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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Lemmings completely self-owned themselves.. This is amazing.
  2. Wait a minute. So you just listed the Xbox One with 13 multiplats from 2018. The Switch has 11 multiplats from 2018 + exclusives + games that do not exist on any other active platform. Did Dynocrap just SERIOUSLY CONFIRM THIS????????
  3. No, they don't. They answer to shareholders, who can get rid of the CEO at anytime. The shareholders own the company..........they are the CEO's boss. Its a publicly-traded company. Let me know when you can actually prove that a Jew, or Jews have MAJORITY ownership.
  4. In the SAME order, again. OMG, it even has Dynocrap adding a smiley to lynux's post, exactly the same. 3-team NPC.
  5. lynux is getting threatened. SO MUCH that he's actually teaming up with lemmings. Some of the weaker cows are getting threatened by Switch. They're lucky the Switch didn't come out in 2015.........or else it would've surpassed the PS4 by now.
  6. Wait a minute, is Remij relying on Twitch views AGAIN?
  7. The butthurt is coming in. And its great to see the (weaker) cows now teaming up with the lemmings because they are threatened by the Switch rocketing.
  8. So at a bank that has a Jewish name............the Jews don't even have the majority control? That's like Def Jam records having an executive staff in which black people only make up about half, and the rest are white. Would that be an authentically black-controlled company?
  9. I'm actually making him type his Jewish conspiracies out loud. The best way for people to see how to stupid this is............is to MAKE HIM explain it.
  10. Its your words................you either mean them, or you don't. Hmmmmmmm, only one full Jewish person, the other is predominantly German, and the other two were from English and Irish backgrounds. And the real Jew had the lowest position. But you already knew that..............you researched it. I mean, its not like you were stupid enough to comment on it just by looking at the NAME Lehman, right? LOL
  11. SO you got evidence of these Jews hanging out together? Mark Rich, George Soros, the Rothchilds, etc? Let's see, rich white people getting away with crimes. Hmmm.........how many Lehman Brothers, Enron, Worldcom executives can I find?
  12. Wow, nice research. You discovered the Rothchilds, huh? So you think these Jews are working together?. Because I'm pretty sure I can list you 10 rich white people who got away, doing things because they were rich, not because they were white. I also like how you have now WATERED THEM DOWN SOME MORE..........they're not even predominantly Jewish, they just have to have some Jewish descent in order for your theories to work.
  13. So now you've watered it down to families making over $100K a year. I thought you have been talking about the SUPER wealthy CONTROLLING THE BANKS.????????????? Hmmmm, very small population that is usually only known in living in the Northeastern US, that has the highest cost of living just so happens to have the highest amount of families making $100,000+ in household income. Gasp!
  14. Can you imagine what the next mainline Pokemon games are going to do next year around the holidays? Sony will not release a major exclusive of theirs during that time, and I bet most third-parties, except Call of Duty, will stay away from the Pokemon release date.
  15. I like how he tries to format his conspiracy theory into a smaller scope that doesn't look at conspicuous. Tell me, how many of the world's wealthy are jewish? Break it down for me? Clearly you should already know this, if you've been thinking about this for a while.
  16. Ah, so you would understand white people getting pressure regarding in America. GOOD TO SEE you agree with the leftists on this issue. You let me know when those Jews are making their move!!!
  17. Yeah dude..............BUT. don't you think that school teachers in West Michigan telling their 2nd grade student that they can call themselves either a boy or girl is the BIGGER issue in America, and we need to focus on stories like those and put our effort and attention on THOSE incidents. ......like ALL the time, to the point where we just don't have time to notice what President so-and-so and the Grand so-and-so Party in Washington are doing? R
  18. They sold 2.36 million in Japan in December, alone. I don't know if that is counting digital. So that puts it at 5.96 million before we count US Digital, and before we count Europe. My God.
  19. They will for lemmings if the fail to pay their $10 monthly Game Pass fee.
  20. oh man, now they're really going to lose their shit in this thread.
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