely middle class. And, she is easily one of the least wealthy congressmen because the average congressmen is a multi-millionaire.
  4. Because a person who is earning more than $10 million dollars a year in income is much, much, much (insert several hundred more "much"s) more capable of surviving with a 70% tax rate on every dollar they earn after $10 million. That actually needed to be explained to you?
  5. In other words........she is earning a Congressman's salary? Is that your claim? You do know that "middle-class" is listed as households up to $250,000, right? Its amazing how you guys expect more out of her than you do from millionaires. I have no idea when people who only make $40-$50K a year started wanting to defend millionaires and billionaires.
  6. Why would Microsoft care about the tax regulations on their workers? Microsoft doesn't give a shit about Social Security and FICA getting taken out of their worker's paycheck........that's the worker's money being taxed, no Microsoft's money. And secondly...............why are you even ON THIS TANGENT????? We're talking about Ocasio-Cortez's marginal tax rate for people earning OVER TEN MILLION. LOL You really are desperate to find something that doesn't make you look dumb, aren't you?
  7. The shell company gets taxed. LOL Sweetie..........if they have US dollar bills, and they seek to transfer that money into a bank account OUTSIDE of the United States. It WILL go through the IRS. There is absolutely no way around that. There are so many things wrong with your stupid attempt at strategizing. Microsoft and Apple are PUBLICLY traded companies. Its not like they can hide this, to begin with, because its going to be publicly available information. Secondly, shell companies are supposed to be established in LOW TAX countrie
  8. Immigrants have a lower criminal rate than American citizens. Lower murders, lower felonies, lower rapes. So it seems like you should be okay with the vast majority of immigrants. Nobody is arguing that violent immigrants with criminal records and known associations to violent groups should definitely be kept out. In fact, that was Obama's main immigration security policy. Detain and deport immigrants who had committed violent offenses.
  9. Apply the inverse to your stupid anecdote of immigrants with two mercedes. That wasn't hard. Listen........its obvious that you're just racist. You want white-skinned immigrants, and not those darker-skinned ones. We get it.
  10. Which means they wouldn't do business in the United States. Microsoft would not sell the Xbox on American store shelves. They CANNOT DO BUSINESS in the US without having a registered business address within the United States in which they must do for tax purposes. Its almost like as if you stupidly didn't read the very first thing I typed. Guess Microsoft will make just as much money selling Xboxes in Paraguay. (which they probably would, LOL).
  11. Here is Mitt Romney's mother speaking about Mitt Romney's father who came from Mexico as a refugee, they were allowed in with almost no vetting.........and they were given welfare payments for the "first years of their lives" in America. In her own words: I love seeing stupid people who don't know just HOW stupid they really are.
  12. No. It. Wouldn't. If Amazon or Microsoft make a single monetary transaction as a business WITHIN THE UNITED STATES, they have to have a place of business within the United States. They would pay taxes, no matter what. If a rich person RECEIVES THEIR INCOME FROM THE UNITED STATES...........they pay US income taxes. There is no way around that. You don't know what you are talking about.
  13. Riiiiight. All of those Jews, Germans, Italians, Polish, Irish people came to the United States JUST RECENTLY in the early 2000's. The Godfather is a movie from 2006, apparently. There's a good chance that you really are just dumb at piecing together information, and your xenophobia makes you come to stupid conclusions.
  14. Ah.........so globalism. Congrats on just completely demolishing your entire alt-right foundation, right there.
  15. Nope, you have absolutely no proof of this, nor would you have any examples. In the 1940's, we created Social Security, we created Unemployment Insurance. You are right about one thing. Corporate Welfare today is much, MUCH bigger than it was back in the 1950's. But that's not what you are complaining about.........you think this entire COUNTRY is being drained because "other people" are buying $30 worth of groceries with food stamps every week?
  16. LOL Republicans actively go around saying that we should go back to the 1950's, completely unaware that the reason we could afford things like a National Highway System and Infrstructure projects was because of how we taxed the ultra-rich. The only person who doesn't have an argument is you. You really don't know shit about policy or history, do you?
  17. You're not going get taken serious when you use stupid made up terms like identitarian. Its a poor excuse, if you're an adult, then the policy is all that matters. Instead, it appears that you just try to find up reasons for not paying attention and not supporting things. Intentional victim-complex. Maybe I should create a term for it, sometime.
  18. ghostz rambling off several posts, but this one is the silliest. Looks like somebody has been reading right-wing websites again. The theory that Ocasio-Cortez is "well-off." Then I guess Dwight D. Eisenhower was a high-schooler. Because the top tax rate for the ultra-rich was 90% back in the 1950's. And it was lowered to 70% all the way until it got to Reagan. So what Ocasio-Cortez is proposing is NOT EVEN NEW, this was being done in this country 40 years ago. This thread is 100% vini, look what he ended up prioritizing over a
  19. did you have a mild stroke while typing that. LOL
  20. LOL they are now into Day 4 and are still talking about it.
  21. i'm sure its reasonable for you; the idea of you touching non-white skin must be quite concerning, and you'd ask tons of questions.
  22. LOL this is jonb's idea of a computer joke surprised he didn't type "beep-boop" as well.
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