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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. But, if we purely running on statistics and common sense observation. Interracial relationships ARE MORE COMMON. The agenda here is common sense representation of reality. That's like you getting mad because almost 50% of all characters you see in video games are women, and you think there's "an agenda" behind it.
  2. They are mad because they NEED gilette razors. How badly do they need GIlette?????????? This badly:
  3. No it isn't. Even jonb knew it wasn't. And you............have a history is mis-reading posts You already know you mis-read this one. LOL the great thing is how you just admitted that one side isn't racist (the left), and the alt-right'ers are racist. Thank you. You are declaring things about the alt-right that I've never done before.
  4. lol i made you lose yours forget "made"............i'm still making. LOL
  5. This one is, because their costs are subsidized with the patients that come in there that are Canadians. They are performing the same procedure, but charging him instead of the government. The reason why the procedure costs $6000 is because the hospital costs are stabilized by the fact that all customers are covered by universal healthcare, and the price is negotiated with one single payer instead of a free market system. I love how you pretend to play stupid. You just used Rand Paul as your attempt to sound smart. I just proved to you that he
  6. Where did you ever successfully prove that interracial relationships is inherently disgusting? Also, if you were the one talking about "the impressionable youth" then your argument cuts BOTH WAYS. By your logic.........you are saying that media should strictly enforce images of whites only having relationships with whites. And that means that "the impressionable youth" MUST SEE that image. Which means that you have INTENT here. Your intention is to send the MESSAGE to "the impressionable youth" that "whites belong with whites.........and if you
  7. If not Black Friday/mid-December, then I am not sure they do that $100-off sale at any other point during the year.
  8. Where did I say that I was not a leftie? Where did I make a DECLARATION of that? Because if the average person read's what jonb typed, and then reads what I typed...........they'd be able to tell that I'm following jonb's claim, and not making any declarations. But you can't even get to average, can you?
  9. Dude, you know its bad when DYNOCRAP, of all people.............Mr. I-fucking-believe-in Eugenics-in-the-year-2019............is actually staking a reasonable position compared to the other two guys. Now...........is Dynocrap understanding of interracial relationships because its a Microsoft game and he's just a fanboy? Mos'Definitely. But its still better than the other two guys going at it.
  10. That's subsidized because of the healthcare system in Canada. It cost $6000-$8000 for the hernia treatment. I hope you understand how this demolishes not just ONE tenet of Rand Paul's (and daddy Ron Paul, and the entire libertarian) ideology.........but TWO tenets of the ideology. Rand Paul believe that it is only just that the product or service be sold at its free market price.......which isn't the case, because he is getting a LOW PRICE because its subsidized through socialism. Rand Paul is paying cash............but he's paying a LOW LOW PRI
  11. I don't understand what, exactly, is happening here. Is one right-wing xenophobe arguing with another right-winger about their differences in how disgusted they are about diversity? And after all of that, they attempt to say that they aren't bigots even though they just admitted that the thought of JUST SEEING interracial relationships disgusts him to no end. Am I reading that correctly?
  12. That's my guess. Its been reported that they're not calling it Forza 8 this year. They are saving that title for the next-gen Forza. And that its supposed to be a major update (they're selling it for money, obvious).
  13. In that you posted something from a man whose credibility is so shot that he just did the very thing that contradicts his entire career and reputation? I'm not the one who is committing neglect here.
  14. What do you think the 2019 "update" for Forza is going to be? They're not calling it Forza 8 this year, that is what has been reported. Its just going to be a "major update." They're going to implement seasons and those online social features that they introduced in FH4.
  15. That couldn't be more perfect. You listening to a libertarian who just flew to Canada to get hernia surgery in a country with universal healthcare. Just absolutely perfect that you relied on him to make you sound smart.
  16. Marisa Tomei, probably.
  17. That's because they implements dynamic seasons in later Fast & Furious movies. You see. The seasons. They change everything.
  18. Well, he does wear the same clothes in almost every movie. Which instantly reminds me of the Forza series.
  19. No I never spoke about independent. The most recent remarks I've made are about Centrists. Centrists aren't Independents. So looks like you run away from answering another simple yes or no question. Too bad.
  20. Man you activated that butthurt like Paul Walker activating the NOS in his first street race in FF1.
  21. So alt-righters are bigots, then? That's the logic you are establishing. You said that I am no longer a leftie, and how now come to an agreement, both you and jonb, that I'm an alt-right'er. Therefore you two are making the logical conclusion that alt-right'ers are racists bigots. Right? Simple Yes or No question.
  22. Does that sound like me making a declaration about myself? Or me responding to jonb saying that I am not actually a leftie? That was the best he could come up with.
  23. Sure. Remember that next time you see Jamie Lee Curtis on-screen.
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