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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Yeah, the guy telling you that you shouldn't be offended and laughing at you and making fun of your manhood.........is the one losing their shit. I encourage you to practice trying to act confident, eventually you'll get there. LOL
  2. Are the mods actually seeing this shit? Don't ever accuse us of stereotyping you, ever again. Wow.
  3. Then treat it as petty and delusional. Let us know next time "leftists" on here are making threads about a commercial, and lose their shit talking about it for two weeks.
  4. Oh, now he's going on the offensive, he's the one who's gonna be acting like the man 'round here.
  5. It would be appropriate for me to offend you by posting a white guy. I posted a photo of a cool, calm, manly guy smugly chuckling at something he doesn't understand. Make no mistake...........I don't associate you guys with the man in that gif. Not in the slightest.
  6. Except I never went around saying you guys are losing your shit because the ad is DIFFERENT. I went around saying you guys are losing your shit because YOU BELIEVE the ad is OFFENSIVE. Nice try and trying to subtlety change what is being argued here. You guys aren't saying "OH MY GOD>.....I loved the way Gillette ads were the way before, and they CHANGED IT!" You guys are whining because you think the ad offends you. Every ad campaign has modernized to hint at today's world. You want commercials to be like the ones you see in the
  7. Arrest them???? Dude.......you have a genuine problem with trying to be a victim. The moment I point it out, you're gonna try and act like the complete opposite. Oh man, you guys are just straight up failing at acting like men, right now. You sound even worse than Dynocrap with the Braveheart-argument.
  8. Holy shit, you guys are still talking about the Gilette ad? They Already Have Those Commercials For like the past 30 years: Dude, you guys seriously cannot act like this out in public. I'm trying to fucking HELP YOU. Do NOT go around to your family, your friends, and women whining as much as you guys have done here. Oh my god, I didn't know that today's men were...............like this. Thank god I technically fall between Gen-X and Millennial.
  9. Nope. My mindset is that you can't fix it, unless you realize the scope of it. Chris Rock said it best. Black rights have only progressed as far as White people have allowed themselves to "progress."
  10. Dynocrap says that kids have "blackout" where they dress in all black. Still doesn't explain how some kids painted themselves black, and then put white outline around their eyes and their lips. Dynocrap proceeded to lose his shit after that. Covington Catholic School has done what EVERY INNOCENT group would do...........they've hired a PR firm (no, seriously, they just did that). They tried deleting that video from their Youtube page, but people were able to save it and re-upload it.
  11. It sure does seem like you are losing sleep and freaking the fuck out. And yeah............you CAN'T say shit. You want to know why????????????? because you want those fat, pink-haired college campus feminists to shut up. But you apparently don't hold YOURSELF to that standard? You're allowed to whine all day, for weeks?????? You can't have it both ways. You can't tell others that they have to stop whining..........and then you CONTINUE WHINING? Right????
  12. Nope. Trump said MEXICO WILL PAY FOR IT. So, go get them to pay for it. Did you think we would forget????????
  13. No, they don't. That tunnel would have been allowing many more to pass through for a long time before they discovered it. When the reaction time is HOURS, and possibly even DAYS......its not going to work. The best deterrent is the desert. And that's already been built.
  14. Your comment is quite meta. Because I am sure that you DO notice when white people seem to get this attention and this pressure, and its because of their race. I get it.......you do notice that. And you notice........because you are white and it comes easily for you to see that. But you don't understand that IF YOU SEE that, then it is only logical that you DON'T SEE other races and the pressure they get? If you're not black, then you don't instinctively see how they get it. If you're not Hispanic, then you don't instinctively se
  15. Wait a minute...........Dynocrap intentionally fudged the numbers to make it appear as if Xbox beat the PS4?????? Either he intentionally did it............which is just an act of patheticness Or he's just dumb with numbers. I'm happy with either conclusion. LOL
  16. Then I guess it doesn't take much to shame you. I'll ask you, once again.............[Alec Baldwin] you think this is abuse?
  17. Its not actual protection. Even Border Patrol knows it isn't: For the seventh year in a row........the majority of immigration offenders are through over-extended visas. Almost DOUBLE of the type of border crossers that the wall is supposedly meant for. https://www.npr.org/2019/01/16/686056668/for-seventh-consecutive-year-visa-overstays-exceeded-illegal-border-crossings You see, David..............let's be honest here. The people have been given this information before. They know the wall doesn't actually work. It doesn't sto
  18. Nah......you just talked about it for a week and a half, that's all. A commercial in which it showed regulars guys standing and just contemplating, while a narattor says "be respectful, and teach your children to be the same" and that caused you to type ALL o this stuff that you've typed since. God on knows how many words went through your head that you DIDN'T type here. I mean dude............I had forgotten about the GIlette commercial, and now we are talking about it again because YOU BROUGHT IT UP. Jesus. I'm not the one making you look this
  19. Oh yeah, you guys lost your shit being called Deplorables. Hillary and her team came up with the most lamest, thesaurus-laden word they could think of, and the right-wingers talked about it for months. If I called you guys "unbecoming" you'd probably lose your shit, right now. LOL
  20. You're a weak man. Its plain and simple. You think that is abuse?
  21. Little too late to start projecting. We didn't start this "culture war"....... the right wingers did. And you're trying to peddle the idea that you were just chilling, and one day the left started provoking you? LOL yeah, right.
  22. We literally have people defending Trump that he is not a racist. After Trump's entire known history of purposely doing racist things, saying racist things. Wow. The sad part is these guys who are defending him........they actually do know that he's a racists......they're siding with Trump because Trump represents their right-wing values. This is the perfect explanation of today's right-wing. They will CONDONE such people on their side. Let me tell you something..........Black Nation of Israel sure as hell isn't on my side.
  23. I didn't want people to "ignore" the commercial. The commercial had nothing to be offended about..........therefore people losing their shit is a sign of WEAK MEAN. You are weak. A fucking commercial says "we need to be respectful, teach our boys right, not talk down to women." And you know how you guys acted like? Fat, pink-haired, college feminists freaking out. Don't say that you didn't because you did. "Toxic masculinity".........you even TALKING LIKE THEM. Yes, you are "using their tactics."
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